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Everything posted by DisruptiveConduct

  1. Ill be there around 3 for some early xwing. If anyone wants a game of 40k, let me know and I will bring my tyranids as well.
  2. Jordorowsky's concept art for dune is amazing. Most of it comes up on a google image search.
  3. Last nights terrain making was a bunch of fun. Thank you all very much for coming out and making some terrain that will be on tables at the OFCC!
  4. Here ya go! First up is the Hive Crone, i need to think up a good Genestealer Cult sounding name for it. It has a missle rack on top for the tentaclids, a heavy flamer for the drool cannon, and an extended fuel tank on the flamer to represent the S8 raking strike. next up is the flying hive tyrant. It has quad stubbers to represent the 2x devourers, a Cult Magus to be the source of psychic powers and synapse/shadows, and the cultists with powerfirsts and power axes to represent the close combat attacks. Thanks again for the stormtalon engines, as they fit perfectly! Let me know if you want to get in a game against these awesome beasts!
  5. That is no tervigon-car but a limo-gon my good sir! They are frequently used to transport high value cult members through the city. And there is a second one on the left under the magi. :-)
  6. Nice breakdown. Good info to have when facing off against the big stuff.
  7. I never thought the Cult could look so good! It was a great experience and I was happy to be a part of it.
  8. Ill be there with my nids for a PE game and maybe some xwing beforehand.
  9. Thanks much! We always like to err on the side of caution when these things are concerned.
  10. Please do not post links in the forums if yer going to respond to this. Shoot them a PM. Thanks.
  11. Ill be there for Planetary Empires game. Ill try to show up early for xwing but no promises.
  12. New security standards have some companies switching to a twelve character simple password. No need for numbers or symbols. So think of a passphrase instead of a password per se.
  13. Canceled on Feb 23 as Raindog will be attending the Black Sheep Brawl in Salem!
  14. i wil have my tyranids with me for a Planetary Empires game and probably some xwing.
  15. I believe all double blind taste tests require three close whisky-loving friends also participate. We'll get it right next time.
  16. i'll take you up on this! we'll have to figure out who is defender/attacker, but I need a makeup game. Thanks.
  17. Please see these links for details. http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20437-ordo-fanaticus-warhammer-fantasy-open-2014-rules-pack/ and Rules Pack http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/files/file/2-the-ordo-fanaticus-warhammer-fantasy-open-2014/
  18. I am impressed with the great advice in this thread.
  19. no. if you roll a 2-3 "misplaced" result on the misshap table, it cannot be placed onto impassable terrain. pg 36 so yer opponent could put it in the corner away from everything where it can burrow on it's next turn if it passes IB. otherwise they could put it in front of their gunline and kill it in a turn at the expense of not shooting other things. edit: further reading of Instinctive Behaviour: Feed, a mawloc will never be subject to a 1-3 Cannabilistic Hunger result because it is a single model. Devour and kill give no restrictions for the movement phase. So even if the Mawloc failed his LD 8 IB test, it could still burrow.
  20. So the Tyranid FAQ is gone from GW's page. I would love a firestorm redoubt but I know the second I buy one, something will change.
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