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Everything posted by Frowbakk

  1. I've got a squad of ten half-kitbashed Flash Gitz in a box waiting for the Codex to drop. I haven't got 7th Edition yet, and if the Ork Codex sucks I think I may take my first hiatus from 40K in... holy crap, 20 years?!? I'm still obsessing about last year's OFCC where I had the worst single game experience I've ever had in those two decades of play (Would it have counted as a ragequit if I table-flipped after only the terrain had been set up?) and since the implied social contract of both players having fun seems to be as rare as a Best Sportsmanship award at 'Ard Boyz nowadays. Way back in the day I won my first tournament with Orks, and have amazing fun converting models for the army. I started playing Orks when I realized I had more Ork models and conversions (oh random Bioniks chart, such an inspiration) because after picking up a few models here and a few models there I set up a full greenskin horde practically ready for play. I stopped playing Orks because I am deliberative about my moves in a game, and that's something one simply cannot be when fielding a horde. My natural play style could easily be mistaken as deliberate slow play, which is why I switched to Mega Armored Nobz, then Sisters, and later on to Grey Knights in order to speed up my play for my opponents sake. So, Ork Codex = bad I probably won't play 40K for quite a while. C'mon greenskins.... show me a little WAAAAAAGH
  2. Six Burna Boy squad, three of which are Meks, plus Grot Riggers for IWND... Still looks too boxy to my eye, though.
  3. Absolutely. The worst game I ever had was when the silly goose (or expletive of your own choosing) I was playing deployed almost all of their terrain placement choices on my half of the board, and touching both sides of my already-deployed Aegis Line to boot. They then claimed 'It's the only way I'll even have a chance' as they proceeded to slow play (45 minutes left and we were still in his half of Turn 2), infiltrate and deep strike into my half of the board to get the better of his own terrain placement, and when my flyer finally came on to shoot at one of his deckchair units he'd "checkerboarded' two min-maxed units together so that only half of each one was visible with the other half behind a wall out of line of sight. Closest I ever came to walking away from a game after terrain placement...
  4. Remember Pask won't get his Preferred Enemy warlord trait if He's not the Warlord
  5. So since Pask can usually give the Split Fire order to his tag-along tank, which version should that "Commander Tax" Leman Russ be to get the most Ordnance for the Credit?
  6. And Pask (or any Tank Commander) needs a 2nd Leman Russ to tag along as well?
  7. Can someone with the Codex answer a highly specific and convoluted series of questions: If one takes Pask as a Tank Commander, can he be the sole HQ choice for a list? Does this also apply if the is an Allied HQ? Can he override the parent list (like Coteaz can) and be the Warlord choice? Just wondering...
  8. Just pre-ordered mine at the local GW. One only. If (okay, WHEN) I buy more it'll be through the FLGS.
  9. Ok, seeing it partially built means it will be much easier to magnetize the armor to swap out for a Lucius Pattern variant (of my own mod, or a hypothetical FW release if my letter with incriminating blackmail photos to Santa gets answered...), add lighting for the head/weapons and a handy space for the batteries, or simply add foam to the inside and transport more models like Russian nesting dolls. Trying to have the self-control to only order one and not the save-no-money "bundle deals" of 3 or 5. I'm wrestling with temptation... best two falls out of three.
  10. I'm already sketching plans to do "Lucius Pattern" armor for one. Cereal box cardboard for the Goofy Prototype stage, then make a pattern for later conversions.
  11. Time to rename my Dreadknight conversions as "Squires" and figure out which FLGS (es) gets my business if I can field more than one of 'em
  12. Not to mention the plus d3 attacks himself. Although the way his rule is worded he gets the +d3 instead of the +1 for charging, and since Rage gives him +2, silly logic (i.e. My cat has 4 legs, My dog has 4 legs, therefore my dog is a cat) suggests he'd get +2d3 attacks on the charge. Wrong. Silly, but wrong. Not that I've got bits on standby to kitbash a unit for my Ad Mech army or anything....
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