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Looking for an RPG group


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As title, I'm looking for an RPG group where I can be a player. Presently I don't really care which system, as I've been without an RPG group for some time. I do want to do a pen and paper RPG, not something on a PC or other digital format.


I'm in the beaverton/hillsboro area, near the Quatama MAX station. Ideally, RPG group should be short travel time for me.


Reply or PM if you know of one. Thanks.

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As title, I'm looking for an RPG group where I can be a player. Presently I don't really care which system, as I've been without an RPG group for some time. I do want to do a pen and paper RPG, not something on a PC or other digital format. I am looking for a consistent group, not one that switches systems every few sessions.


I'm in the beaverton/hillsboro area, near the Quatama MAX station. Ideally, RPG group should be short travel time for me.


Reply or PM if you know of one. Thanks.

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check it out, that's where I'm playing.  The DM (buddy from high school) lives in Bend.  I'm in Kentucky and the other player is up in Boston.  We play utilizing the GUI and skype. There's all sorts of campaigns and groups.  I'm sure you can find one or three to join.

  That's cool!


 I was checking out Fantasy Grounds with my online game guild a few years back but found it to be a bit too confusing for me.This looks a lot more streamlined:)


  Wonder if they do 40k Roleplay..been wanting to try out Rogue Trader.

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The big thing with the maps and stuff is they want you to purchase content from other users that have made and uploaded things into the store OR upload your own stuff.  Playing a fantasy campaign, this site is awesome: http://pyromancers.com/dungeon-painter-online/

You are able to make a pretty high quality map and export it as pdf or jpg and then upload it onto roll20.  You can set roll20 up to work on 3.5/pathfinder grid, a hexgrid, or no grid.  when "rolling" dice, you type "/roll XdY+Z" allowing you to roll any type of dice (imagined or otherwise) in any quantity with any modifiers.  I'm not sure what Rogue Trader uses for dice, but there is no concern about that.  Possessing a copy (digital or physical) of the books you need goes a long way for playing.  I haven't seen RT campaigns on there, but I haven't looked for them, either.  

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check it out, that's where I'm playing.  The DM (buddy from high school) lives in Bend.  I'm in Kentucky and the other player is up in Boston.  We play utilizing the GUI and skype. There's all sorts of campaigns and groups.  I'm sure you can find one or three to join.

Forgot about this thread and came back to excellent suggestions. Thanks.

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