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A Gang War Kicks Off



The Sinking of Medon’s Mire

The underhive is a fickle master (or mistress, for those of House Escher).  Untold riches lay hidden for centuries and can be revealed by chance exploration or seasonal hive quakes.  Just as easily, entire sectors can be locked away by malfunctioning circulatory or transit systems,


The Mire was renowned as a rare bastion of stability, to the hive dwellers of Cassandra’s Reach.  Firm Guild control had allowed everyone to prosper, as much as is possible in the underhive.  The functioning mag-lev system allowed such regular shipments of goods that no one realized it had slowly become the only viable transport in or out.


When the mighty play their games, the lowly suffer the consequences.  According to imperial records, Medon’s Mire never existed.  But tales still occasionally surface, in darkened corners of seedy drinking holes, and in whispered rumors of ruin, hiver’s will invoke its name.

With the ominous sounding of a klaxon, the lower sluice gates closed, and the flow of uphive effluvia began to slowly fill the lower depths.  Was it vengeance, wrought by some noble hand?  Was it an ancient cooling system being brought back online by a Magos toiling away in the darkness?  Was it a sacrifice to a dark god, the slow, gurgling of underhivers strangely pleasing to ineffable plans?  For the gangs that were trapped in the Mire, the reasons didn’t matter.  Being one of the handful that would find a way to escape was the only prize worth fighting for.

A Campaign by @ninefinger & @scottshoemaker

The escape begins October 12, 2023



***To Sign up - Enter your info on the Google Sheet Linked Below***

Log your Gang and results here:

The Sinking of Medon’s Mire

Campaign Rules:



This will be a survival campaign. This means what you start with is what you have.


There will be no access to any purchase lists from any source once the campaign starts.


There will be no access to new gang members


There will be no access to new Hired Guns


Territories will not be used.  Booby Traps and Gang Terrain items will have no affect


Credits will not be generated or gained from scenarios.


Meat/food is not used.


Gangs will start with 2000 credits, 20 Reputation and 40 xp points to assign.

Gangs may start with one specialist as normal.  Up to two additional Gangers may be upgraded to specialists for 6 XP and gain a random Primary Skill.  Otherwise Gangers follow the normal rules for their advancement rolls.


Alliances will not be used - but  Underhive Outcast Delegation Gangs may be fielded with Arbitrator approval.


There are no starting gear restrictions, Hangers-on, Brutes, or House Specific Items/gangers. Buy all the things!  The Trading Post r from the ‘23 Core Rulebook should be used for items not available to your house list.  Significant numbers of illegal items may attract the attention of Imperial Authorities.


A Google Sheet has been established for campaign tracking.  Scenario wins/losses will count for less than participation and mauling each other.


Any random advances or equipment will be rolled for at Campaign Kickoff


Gangers will accumulate XP as normal. Death is real.


Campaign winner will be determined by accumulation of Escape Points.  


No vehicle rules or Ash Waste upgrades will be used.


Players will determine scenarios and matchups. Games will not be restricted to the Ordo Clubhouse.


Special Scenarios will pop up.




As a veteran of many stalled campaigns, this one is meant to encourage engagement and minimize the backend paperwork.  We will look at future campaigns based on participation here. I will start a new channel with more narrative details once that's ready.


Where do I find my Gang’s Rules?


House Goliath Gang        House of Chains

House Escher Gang        House of Blades

House Orlock Gang        House of Iron

House Cawdor Gang        House of Faith

House Van Saar Gang        House of Artifice

House Delaque Gang        House of Shadows

Palanite Enforcers *        Book of Judgement

‘Venator’ Bounty Hunter Gang *        Book of Peril

Corpse Grinder Cult *        Book of Ruin

Helot Chaos Cult *        Book of Ruin
Genestealer Cult *        Book of Ruin

Slave Ogryn Gang        House of Chains

Underhive Outcasts **        Book of the Outcasts

Badzone Enforcers         White Dwarf 477 - Law in the Badlands

Ash Wastes Nomads **        Book of the Outlands

Ironhead Squat Prospectors        Book of the Outlands


        *These Gangs have slightly outdated rules, and may need some tweaks.  

        **Arbitrator approval recommended for fielding this gang.



Experience and Advancements



Experience (As per pg 148)

A model gains XP for any of the following actions:

  •  1 XP if their action directly causes an enemy fighter to suffer one or more Serious Injuries.*
  • 2 XP if their action causes an enemy vehicle to become Wrecked.
  • 2 XP if their action directly causes an enemy fighter to go Out of Action.*
  • If the enemy fighter is a Leader or a Champion, gain an extra 1 XP. • 1 XP if they took part in a battle (this XP is only gained if the scenario does not
  • grant XP for a model taking part in the battle).
  • • 1 XP if they are Broken and successfully rally.
  • • 1 XP if they provide Assistance to another fighter making a Recovery test who becomes Prone and Pinned.

*Note that fighters can only gain XP for Seriously Injuring or taking an enemy fighter Out of Action once per enemy fighter per activation. For instance, if a fighter causes an enemy fighter   to suffer a Serious Injury, and then performs a Coup De Grace(Free) action, they would only gain the 2 XP for causing the enemy fighter to go Out of Action.



Advancement (as on page 149)

For Leaders, Champions, Crews, Prospects, Juves, Specialists

3 XP

Improve Wil or Int by 1

+5 Credits

4 XP

Improve Ld or Cl by 1

+10 Credits

5 XP

Improve I by 1

+10 Credits

5 XP

Improve M by 1”

+10 Credits

6 XP

Improve WS or BS by 1

+20 Credits

6 XP

Gain a random Primary Skill

+20 Credits

8 XP

Improve S or T by 1

+30 Credits

9 XP

Gain a chosen Primary Skill

+20 Credits

9 XP

Gain a random Secondary Skill

+35 Credits

12 XP

Improve W or A by 1

+45 Credits

12 XP

Specialists only: Promote to Champ, gain a random Primary skill

+40 Credits

12 XP

Gain a chosen Secondary skill

+35 Credits

15 XP

Gain a random Any Skill set skill

+50 Credits

* Advancing a characteristic more than once costs additional XP - see the rules or your arbitrator

**Cost increase affects your gang rating, but does not affect recruitment cost for this campaign



For Gangers - Every 6XP - roll 2d6 during the Post Battle Sequence


Promote to Specialist, Gain a Random Primary Skill

+20 Credits


Improve WS or BS by 1

+20 Credits


Improve S or T by 1

+30 Credits


Improve M or I by 1

+10 Credits


Improve Wil or Int by 1

+5 Credit


Improve Ld or Cl by 1

+10 Credits


Promote to Specialist, Gain a Random Primary Skill

+20 Credits


**Cost increase affects your gang rating, but does not affect recruitment cost for this campaign





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