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Everything posted by dalmer

  1. (but shouldn't the quoters be reversed? Bard first and Rogue replying?)
  2. Hello there and apologies for the question, but is this an in-person only event or is there an online component? Blaine, WA (98230) and just had back surgery so sadly cannot make the drive. Thank you in advance for any information. Stay safe, don
  3. Had no idea the Keeper of Secrets model was so big. Pretty cool! Thank you for the pics
  4. (not the answer you were asking for, but lovely models)
  5. Yep, that's it for sure. 20 + 5 + 2 + 1
  6. I count 125 in the picture IF the far left box is stacked with 5 a side like the others. If just what is visible counts, I count 122. I know I'm not the seller, so apologies if this is clutter
  7. tromping through some necromundian rubble, for sure. love it
  8. and hopefully you saw the (some models sold separately from boxed set) warning
  9. (some models sold separately from boxed set)
  10. Almost all of my gameplay was in 3rd edition. Friendly and tournament. I came back when 7th was around, I think just before it hit 8th. I can't recall. All I know is that there were datacards and objective cards and lots of different ways to score and I think I got in three games before I lost my nerve.
  11. I dropped off (3) Realm of Battle game boards for the group to use. Hope they help. I'll keep them there until I can come down and play ha ha. If I ever paint up scenery from my pile o' shame I'll bring that down, too.
  12. I didn't get to be part of the club / group / etc. much more than forum watching/commenting and trying my best to sometimes pop into Dark Tower. Work crushed anything. And continues to now. My pile of shame has long since been renamed my "retirement room" and I'm hoping by the time I get there, some folks in the local gaming community will teach me the ropes. I hope you are all well!
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