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FS: HUGE, nasty-a$$, pro-painted Khorne Legions army


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Hey folks,


Just wanted to give a heads up that I'm bringing the following to OFCC Friday in case anyone wants to buy it.  It's all painted (you can see how in person... pretty solid paint work though).  Ready for tourney play.  Usable as WFB, 9th Age, AoS (huge army!) etc:


Copy/paste of original model order so you see exactly what's included.  On top of this (~$1400 USD of models) it was all pro-painted and looks pretty damn good (see the Bloodthirster centerpiece, wow!)


2016 07 22 15.36.39


1 Bloodthirster  £70.00   £70.00
1 Khorne Chaos Lord on Juggernaut  £30.00   £30.00
1 Khorne Exalted Hero with Axe and Shield  £11.00   £11.00
1 Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount  £23.50   £23.50
1 Chaos Lord on foot  £15.00   £15.00
3 Chosen Command  £25.50   £76.50
5 Chosen  £25.50   £127.50
1 Chaos Chariot  £25.00   £25.00
1 Gorebeast Chariot  £25.00   £25.00
2 Chaos Knights  £20.00   £40.00
2 Skullcrushers of Khorne  £58.00   £116.00
2 Chaos Warhounds  £15.50   £31.00
2 Chaos Furies  £18.50   £37.00
1 Hellcannon  £36.00   £36.00
2 Banners of Rage  £12.00   £24.00

   model total   £687.50


It's all bubble-wrapped (never opened after I bought it because 8th ed. died while it was being built for me) but I unwrapped the Bloodthirster to photo him.


I can deliver at OFCC.


Taking offers!  $1400 in models and at least that much more spent on painting... but I need to make room so any offer will be considered!


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