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A Gang War Kicks Off

The Sinking of Medon’s Mire The underhive is a fickle master (or mistress, for those of House Escher).  Untold riches lay hidden for centuries and can be revealed by chance exploration or seasonal hive quakes.  Just as easily, entire sectors can be locked away by malfunctioning circulatory or transit systems,   The Mire was renowned as a rare bastion of stability, to the hive dwellers of Cassandra’s Reach.  Firm Guild control had allowed everyone to prosper, as much as is possible


ninefinger in Necromunda Campaign

This is the end...

ALWAYS. BE. PAINTING. After a little less than two months, I have completed @Ziggens' Impact Miniatures Gnome team. And while the pics are sub-par, I have included the final pieces for all to see. After the last entry, there were still Str Players to show, and I performed a small touch up on a few players with goggles.  First, the Stars; below, we have the Gnome Contraption that serves as Grim Ironjaw. Identified by his orange beard and the extend-o-glove attack arm, Ironjaw



Time Bandits

ALWAYS. BE. PAINTING. Turning the corner on any painting project is a great feeling. If you're anything like me, you never really feel accomplished until you start to see the end of the project in the distance. Well, I had that moment this week with @Ziggens' Gnomes. After finishing a few sample models, a Blitzer and Longbeard, I focused my attention on completing the contraptions first. This included the remaining Blitzer and two Troll Slayers. I'm not including the Star Players



Ace of base (coats)

Always. Be. Painting. A lot has been going on at and around the Weaver house and Ordo over the last few weeks, but that doesn't mean there hasn't bee progress on the Gnomes. I am knee-deep, or if I was a Gnome, barely ankle deep, in base coating the little buggers. As you may recall from the last blog post, I am using a satin finish spray paint to base the models prior to picking out the armor, leather, beards, skin and caps. Here is a reminder of the spray's sating finish (BOOOOO




ALWAYS. BE. PAINTING. With the gnomes fully assembled, it was time to get some color on them....and for me, white is a color . I opted to white prime, using an old can of P3 I've had around for awhile. I normally like to use watered-down Gesso, but that method would be too laborious for this project. Many painters like black primer as it is great for blackening and speeding up the process, but I've always preferred the brightness white primer provides. Once the priming is complete



And so it begins...

ALWAYS. BE. PAINTING. This has been my motto for awhile now, having a desire to put brush on model as often as possible. And while I have plenty of Blood Bowl projects to occupy my time, I have found myself painting teams for friends of mine recently. I painted up @savion47's humans for the OBBL Human League, and I finished and unified a partially painted Necromantic team for @Patriarch of Sigmar's trip to Orclahoma Bowl. Based on my work on the Necro team, @Ziggens asked me if I



Our First Game Day and Ordo Fanaticus' Awesome Support

Thanks Ordo Fanaticus! Hey Everyone, I have received such amazing support from the Ordo Fanticus community regarding our Tabletop Club that we started at The Dalles Public Library.  This club is designed to offer access to tabletop gaming to youth in the community and to use a mentoring process to help teach our area youth about the hobby of tabletop gaming and miniature painting.   Prior to me telling Ordo about the project, we had had two interest meetings where we talked about how



What in the name of OGRE is happening here?

The idea is that I will play a game of Steve Jackson's OGRE against whoever I can find (typically some poor soul who is taking pity on me). I will play the OGRE and the opponent will come up with a name of their fictional country that will try to stop me from crushing their base. Then I write an epic batrep about what happened. I couldn't get anyone to buy into my vision of making this a forum topic(I know, its a generally crappy idea) so I am relegated to pouring my guts out here. You have been



Keeping with the skirmishes... Infinity's Haqqislam

Infinity resources, as I find them useful. Let me know if you have any of your own!   http://studiogiraldez.blogspot.com/2012/06/muyib-lanzamisiles.html - Studio Painter for Haqqislam.     General Infinity Resources:   http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/25091-infinity-the-game-resources/



Door for Kill Teams

A door cast in Smoothcast from Oomoo mold of cut plasticard.   2 copies of the door are glued to either side of mdf, or in this case cut white board. (Cheap at home depot)



1500pt Mid-War Eastern Front Flames of War Tournament

What: 1500pt Mid-War Eastern Front Flames of War Tournament Where: Guardian Games, www.ggportland.com Date: October 25th, 2014 Time: Player Check in 9:15 AM Player Meeting 9:45 AM Round 1 (2h15m) start 10:00 AM Round 2 (2h15m) start 1:15 PM Round 3 (2h15m) start 4:00 PM Awards Ceremony start 6:30 PM   Lists: Must be out of the Eastern Front book, email lists to pdxwar@gmail.com Mid-war monsters: Only the approved ones from BF listed for Eastern Front lists as described here: http://



Enfilade 2014 Flames of War Tournament

The Northwest Historical Miniature Gaming Society convention Enfilade 2014 Flames of War Late War 1650pt Tournament is in the books. It was held at the Red Lion Hotel in Olympia, WA on May 24th. The convention ran from May 23-25.   When we arrived to open the doors to the State Room the tables were all arranged like last year. The event space could handle up to 30 players comfortably if we needed to so there is plenty of room for growth.   We had twelve players come out and battle it out for



Ork Warbands-Scratch the itch of the themed army

My core Ork Army is Evil Sunz, I like lots of mek and vehicle action. But I also want a variety of modeling opportunities. I've been trying to find a way to shoehorn in other clanz without having a whole bunch of redundant models. The idea I've been going with so far is that any other clanz could just be warbands, specific units that would just be thematically the same, but just taken as normal Org choices. A couple of examples I'm gearing up for are Snakebites (Fantasy Boyz and Squiggoths)



Scratch Built Ork Knight Titans

Av you been feelin a bit out Dakka'd by dem puny 'oomies? You's wanna stomp akross da field mixin it up like da Boss? Well you musta been dipped in blu paint cuz today's yer lucky day! Ere at NUTSTRIPPA'S USED KRUMPATORIUM!! we's havin a sale!   When the Knight Titan was just a rumor I knew I wanted one, when I heard they're 8 inches tall I knew I needed one, when I read they couls ally with Orks I knew I'd die without one. OK, so only one of those things turned out to be true but it didn'



Deffkoptas, why do I hate thee?

I love the idea of deffkoptas, boyz on jetbikes, zipping around here and there causing grief and killing crap. I even like the stock model from the last boxed set. But I hate the way they play.   At first they looked great. For 35 pts I get twin linked Rockets on a fast platform, that Isn't a slouch in Melee. Add a Buzzsaw for some powerfist action and whammo!   But the weak link is LD 7. Literally everytime I used use them the run right off the board. They run to far and rally too poo



Community Waaagh!

I think it's time for a dedicated resource for all us <s>Ordo</s> Orko Players. The intent here is to provide ourselves resources and community to prove that Orks are the best choice for the game! If you are interested in contributing just send me a PM.   I plan on cross posting from the Fanboy Forge, plus more gaming related articles. Hopefully we can all share and support each other proving that a choppa to the face is way more effective that some fancy know-wot shooty bits any d



HOR Kill Team then...

I am using this as my own summary of the HOR Kill Team rules for 40K, but I am happy to share, and invite comment and discussion!   This is not intended to replace going out and reading the rules, just my notes as I read them, and then update as I play them! If you have a different take on a rule, let me know and I am happy to work it into the notes.   All of the content discussed or borrowed came from these guys:   http://heralds-of-ruin.blogspot.co.uk/p/kill-team-rules.html?m=1   Kill



The Dreaded Relocation

So after OFCC this year it was time to pack up the armies for the duration of relocation to Portland. I left a few things out to paint or finish painting but the time has been squandered looking for houses, selling houses, packing, entertaining the young bucks and generally being impatiant.   Move date has been set for middle of January but with the delays so far I am trying not to be too optimistic.   Plenty of gaming room and a hobby room in the new place and a bar to service the gaming s



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