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DPs infinity blerg

Don't Panic

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played the acon bros today along with the marut list.  acon went against their fellow pano brothas in exiles's vanilla pano.  i think the board really favored snipers and my sapper sniper go the better against exile's nisse sniper.  the TR bot also dropped by aro to the tikbalang.  after that head to head he was pretty locked down.  so i was able to press a bit with montessa which eventually went down and i followed up with guarda to take out the drop traitor sikh(you fight for acon dangit!) that killed the montessa.  spec shots didnt really work as well as planned but to be honest i was fine with it with the way dice were rolling otherwise in my favor!  he did some pretty sneaky stuff with joan but couldnt punch through against guarda in suppressive fire.  he did kill the naga hacker as well.  so ended up going well for the jungle guys!  sad about montessa not being as nasty as i thought it might but the sapper is just going to be a nightmare in open boards.  i was pondering running two sappers and i now see thats a little over the top lol.  definitely need the extra swc for button pushing... 

second game was cut short as seth needed to get back and help out the mrs!  we played 1 turn though.  went quite well for me as marut killed the double neuro hmgs and two of the zero smoke guys.  naga then was free to run up and cause havoc.  laid 2 mines and killed his FO.  in his turn he had the remaining 2 smoke guys die in ARO to the marut and mines(who i placed on a building along with my smoke myrmidon).  with his last few orders he brought up the link team and ate a boarding shotgun that took out 2 of the 3.  he had to take off at that point.   we'll get another game in sometime!

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last night played against other nate from iowa.  he brought SP so i brought my acon list.  i only had one list and we did the armory.  retrospect: if you are making a list for armory, dont bring TAGs or large remotes lol.  i didnt make the list for it but found out it to be quite difficult for the list i brought.  didnt matter as it was an awesome epic game i felt.  i brought what will be 1 of my 2 ITS lists.  has tony macayana(until she dies im using her lol), regular link with a paramedic, sensor and sapper sniper, montessa with LGL, 2 nagas(one hacker one mono mines) and im using my engineer from dire foes as my machinist lol.  oh and a sneaky surprise in the second list being a BS akali.  

he had a pretty standard steel list.  thrasymedes link,  machaon link plus a CoC w BS along with hacker(pain in my butt...).  then achilles v2, agema missile launcher and 2 netrods.  think that was it.  so he won the roll and elected to go 2nd.  i took the more crowded side.  put sapper in a corner with as much view as possible.  placed nagas aggressively and put montessa on a rooftop prone in the middle.  then had tony overlooking right side with machinist.  he had thraysmedes behind a building on left side, achilles slightly forward prone on left, myrmidon link in far back building.  agema opposite hiding.  

i was stripped of 2 orders and had 8 orders to do things.  so i spec shot i think 4 times at thrasymedes link and failed every single time above an 11 i think or failed regardless in FtF.  that becomes a theme and is making rethink the montessa LGL but i know average wise that wont happen very often.  moved monomine naga near achilles.  moved naga hacker in the building and looted.  he became a super naga in ARM. 

his turn he brings myrmidon link forward and smokes.  i do happen to catch machaon and kill him with sapper.  so that makes it obvious that his lt is achilles as thats his only option left lol.  he brings link team into building and kills naga.  i stupidly keep forgetting MA and stealth... noobtastic.  dogged made it annoying for him though.  he looted and locked down the objective room with smoke and covering sides.

thraysmedes was still in an annoying position so i tried 3 more spec shots on 11s.  failed them all.  so i had to just risk it and ran the mono mine guy to the room to set mines and then blitz in to kill the link.  he hit the naga of course with the LRL and killed the mine plus naga but i got one down at least near achilles due to dogged.  super frustrating but eh.  brought tony in to take a shot at myrmidon through door.  he smoke dodged her.  i just suppression fired tony and montessa(montessa tried combi shot at thrasymedes but failed of course) taking shots while doing it but lived to stay in it.  

his turn he moved around in the room which gave me an aro and killed 1 myrmidon to break the link.  think he moved the agema into first group.  cant remember precisely what happened but he was playing the objective...

my last ditch effort was akali.  dropped next to room.  somehow successfully.  then killed hacker which was key but went down as well from other aro.  didnt care as the hacker is all i cared about.  brought tony and machinist up.  tony killed remaining myridon.  machinist went in looted as well to tie that objective.  tony laid a mine and sat in a doorway looking in but obviously not able to be in scoring position.  that was my hail mary.

so he had montessa in suppressive to deal with, the mono mine and tony.  i still had a chance if dice went my way but good strategy should be able to crack what i did.  and he did lol.  threw thrasymedes on the mine(that was the ultimate nutt punch from that jerk surviving all the fire).  kicked montessa out of suppressive fire by range with agema.  then ran achilles up to the room and survived the combi/hmg/mine AROs and the HFT from Tony to score.  ARM6 on the new version is GREAT for this scenerio lol.  so he won 6-0 as none of us got classified(mine was engineer tony and hacking which hacker died due to my stupidity of not realizing how to use it lol).  great game overall.  i have a lot to learn about acon as i definitely need to learn to get my link team up the board with the time comes.  


as for painting, got most of my guys pretty close but working on sikh, bagh mari and engineer.  hopefully be done soon..

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yesterday got to play paradiso mission 101 with jay.  started off really well with the sapper sniper picking off pretty much everything it could see. when you are hitting with DA on 15s or 18s you are in a happy place. issue was stinking ninjas/oni/shinobu.  i stupidly forgot his ninja was a hacker and lost Tony due to that possession.  since it was during my turn i decided to just off tony with a mono mine(didnt have a regular hacker so couldnt cancel the state which means he could have rampaged me during his turn..).  so hurray i killed my own TAG!!!  the only guy who survived sight from the sniper was of course the engineer so he just went up with smoke from shinobu and took all the objectives.  my hacker got hacked to pieces by shinobu as well.  so yea well played by him!  i really love that paradiso mission. was a bit confusing on how to score the last part but i think we did it right.  excited to play some more of them cause they are kinda cool.  not having any of my infiltrators pass their rolls and not allowing mech deployment really hurt me.  he passed 2 of his 3 which helped him get the objectives.  kind of strange to see a game have advantages go by infiltration rolls lol.  next time ill read the mission closer rather than winging it ha.

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could post this in 'game night' but noone seems to look up there :P  .  if anyone is looking for an ITS/paradiso game this week sometime let me know.   need to get more familiar with acontecimento and how to use them for scenerios.   i unfortunately cant really afford to go each sunday now to the club('sigh' in penny saving mode right now... i havent ate this much ramen since college lol) so im looking for my games elsewhere... 

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got to play 102 for paradiso with jay yesterday.  i brought aleph cause i wanted to play a weird list(plus it required baggage bots which i only have with aleph..).  there were 5 stations that we had to configure in order of whatever we roll.  #1-2 are on your side left to right 2 inches off board and your deployment zone.  #4-5 were on your opponents side opposite in same fashion.  #3 was in the middle of the board.  so this one was absolutely absurd because you had to connect 4 of them based on your sequence with ONE model.  you can pick it up if your model dies but man is that difficult.  we were playing by campaign rules so jay got to choose his sequence because he won last time and that was the perk!  pretty big advantage seeing as when i got the sequence i rolled a 20 and of course that was the worst one imaginable(1,2,4,5... and you have to do them in order!).  even moreso being terrible is the one that started was on the opposite side of my asura hacker which is what i wanted to use for the scenerio.  so my mk2 had to attempt it.  oh as for list, i brought 2 baggage bots, 3 netrods, ekromoi hacker, asura hacker, proxy girls, penny!, zayin, dasyu sniper and deva with her bot. jay brought his TAG, ninja hacker, shinobu, keisotsu link with hacker and hmg, 2 bikers.... think that was it?  probably forgetting something..

so i took first turn.  we had a table of death and we both realized quickly that his TAG couldnt fit very many places and neither could our 3 bikes.  made things a little nutty.  i used pennys impetous order to run up the right side near his link team and overlook the near objective.  had to deal with the TAG so i brought down the ekdromoi with some assisted hacking as well.  sacrificed him to run into the TAG taking a koala death but isolating the TAG.  moved zayin into overlooking area.  put asura into impersonation.  penny into suppressive fire locking down his objective.

he ran his bikes up, they died from the dasyu.  so he used oyoroi and got a wound on the dasyu.  dropped it prone.  he used the rest of his orders moving shinobu up near my mk2 overlooking the objective and giving me issues.  

2nd turn i moved mk2.  he idled with shinobu so i just walked up to objective in cloak.  then i brought deva around the building and shinobu went up in flames.  seized the left objective and ran around in my deployment zone trying to get the 2nd.  

his 2nd i think one of his keisotsu died to penny ARO but i cant recall what turn it was.  so that notably knocked him down to bs10 so he didnt want to risk the modified aros.  plus i had zayin overlooking there now as well.  so he brought a ninja hacker around chasing my mk2 hacker.  he tried for isolation but my dice were better so he got immobilized.  

my 3rd i killed the ninja with crit from zayin.    we called it there basically as all what would happen now is things that took an incredible amount of time to do, but would probably happen due to him not having many pieces left.

my thoughts are:  this objective was a little stupid.  having 1 person run clear around the board in zig zags in just silly.  it would probably take me 5 turns of order burning to get my proxy to do all 4 of mine.  a small change as we talked about is forgoing the single person and let multiple as that would make the game flow much better...

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You forgot to mention the funniest part....


DPs hacker that was attempting to complete the sequence was in his group 2 with few orders. He needed me to kill one model in the other group to switch her over. So I refused to kill anybody. He still one 3-1 but I was able to amuse myself with that.

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You forgot to mention the funniest part....


DPs hacker that was attempting to complete the sequence was in his group 2 with few orders. He needed me to kill one model in the other group to switch her over. So I refused to kill anybody. He still one 3-1 but I was able to amuse myself with that.

hahahahaha ooooh yessss.  i was trying to suicide models and he just kept dodging istead of shooting :( i should have kept my big mouth shut!  reminds me one secret i forgot to tell you:  i was really hoping you wouldnt kill that baggage bot that the ninja sneaked past to shoot at the proxy girl.  if you killed that bot i would have been on 2 orders in that group........ which would make it really stupid!

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Looking good!  

Some advice on the peacemaker.   With supportware they are an absolute terror in active, but their reactive game is weak (unless in suppresive).  Mech deployment is great on them, but the advancement will really only work to your advantage if you go first.   Otherwise you are just giving your opponent a nice, juicy, easy to reach target that they can take out in the first turn.  Consider deploying them further back if you go second, just to keep them safe.  Your opponent will advance and being further up the board will be less important.   Hope that helps!

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Looking good!  


Some advice on the peacemaker.   With supportware they are an absolute terror in active, but their reactive game is weak (unless in suppresive).  Mech deployment is great on them, but the advancement will really only work to your advantage if you go first.   Otherwise you are just giving your opponent a nice, juicy, easy to reach target that they can take out in the first turn.  Consider deploying them further back if you go second, just to keep them safe.  Your opponent will advance and being further up the board will be less important.   Hope that helps!

for vanilla pan-o, 100% agree with this.  but for acontecimento you can support the cuddly brother bots quite nicely.  i know how flimsy it is, but with 3 other models supporting it you can really cover advancing ground quite well.  plus i have some nasty ARO threats :)  peacemaker also serves a little different role for me as he's there to protect a piece that people will probably gun for to kill...

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stealing ideas from exile/RD.  going over my aleph collection again:

3 dakini w/combi -painted, but need more work

1 dakini w/hmg- painted but nmw

1 asura spitfire - painted

1 dasyu combi- painted

1 deva spitfire- painted

1 male deva combi- painted

1 female deva combi- painted

4 devabots- painted

1 naga hacker- painted but nmw

1 naga minelayer- painted but nmw

1 naga sniper- painted but nmw

3 netrods- painted

1 marut- painted

1 mk1- painted

1 mk1- unpainted primed

1 mk2 sniper- painted

1 mk3 spitfire HI- painted

1 garuda hmg- painted

1 garuda combi- primed

1 sophotect- painted but nmw

2 yudbots- painted

1 daleth/lamedh- painted

1 zayin- painted

1 probot evo repeater- painted

1 probot combi TR/minesweeper- painted



1 pheonix- painted

1 machaon- painted

1 dactyl- painted

1 achilles- painted but nmw

1 myrmidon officer- painted but nmw

2 myrmidon hackers(i used as chains)- painted

1 thorakitai chain rifle- primed

1 thorakitai combi- primed

1 thorakitai LRL- primed

1 thrasymedes- painted

1 agema missile launcher- primed

1 scylla- painted

1 penny- primed

1 eudoros- painted but nmw

1 atalanta- primed, broke her stinking sniper and cant find piece UGH

1 spotbot- primed

1 thamyris- painted

1 ekdromoi- primed

1 drakios- primed


ok thats more than i thought... and i wanted to get teucer if i ever got serious about SP lol.  my goal in next few months is to painted up the rest of my steel duders.

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That is a ton of models!

yes indeed it is.  rudra and i got in a game today. razor close game.  he was first person to kill not only my montessa but also my sniper.  he actually obliterated my entire link team lol.  he is getting quite good if only his dice would obey him in the end!  it came down to one f2f in the end and i got lucky.  ill let him write a BR since im lazy and he hasnt updated in a while :P 

as for guardian, we should EASILY fit 16 there and i talked to someone after our game and they apparently have enough boards to fill 32 tables hahaha.  i could request probably 2 more tables if there's a need but im guessing we still wont fill the 16 slot as people will drop anyways.  im at 12 right now and the way im reserving is by whoever gets me there ITS pins so people should get on that if they havent( cough rudra cough ).  

another thing of big note that i realized browsing after our game: guardian is starting to stock more infinity!  i found they have a sleeve of blisters, mostly of new releases in a rack about 10 feet across from where the box sets are.  and talking about the box sets, they have the USAriadna box, 2 icestorms, gecko box, ranger force, grunt box and i think an aleph or haqq starter.  so they are definitely starting there.  they have about 6-8 blisters as well.  had once again quite a few people approach me about infinity.  a 40k player beforehand told me that he and his friend are jumping into it.  another guy came up and said he just bought the icestorm.  2 other groups came up and asked questions.  this game is really taking off!  the scenery really does sell people! 

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I wish I had checked out their stuff before I left, next time I'm in I'll have to take a look!

Thanks for the game, you legit won by forcing me to kill my own Seraph.  On the other hand, you also learned to fear the Seraph!   Muahahaha!   I had plenty of chances in the last turn to gain a point or two, that's when my dice failed me.   Not a soul was able to pass into the quadrant across from your guarda, he was just spot on with his AROs.   We will play again, I look forward to it.

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I'm surprised they are carrying any Infinity.

based on my first interactions with them, that was my thought as well.  basically was told they wouldnt stock unless people ordered through them and events take place.  think their stance is changing... my emails with the owner makes me quite optimistic in their change of heart.  also one of their employees is getting into the game so i bet that helps as well lol.  

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I need to commend you on that last-turn possession.  Odds were certainly against you and you decimated me with just 2 orders.    Well done.



Next time I will not let you be so lucky!  >:)

so i was curious so i used the dice calculator(created by jonathon in seattle) of whether shooting with the machinist or possessing with the akali was really a better choice.  turns out, the possession was actually odds on a worse choice with only 35% success.  shooting with the machinist i actually would have had a 52% chance of putting to unconscious.  obviously possession brings a whole new level to the ball game but i was being quite risky there!  

you outplayed me.  i made two lucky long range ARO shots hitting on like 6s or something that resulted in kills.  obviously not opposed but still.  then that possession is about at the same odds as that.  you sticking to your plan was really a good call.  getting that bulleteer rebooted was crucial as im not sure you had many other answers to the sniper.  also rebooting the seraph after naga shot him up. i still think the risk you made was worth it.  killing my Lt was clutch as i definitely had a plan next turn so you made me go into 'can i get lucky and desperation' mode lol.  and sometimes that just happens... you'll get me next time.  5-4 and was a pretty epic game.  one of the best ive had actually.  

if anyones curious on odds things of something silly you've done, check this out: http://inf-dice.ghostlords.com/n3/

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well i tried a new list for aleph tonight against nate kapke's narly nomads.  summary: got pwned lol.  


long short story: he got first turn, knew who his lt was but he knew who mine was as well.  thought pheonix was in a decent position but didnt realize that the intruder had the beat on him and he plucked him down like he should.  so stupid on my part... and it definitely cost me any chance in the game.  he killed the TR bot, flashbot and pheonix first turn.  i had tricks but with irregular i was screwed.  flipped 2 netrods to regular to work something out.  naga minelayer threw itself forward at the TR bot.  just outside of 8 inches, whiffed and died.  naga hacker came out trying to get a hit on the suppressive intruder.  odds were similar for both which is never good so naga died to AROs leaving intruder happy and unharmed lol.  then threw the deva sensor forward to sensor his hacker.  died.  mk1 trying to repair bots. died.  you get the theme lol.  so i called it after i dropped garuda behind the line and it scattered in front of 8 AROs... yuuuup lol.  

retrospective thoughts: morlocks came out giving pheonix an ARO.  I SHOULD HAVE DROPPED PRONE DEERRRRRRP.  so i think im just going to run my typical list cause bringing new things i just really struggled in using them.  i dont run pheonix very often and first time using thamyris and sensor deva.  had some good coverage in the middle and some things i could do but the specter MSR and TR bot had good coverage.  I had tools but with the amount of AROs i would take there's no way i could weather that storm without smoke.  so i think i need to go back and use my chain rifle myrmidon pet and have a more conservative Lt.  being stupid against a veteran player is really funny to just watch them pick you apart!  i reallllly like die morlocks.  they are really fun.  along with morans.  i dont think i could leave base without using them in nomads.. his list is something i really like style wise.  just really difficult to deal with when you have 2 panzers(13 point dogged panzer is dumbest thing on earth), intruder hmg, specter MSR and a TR bot. ugh.  then you have white noise Lt next to the MSR.  just really good deployment.  its fun getting schooled :)  

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yesterday i got a steal for an airbrush that i couldnt resist... iwata eclipse and a compressor.  so i also went to home depot and picked up some cheap-o primers that nakedpanda suggested.  worked beautifully.  now i have to work on my technique and then ill work first on the terrain!  probably not for another 2 weeks or so im guessing.  it was an impulse buy but the deal was too good...


as for tournament/infinity things, im really hoping CB releases the new ITS on monday as thats the beginning of the season so its a little bizarre they havent yet.  i also heard on the forums that we will have the H3N3 in our hands in 5 weeks so that means pre release is probably coming any day now!  


PS: i freaking hate my phone camera but its the only one i have 'sigh'.

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First game against rudras mo. Got the first turn blitz but somehow couldn't punch out both tr bots. Board was annoying in that my Marut was essentially stuck on one half and he took full advantage of that by punching on the other side. Sacrificed the mono mine naga to take out the seraph. He killed my naga dasyu and mk2 on other side and unfortunately that's all the models I really had that could do a darn over there. Taking out the netrods was key. Game taught me I need to be more risky with them and drop them further on my deployment side when using Marut list. Lack of orders made me suffer and I need to remember they serve a different purpose with that list. Hopefully next time he won't make 6 saves with his tr bot too :p.

Next game cause I was playing on the same table I said screw the limitations with the Marut and went with my more traditional list. Going against Caledonia. Got first turn again. Brought on garuda walked through a building and opened on a wolf killing it outright. He failed his smoke on a 20... That kind of game really. Garuda then opened on Wallace behind him killing him too. Then took 2 objectives and then pheonix went on a very stupid rampage killing a mormoer uxia and two camo guys.

He starts in l.o.l. Phoenix kills the remaining camo guy and engages skirt volunteer. His remaining wolf dies from tr bot. Garuda kills a volunteer in aro. He moves remaining guys forward. My next turn pheonix put skirt girl into the ground. Mk2 killed 2 guys. Dasyu FO killed 2 more. Naga minelayer killed 2. Naga hacker killed the last volunteer. Think the AI were pissed after that first game lol. Will use both lists this coming weekend. Hopefully won't be terrain that kills effectiveness of TAGs. Considering their limitations in ITS I think they should at least have more maneuverability on tables.. especially in quadrant specific missions.

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