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2018 OFCC 40K Team Event - Players Guide - BETA


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Normally, I harass the senators to review prior to publishing but why not leverage the broader community. 🙂

Here is the nearly complete Player's Guide, so feel free to comment away. I would saw it's 99% finished but that was before my bright idea of letting you all see it. 🙂

Welcome to the 2018 OFCC 40K Team Event Players Guide!

This post will outline everything you need to know to play in this year's 40K Team event. This is a 2 day, 5 round event on August 25th and 26th.

As you read through this guide, you will notice that this event is not referred to as a tournament. OFCC is about focusing on the experience and not the outcome. There is nothing wrong with wanting to perform well and to celebrate victory, but if that is your sole motivator for playing at OFCC then you may be disappointed.

The Basics:

  • This a team event and it requires every player to be a member of a team in order to participate
  • If you are new to Ordo or new to OFCC this can feel like a pretty big barrier, but there are several options available to you
    • Join an existing team
      • As players come and go from our hobby and our area, we have existing teams looking to fill opening with new players
      • These connections are normally made through the Ordo forums, but can also be done through the Ordo Facebook group
      • Watch for posts and/or start a post and make your interest known
    • Start a new team
      • Due to the popularity of the event, we are regularly adding new teams of players to join us annually
      • Taking the initiative to join other interested players to form a new team is a great way to dive into the OFCC experience with both feet
    • Offer to play as a ringer
      • If you are not ready to make the commitment to join an existing team or start a new one and would just like to check out OFCC, maybe offering to be a ringer would be a better fit
      • Ringers are standby players who are available to fill in due to absence or illness during the event weekend
      • Although there is no guarantee of play, many times ringers have an opportunity get a game or two in over the weekend
  • If anyone is interested in playing and doesn't know where to start, you can always reach out to me via email or PM

Team Requirements:

  • The team size is 4 players
  • One team member must be designated as the Captain
  • Due to the added responsibility required of being a team captain, players must be approved to become a team captain
    • Approval can be through forum post, PM, or email
    • A list of all teams and their approved captains will posted publicly and updated regularly

Becoming a Captain:

  • For returning captain's, the approval process will be little more than a formality as they are generally familiar with the duties and responsibilities required for that role
  • For new captains, the approval process is not designed to serve a gate to restrict your access to the event but rather an opportunity to prepare you to be successful in that role and ensure you want to take on the additional responsibility 
  • Any player looking to become a captain for their team can contact me via email, PM, or through the dedicated post that will be started shortly after this guide is published

Captain's Responsibilities:

Team Captains are the true heroes of OFCC, and greatly contribute to what makes this event a success.

Team Captains will be asked to:

  • Submit a Team Roster by email or PM containing the following details as they receive them:image.png
  • Review the team's army lists and have them submitted on time
  • Remind their team to purchase their event tickets
  • Ensure the team meets OFCC painting and basing minimums
  • Educate new players about the spirit of OFCC
  • Determine player matches during the event
  • Review scoring sheets and report game results during the event

List Rating and Matches:

  • There will be no list rating this year, but captains are expected to review and submit lists prior to the event
  • This year we are returning to Team vs Team competition, with Captains determining the match ups each round
  • Also, Teams will have the ability to prearrange Challenge Matches for each of their games on Saturday

Challenge Matches:

  • Challenge matches are optional, and not required for play on Saturday
  • All challenge matches must be prearranged by 8/1/2018
  • Both Captains must agree to the challenge match 
  • Only fully paid teams are qualified to arrange challenge matches
  • After 8/1, challenge matches cannot be changed
  • Challenge matches must be arranged through the Captain's forum, via email, or by sending me a PM
    • Challenge matches must be confirmed by me before they will be scheduled, do not assume it is been scheduled until you receive your confirmation
    • A list of all confirmed challenge matches will be publicly posted

List Building Restrictions:

OFCC is about celebrating our hobby, demonstrating good sportsmanship, and playing fun games. Players are encouraged to bring armies that reinforce those values. This event is designed to encourage and reward players who embrace the experience.

  • The army size must be no more than 2,000 points
  • It can include any 40K units from any number of 40K approved Games Workshop or Forgeworld sources
  • The maximum number of detachments your army can contain is 4
  • The number of times each datasheet can be included is 4

Note - You will notice the detachment limit and duplicate datasheet limit set at 4 rather than 3 for this event. This additional flexibility is meant to provide our players with the freedom of creativity in building a fun and thematic army within the spirit of the event.

List Building Guidance:

Over the years, OFCC has taken many approaches to list construction. We have used rating systems, review processes, unit restrictions, and list building guidelines with varying degrees of success. All of these systems were used to serve a common purpose, which was to foster an environment where every player had their best chance to play 5 great games.

This year, I will outline a few things to avoid when building your lists for OFCC.

Baring the near countless special abilities present in the units across the 40K universe, most things can be boiled down to their lethality and durability. When you compare the damage dealt or taken versus their points cost, you will develop a sense of how lethal or durable they are in comparison to other units in your army and, with enough experience, their overall effectiveness in the larger universe. It is not a bad thing to want to make good choices for your army or play with the best units, the problem is when those choices are taken to the extreme. When that happens then there is little room for casual or friendly play.

Enough preaching, here is the actual outline:

  • It is okay to take effective units from your Codex, but avoid maximizing those choices
    (no need to search ebay for more Dark Reapers)
  • Extremely lethal or extremely durable units can be unpopular, use with caution
    (I'm talking about you Porphyrion)
  • Building a force that dominates one phase of the game will always be tough on your opponent
    (those lower sportsmanship scores may be tied to resolving shooting for 47 units every turn)

Take advantage of the relative safety of the OFCC gaming environment to make diverse and unique choices for your army. Between Captain's match ups and challenges rounds, it would be hard to find a better place to bring something crazy and different. 

Captains will be asked to review list from their team and will be encouraged to post that list on the Captain's forum to review with their peers.

    Event Specific Rules:

    • This event will use the Games Workshop 8th Edition 40K rules and the Games Workshop official FAQ documents, including the FAQ document released in April of 2018
      • The beta rule Tactical Reserves will be used during the 2018 OFCC 40K Team Event
        • I feel this rule enhances game play and will lead to closer games, which is in the spirit of the OFCC
      • The beta rule Battle Brothers will not be used during the 2018 OFCC 40K Team Event
        • Although I see the need for this rule in normal match play events, OFCC encourages more freedom in list construction and we provide direction in the section List Building Guidance 

    What to Bring:

    • Your painted and based army (see Painting and Basing Requirements)
    • Dice
    • Tape measure
    • A printed copy of your army list
    • A good attitude and desire to have fun

      Painting and Basing Requirements:

      • All models within OFCC armies must be fully painted and based
      • Painting must include 3+ colors
      • Effort must be made to transform or replace the bare plastic base
      • Models that fail to meet the event minimum cannot be used during the event

      Models, Counts As and WYSIWYG:

      • Games Workshop models are not required for this event
      • Alternate models should reflect the same scale as the Games Workshop equivalent
      • Weapon upgrades and certain model specific wargear should be represented on the equipped model
        • It is impossible to outline all the examples, so here is a good rule to follow
          • If a unit would be impacted by the removal of something equipped to a specific model (banner, special weapon, etc.) then it must be represented
      • Proxies are not allowed in the 40K Team Event
        • A proxy is a placeholder when you don't have an appropriate model to use
      • Counts As armies are allowed during the 40K event with the following guidelines:
        • Effort must be made to represent the model/unit in question
        • Representation must be consistent across the army
        • It is the responsibility of the player who bring a Counts As army to inform their opponent early and often about what is being represented
        • Any specific questions or additional guidance should be directed to me


        The Team Based Awards available this year will be:

        • Best Painted
        • Best Spirit
        • Marshall Johnson Award (Best Sportsman)
        • Best Overall
          • Best Overall will be calculated from 40% Sports, 25% Painting, 30% Spirit, and 5% Captain Achievements
            • The list of Captain Achievements will be published prior to the event

        Note: Although we do not award a Best General, we do track battle scores and use them to break ties in all award categories

        Also, the bonus award Roll For Initiative will earned by the first fully paid 40K team


        The Mission Pack will be published on June 1st and will contain 4 of the OFCC 40K Missions. The secret 5th mission will not be revealed until OFCC weekend.

        Event Scoring by Category:

        Each team will have the ability to earn points in each scoring category (Paint, Spirit, Sports) before the event AND during the event. The total points scored will determine team's position in each category and contribute to calculating the scores for Best Overall.

        Pre-Event Scoring:

        Each player/army that achieves one of the below items will score 1 point per completion. If all players on a team achieve the same item they will receive a bonus point. 


        • Photo Spread - Team post on the Ordo Forums with pictures of each army
        • Early Screening - Display your army Friday evening for paint judging


        • Advanced Planning - List submitted for review before 7/28/2018
        • All In - Ticket purchased before 7/14/2018


        • Going Old School - Sources?!? You mean source! Your whole army fits within a single Detachment with no single model over 400 points or over 20 wounds
        • No surprises - Start a dedicated post on the Ordo 40K Forums for your team, then add information about your players and their army lists

        List Submissions:

        • All army lists should be emailed to 40K.OFCC@gmail.com
        • Army lists should include all units, wargear, corresponding points cost, and source(s)
        • Include the name of the Team in the title of the email and label each list with the name of the player


        For any questions, please feel free to reach out to me in the following ways:

        • Send a PM through the forums
        • Reach out via Facebook
        • Send an email to 40K.OFCC@gmail.com
        • Stop by in person at WOW on a Tuesday night

        We look forward to seeing you in August!

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        4 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

        Two questions:

        1) If lists aren't being rated, are we still supposed to send them to 40k.OFCC@gmail.com?

        2) Anybody need a team mate?

        Yes, I am still asking to receive lists to for review just not rating. By doing that I know that both myself and the captain at least have had a chance to see the list prior to the event. 🙂

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        On 4/25/2018 at 7:45 AM, PumpkinHead said:

        What is your take on non chargeable units because there is not space to fit a charging model?

        Good question....right now I am leaning toward FAQ as written since I am hesitant to modify rules. Let's see how this plays out in the community in the coming months.

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        4 hours ago, evil_bryan said:

        No cut-off date for the event, but there is a theoretical limit due to space.

        When were you hoping to sign up?

        There are three of us and one doesn't have a painted army, so we're not sure what we want to do -- nothing motivates like a deadline, though 🙂


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        4 hours ago, pappasa said:

        Do the FORGE WORLD ADEPTUS CUSTODES RULES PREVIEW, aka FW Custode Beta Rules, count as part of the "40K approved Games Workshop or Forgeworld sources"?

        Hmmmm.....good question, I hesitate a bit due to the following sentence:

        "All rules in this document reflect an early version of the development process and are entirely experimental and subject to change in future publications. As such, these rules are best tested with the agreement of all players involved."

        Have they announced a date when the actual product is being released?

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        28 minutes ago, evil_bryan said:

        Hmmmm.....good question, I hesitate a bit due to the following sentence:

        "All rules in this document reflect an early version of the development process and are entirely experimental and subject to change in future publications. As such, these rules are best tested with the agreement of all players involved."

        Have they announced a date when the actual product is being released?

        I am not sure - I am mostly looking for an excuse to buy and paint a couple of those tanks so I can try some free hand techniques on them - hahaha!

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        On 4/30/2018 at 4:34 PM, evil_bryan said:

        Hmmmm.....good question, I hesitate a bit due to the following sentence:

        "All rules in this document reflect an early version of the development process and are entirely experimental and subject to change in future publications. As such, these rules are best tested with the agreement of all players involved."

        Have they announced a date when the actual product is being released?

        They did that to shut us up, cuz they were saying the book would be out last year. 

        It's also the reason they gave us as to why they didn't include the Custodes stuff in IA Index, cuz the book was going to be released shortly thereafter.

        The Beta Rules are our PDF sisters codex.

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        On 4/30/2018 at 4:44 AM, evil_bryan said:

        Excellent question....the general 40K forum will get the most views, so that would be the place I'd recommend. 

        Do you want to start a single thread for the team posts on the 40K forum for each captain to add theirs or do you want each captain to post their own thread for their Team.



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        On 3/26/2018 at 2:16 AM, evil_bryan said:


        • Going Old School - Single Combined Arms Detachment from a single source with no flyers, super heavies, or gargantuan creatures
        • No surprises - Team post on the Ordo Forums with information about your players and their army lists


        Going old school: does this mean we build our list within the unit confines of the old CAD. or does this mean a single battalion in 8th?

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        20 hours ago, Manethak said:

        @Craeat The approach I would take is use the size limits of the old CAD system, but fit it into a single battalion. Is this correct Bryan, or would these lists be foregoing command points all together?

        I may need to re-work this slightly as it was written back in 7th and the language could be clearer 🙂

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