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Blog Entries posted by scottshoemaker

  1. scottshoemaker
    I love the idea of deffkoptas, boyz on jetbikes, zipping around here and there causing grief and killing crap. I even like the stock model from the last boxed set. But I hate the way they play.
    At first they looked great. For 35 pts I get twin linked Rockets on a fast platform, that Isn't a slouch in Melee. Add a Buzzsaw for some powerfist action and whammo!
    But the weak link is LD 7. Literally everytime I used use them the run right off the board. They run to far and rally too poorly to be anything but a pts sink.
    For the same price I can get buggies. Just as fragile, but no leadership issues.
    So how wrong am I? Wow me.
  2. scottshoemaker
    I think it's time for a dedicated resource for all us <s>Ordo</s> Orko Players. The intent here is to provide ourselves resources and community to prove that Orks are the best choice for the game! If you are interested in contributing just send me a PM.
    I plan on cross posting from the Fanboy Forge, plus more gaming related articles. Hopefully we can all share and support each other proving that a choppa to the face is way more effective that some fancy know-wot shooty bits any day.
  3. scottshoemaker
    My core Ork Army is Evil Sunz, I like lots of mek and vehicle action. But I also want a variety of modeling opportunities. I've been trying to find a way to shoehorn in other clanz without having a whole bunch of redundant models. The idea I've been going with so far is that any other clanz could just be warbands, specific units that would just be thematically the same, but just taken as normal Org choices. A couple of examples I'm gearing up for are Snakebites (Fantasy Boyz and Squiggoths) and Blood Axes (Russian Tanks and Grot Tanks and Artillery).
    I've also had a hankerin to do some Tau-Looted ork models, like a band that has been scrappin with the Farsight Enclave for a while and picked up some tech. My current idea is to do a Wazdakka gang with grav bikers.
    How about you? Are you mono-clan or ADD?
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