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First game with tyranids since I started 40k in 3rd edition (and ultimately decided I didn't have the funds to play tyranids).


Bugs were not the primary army, since I don't have enough of them yet. Tyranid army theme is exclusively metal and armorcast models only. Game was very casual and opponent was pure tyranids. FW was banned for this game. We were using the Draft FAQ. Neither of us play very often anymore.


I took:


Deathwing Redemption Force (Turn 2 auto-arrival)

-Librarian (TDA, rolled pyromancy and I forgot to use his powers all game)

-Terminators (5x SS+TH, 1 cyclone, sergeant was my warlord and rolled furious charge for unit)

-Terminators (AC++CF, 3x LC, PS+SB)

-Venerable Dreadnought (ML+MM)

-Drop Pod


Oathsworn Detachment 

-Paladin (Stock, first game fielding a knight of any kind)


Tyranid Allied Detachment

-Hive Tyrant (Scything Talons, Rending Claws, Adrenal Glands)

-Maleceptor (I'm using an Armorcast Dactlysis without arms for this model)

-Rippers (8 bases, Adrenal Glands)

-Gargoyles (10, stock)

-Exocrine (stock, love this model, the armorcast versionis just so awesome)


Opponent's Tyranids


Detachment 1 (not certain on entire list)

-Hive Tyrant (Wings, double TL Devourers)

-Zoans (2+Neurothrope)

-Zoans (2+Neurothrope)

-Tyranocyte (Deathspitters)

-Tyranocyte (Deathspitters)

-Hive Crone



-Termagants (Full 20, most had devourers, some didn't to save points)

-Genestealers and broodlord (Small unit, not sure how many)


Detachment 2 (Living artillery Formation, I think)

-Tyranid Warriors (3, barbed Strangler, Devourers)


-Biovores (3)


Game was 2000pts. We placed 6 numbered objectives and used the tactical objective cards, plus the three standard secondary objectives. 12" deploy zone from the long table edge. Opponent deployed first and went first, I failed to sieze.


I'm terrible at the turn by turn, but I can try.


Deployment was opponent putting their detachment 2 in a ruin in a corner, and me putting the Maleceptor, Gargoyles, and rippers in the opposite corner, just outside the biovore range. 2 trygons and a zoan brood in the center, with the other zoans and terms in a pod via reserves. The tyrant and crone also reserves. I put my tyrant as close to the living artillery as possible. The Knight was left-center and my Exocrine right-center. And the Dark angels were in reserve (since their formation requires it). Genestealers later infiltrated in line to assault my Exocrine.


Opponent's turn 1 wasn't very impressive. Most of my units were in cover behind ruins, and positioned out of range of opponent's weapons. Exocrine took 1 wound, from the biovores, I think. No other damage.


My turn 1 was very pivotal for the game. Opponent had positioned a trygon so it was in charge range of the Knight. Killed a Neurothrope with the battle cannon and assaulted the trygon for 3 wounds. Opponent missed with smash. This locked up the trygon and the Knight, which prevented opponent's main anti-tank (both zoans) from being able to damage the Knight turn 2, which dramatically altered the rest of the game. Otherwise, rippers and Gargolys advanced, Maleceptor claimed an objective, but was otherwise out of range. Hive tyrant advanced. Exocrine, with Onslaught, advanced, blasted some Genestealers, and then ran back a bit.


Opponent's turn 2 saw the arrival of the Hive Crone, Termagants (in pod), and zoans (also in pod). Flyrant decided not to participate this turn. Podding terms wiped out the gargoyles for first blood. Trygon died in assault with the knight, with the rest of the tyrants deciding to give the knight a wide birth. My Exocrine died due to shooting and assault. My hive tyrant got reduced to 2 wounds.  Hive Crone failed to damage the Knight. 


My turn 2 saw the arrivale of my deathwing. Terminators deployed in opponent's backfield to snag an objective. Cyclone terminator used frag to amazingt effect against the termagants, killing close to half the squad. Dreadnought landed to engage devourer gants and their pod. The hive tyrant doubled back to engage the Zoans that had podded in, charged, and locked them in assault. Imperial knight moved to engage the Living artilery, destroying both the warriors and the biovores. Maleceptor got of his ruin and got into position to charge the remaining 2 genestealers and 1 broodlord. I used psychic overlord to snipe out and slay the broodlord with focused witchfire (Draft FAQ no longer requires a "hit" roll and he failed look out sir). I then charged and defeated the 2 remaining genestealers with the maleceptor, consolidating back into the ruins. Rippers, intimidated by overwatch from the remaining devourers, decided to move and assist the maleceptor against the genestealers, but failed their charge. 


Opponent's turn 3 saw the arrival of the flyrant, which immediately swooped in and popped the dreadnought. Devourer gants decided to further flee the terminators, and instead shot and assaulted the rippers, resulting in only a single ripper base survivng. One set of zoans remained locked with my tyrant, while the other, now out range to the knight, attempt and failed to hit the warlord's terminator unit. Opponent's exocrine and trygon wiped the assault cannon terminators. Hive crone continued to fail to damage the knight. Hive Tyrant remained locked with zoans. 


My turn 3, my warlord's unit left their objective and assaulted the zoans (we tried to multi-charge, but failed to get the other units in). Zoans got wiped, after taking 10 S9 wounds... Knight advanced and slew the opponent's exocrine and dealt two wounds to the remaining trygon with his battle cannon. Hive tyrant remained locked with the zoans. Rippers got wiped in my assault phase. Maleceptor realized it was in range of a trygon and did 3 wounds with psychic overload. Hive tyrant remained locked with zoans.


Opponent's turn 4. Lost my warlord (and his unit, including attached librarian) this turn due to trygon and gant shooting, then assault by both (couldn't make 2+ saves...). Flyrant Zoomed to Maleceptor and dealt 2 wounds. Hive crone, yet again, attempted and failed to damage the Knight (really bad rolling). Hive tyrant remained locked with zoans. The 2 tyranocyte (spore pods) drifted towards obectives.


My turn 4. Knight wiped the gants with shooting, and charged nothing due to a lack of targets. Maleceptor killed the trygon with psychic overload. Hive tyrant remained locked. Just the 3 units, plus I still had an empty pod with storm bolter which was doing nothing every turn. 


Opponent's turn 5. Hive Crone continuted to try and fail. Flyrant dropped to the ground intending to assault the maleceptor and hold that objective, but shot it to death. Zoans contined their locked battle with the hive tyrant. At this point, opponent has the 2 flyers (one on the ground), and 2 pods.


My turn 5. Knight shot the flyrant with the battlecannon and got 1 wound on it, then charged a pod and wiped it. Hive tyrant remained locked with the zoans. Pod did nothing. 


Opponent's turn 6. Flyrant stayed grounded, but moved to ruins to hold the objective there. Hive crone again, failed to harm the knight (only vector strikes left, kept rolling 1s). Hive Tyrant, finally beat the zoans. I consolidated towards an objective.


My turn 6. Hive tyrant grabbed an objective. Knight got another wound on the grounded flyrant (2 total). Pod did nothing.


Opponent's turn 7. We decided to end it here. We didn't set a turn limit, but I had the undamaged knight which really couldn't harm the flyers, the immobile pod, and a half-dead hive tyrant far too far away to affect the flyers with psychic powers. Opponent had a half-dead flyrant, 1 tyranocyte pod, and his undamaged (but proven useless) Hive crone. VP total, opponent had 10 to my 7. We both had fun. 


In hindsight, I forgot that psychic overload can't be used on the same target more than once per phase (though it can be used more than once per phase), so the trygon's last wound should not have been from the maleceptor (only turn I attempted it more than once, actualled used it 3 times on the trygon that turn, 1 denied, 1 failed, and 1 success).

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You were using Come The Apocalypse allies?

Yeah, didn't have enough Tyranids to field just bugs, plus I really wanted to try out that knight. Love the ally system. Thanks to that, I didn't have to insist with my opponent that we play lower points, or feel pressured into playing with lots of proxies.

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That's the best argument for allowing CtA I've heard.

Honestly, I think that's the main point of CtA in 40k. A player that just started collecting one army, but also has lots of another army, can field their new models right away with CtA allies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First Sporocyst and the Tau Shieldline arrived today. No pictures, as the cell decided to break tonight, too. Sporocyst's base fits perfectly inside the round section of the Shieldline. Fits so well, I'd even suggest that the base is intended to fit there. So, "Infested Terran Command Center" is a go. I do want to stick to the theme of metal models, but I was thinking that terrain is an exception, and I'd call the sporocyst terrain for that. The Spore mines, and big spore mine, on the other hand, I'm thinking I'll have them modeled around DA metal models to keep theme. Plus, then I can use them in both armies.

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So I am curious on how you are bringing the Tau Shieldline with the Tyranids.


Are you going unbound, Bringing the Tau Shieldline as part of one of the preset formations or bringing it in a Tau Combined arms detachment.


It is my understanding that the Shieldline is a Tau specific fortification and not open for every army to take without allies. The only thing I can think of is the data sheets in the actual box with the model do not have the faction (but this is true with all data sheets in boxes for specific models), but both books the models are in they are Tau specific fortification (Kauyon, Tau Codex)


one other question is if its part of an allied detachment, can the Tyranids start on it or do they have to wait a turn to move on to it similar to how transports work.

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So I am curious on how you are bringing the Tau Shieldline with the Tyranids.


Are you going unbound, Bringing the Tau Shieldline as part of one of the preset formations or bringing it in a Tau Combined arms detachment.


It is my understanding that the Shieldline is a Tau specific fortification and not open for every army to take without allies. The only thing I can think of is the data sheets in the actual box with the model do not have the faction (but this is true with all data sheets in boxes for specific models), but both books the models are in they are Tau specific fortification (Kauyon, Tau Codex)


one other question is if its part of an allied detachment, can the Tyranids start on it or do they have to wait a turn to move on to it similar to how transports work.

That would be the "Tidewall Shieldline" which is a fortification, not a formation. It does not have a faction listed in the rules which come with the model and the GW site still says the rules come with the model, so those are the legal rules. It's also sold on the GW site in the scenery section, like the other fortification slot terrain.


So, my Shieldline is part of my CAD for tyranids as a fortification.


And, the shieldline is terrain, not a transport. It can move, but only if exclusively friendly models are on it. And even there, it can only move in "open terrain" so it's pretty restrictive in what it can do. I'm unclear if it can pivot or turn.


The main distinction is that most of the "tau" fortifications have bonus rules if you are TAU. In example, this model grants re-rolls of 1s to hit if I have the Tau faction. Since I don't, this is just a portable aegis line with that energy field. Mind you, that bonus TAU rule stays in effect, so if a TAU model does get on this platform, they will get the bonus - so somewhat a liability against TAU


A lot of the Imperial Fortifications give bonuses for being armies of the imperium, but they can still be taken by any faction.


PS: I did ask if I could do this first, here: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/29017-tau-terrain/?hl=terrain and the answer was a clear, yes. So, now that I've bought the model, I'm a bit on edge with being questioned if I can field it...I'm also tired.

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That would be the "Tidewall Shieldline" which is a fortification, not a formation. It does not have a faction listed in the rules which come with the model and the GW site still says the rules come with the model, so those are the legal rules. It's also sold on the GW site in the scenery section.


So, my Shieldline is part of my CAD for tyranids as a fortification.


And, the shieldline is terrain, not a transport. It can move, but only if exclusively friendly models are on it. And even there, it can only move in "open terrain" so it's pretty restrictive in what it can do. I'm unclear if it can pivot or turn.


The main distinction is that most of the "tau" fortifications have bonus rules if you are TAU. In example, this model grants re-rolls of 1s to hit if I have the Tau faction. Since I don't, this is just a portable aegis line with that energy field. Mind you, that bonus TAU rule stays in effect, so if a TAU model does get on this platform, they will get the bonus - so somewhat a liability against TAU


A lot of the Imperial Fortifications give bonuses for being armies of the imperium, but they can still be taken by any faction.


PS: I did ask if I could do this first, here: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/29017-tau-terrain/?hl=terrain and the answer was a clear, yes. So, now that I've bought the model, I'm a bit on edge with being questioned if I can field it...I'm also tired.


I was mainly asking out of a curiosity I play for fun most of the time but try to think of all the rules in the event I was going to a tournament.


I personally don't think the because the rules that came in the box do not have a faction that it can be taken with any army.


Case in point all the newer models like deathwatch also come with stats in the kit and those do not have a faction or org slot assignment on them. By your logic I should be able to take them in any army as well. I have a feeling at a tournament this may come into question.

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I was mainly asking out of a curiosity I play for fun most of the time but try to think of all the rules in the event I was going to a tournament.


I personally don't think the because the rules that came in the box do not have a faction that it can be taken with any army.


Case in point all the newer models like deathwatch also come with stats in the kit and those do not have a faction or org slot assignment on them. By your logic I should be able to take them in any army as well. I have a feeling at a tournament this may come into question.

I'm probably too tired for this, but you are a jerk. Please, tell me these things in the thread I post asking about them BEFORE I buy the model. Telling me AFTER I get the model is just a dick move.


Anyway, the rules that do come with this model are complete rules. Not just a statline, they have points, rules, and they are listed as a fortification. They are not listed as faction specific. The GW site says they are complete rules. That's about as close to GW legal as it gets.


And, if it matters, I don't really play tournaments. At most, I play the GG league and lose almost every game.



A virtually impenetrable barrier of glowing energy from behind which the Fire Warriors of the Tau Empire can pour scathing fire upon their foes, the Tidewall Shieldline thrums across the battlefield on repulsor jets, giving the enemy less room to hide with every inch of ground gained. From fighting retreats that take their cover with them, to wrong-footing or funnelling enemy forces into prepared killzones, this Shieldline has impressive strategic purpose whether defensive or offensive.


This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to assemble one Tidewall Shieldline, an awesome piece of mobile scenery, completely modular and compatible with the other pieces of the Tidewall Rampart! Includes an extra linking plate, allowing you to join multiple Tidewall kits and full rules for use in games.

Bold is mine. Does your deathwatch kit say it include full rules?

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Woah, pax, you need to dial it down.

I'm crazy tired right now...but yeah, I totally need to tone it down.


EDIT: Sorry Prujah. I'm tired, yes, buy I'm still sorry I was rude. Tired and stressed for unrelated reasons. You weren't a jerk, I was being unjustly rude.

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Worse case scenario you can put some work into it and have a cool price of terrain or you trade it for something you need.


So any people want to get out of nids you are sure to get a good deal.

Worst case, I show up to a game and my opponent complains endlessly about me using this model as a fortification, with it's inclusion ruining the fun value of the game. And I just won't play them in the future.


I can't really think of any balance issues created by taking this fortification with tyranids. If the Sporocyst is determined that it can't ride the tidewall because he's immobile, that's fine and I'll put other models on it. It's just very tyranid to have terrain that can advance with your army.


If anything, the biggest balance issue here is that I won't have an option to that can deal with enemy flyers if I take this one. No quad gun for this aegis line...

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Okay, very much not-optimized list.


Tyranid CAD

HQ Hive Tyrant (talons and rending claws)

Elite Zoan (1)

Elite Maleceptor

Elite Haruspex

Troops Rippers (8)

Troops Hormagaunts (18)

Fast Gargoyles (10)

Fast Raveners (6+1, 6 with talons and rending claws, Red Terror)

Heavy Exocrine

Heavy Sporocyst

Heavy Sporocyst

Fortification Tidewall Shieldline


Wreaker Node Formation

Carnifex (1)

Carnifex (1)

Carnifex (1)

Warrior Brood (3, talons and rending claws)


Total is 1979pts. Models not owned are 6 Raveners, 1 Red Terror, 1 carnifex and 2 warriors. Plan would be that the red terror is the warlord. He's imperfect, but I want to get away from HQ warlords in my tyranid armies.


Wreaker node is mainly just to get extra heavy slots for more fexen. Wreaker node also gives +1 to impact hits for the fexen.


Of the list, only non-metal, non-armorcast models are the tidewall and the sporocysts.

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Pics of the metallic goodness?

I'd love to, but...


First Sporocyst and the Tau Shieldline arrived today. No pictures, as the cell decided to break tonight, too. Sporocyst's base fits perfectly inside the round section of the Shieldline. Fits so well, I'd even suggest that the base is intended to fit there. So, "Infested Terran Command Center" is a go. I do want to stick to the theme of metal models, but I was thinking that terrain is an exception, and I'd call the sporocyst terrain for that. The Spore mines, and big spore mine, on the other hand, I'm thinking I'll have them modeled around DA metal models to keep theme. Plus, then I can use them in both armies.

Bold. Yeah, that's the other stress right now. No cell for next week or so. Cell is my camera. Tired and without a cell equals grumpy Pax, apparently.

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What kind of phone?

So the topic is my Tyranids......


I've got most of this thread going on two forums, since bugs seem to need extra support. Within theme, a good suggestion was made for putting an EMP template weapon on the hive tyrant instead of the rending claws. 

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The standard load out on a Tyrant is wings, 2x TL Devourers and electroshock grubs. It is the work horse of the army. Anything else and you are handicapping yourself.

Well aware, but I'm truly bored of seeing those in tyranid lists. If it was some of the lists, sure, but it's every tryanid list that looks almost exactly the same. That is boring. I have no interesting playing a winning list at the cost of my enjoyment of the game. And as I understand it, that isn't even a winning list most of the time. 

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New phone. Having major photo related issues, but he's some tyranids:


EDIT: At the PC, Got the pictures facing the right direction and added some descriptions.


All the models presently assembled.



Scale Photo for Sporocyst (since there aren't too many online)



Scale Photo for Tyranids and the Tidewall Shieldline



Showing that the Sporocyst's Base fits (snuggly) within the round section of the Tidewall Shieldline


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