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Everything posted by FastHippy

  1. I added this to the best mini thread but ya there is some amazing losers in here to. Faces where definitely rough in 1989 and they did not like torsos on there robots. Enjoy: https://www.scribd.com/doc/97536258/Fantasy-Miniatures-1989
  2. The old school value is stronks here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/97536258/Fantasy-Miniatures-1989 I like the paratrooper skelis and halaquin rainbow vomit tank.
  3. Here is my first Foul Blightspawn. I hear that these are fair and balance. I got 2 might want to pick up one more 🙂
  4. Here is my second blight crawler. The wash ended up a bit darker I may lighten it up with a bit more highlight.
  5. Also any thoughts on cloaks. Admech loves them cloaks- Do i green stuff a load of em or?? That's a lot of green stuff....
  6. Does anyone have any ideas on a good ad mech list.. Once I have a solid list it will help me with my alt model searching.
  7. Ya my army is looking a bit too muted and i want to create more separate- grass is always greener i guess.
  8. amazing work so far- love the scheme and use of alts.
  9. There are some real winners in here:
  10. After I finish up my D-guard I will be diving into my dream army (been floating around my brain for year) the Orkdeptus Mechanics. Fluff:Deep space, orks, machine god infecting some big mech, the adaptus mechanicus being oddly cool with xeno races as long as they are 95% machine and make weapons for whoever needs em I would love some advice on a reasonable list (especially with new edition new units and all that) so let me know. For the most part this army will be made up a range of alternative models that land somewhere between Ork and AdMec. Some units have been very hard to find alts for but this is what I have tracked down so far. Closest thing i could find to Ork walker but i would still need lazer lance or laz guns... need them bitz: https://www.ironcladminiatures.co.uk/ourshop/prod_1020486-Steam07.html and more potential walkers https://www.nobleknight.com/Search?text=bitspudlo&ProductLineId=2137437881 and more chickens https://www.nobleknight.com/P/2147453258/Light-Assault-Walker---Wildfire-Honey So many good bitz here. Got wheel bitz for Kataphron , Mech legs for vangaurd or rangers, lots of choppy bitz for infiltators and even some greatcoat bodies for the occasion unneeded admech cloak: https://bitsofwar.com/16-greenskins More stuff from bitz of war. Weird revolver type guns similar to AdMech: https://bitsofwar.com/legion-armoury/187-magma-rifles.html Orc dune crawler: https://www.modelsandminis.com/Orc_Klanka_Walker/p2965327_15435182.aspx Servo arms for them heroes, I might just use regular admech heroes as well as they are already pretty orky: https://zealotminiatures.com/zealot-shop/#!/Servo-Arm-Human/p/70421082/category=6272033 Deathbots cause AdMech has those: https://www.manticgames.com/games/deadzone/goblin-stuntbot-upgrade-pack/ and these too once the shop reopens https://shop.ramshacklegames.co.uk/index.php?id_category=28&controller=category To note there are some Ork units that could cross over- copters/stormboys for skystalkers come to mind but i want to keep it seperate-ish if i can. There will be much more metal colors that green skins cause there admech but ya. It will be a while before i jump into this project but if you have ideas let me know.
  11. should i post this in Artificier's Forge or move the thread or??
  12. haha he does look he just had a nice snack and is listening to some tunes 🙂
  13. Here are my first 5 man (5 lady, 5 blob of nasty..) group of termis. I am aware that they do not have arms 🙂 They will be magnetized later.
  14. Ah 3d printing. Well i don't have them but i have already IDed what models i will be getting for my orkmec army although some of the potential producers no longer exist 😞
  15. Pretty amazing alt models here!! Wow they are good lookin... https://wargameexclusive.com/
  16. lots of stuff here as well... https://hexy.store/ If you got time- you can let us know the best of this list: https://spikeybits.com/2018/04/best-alternatives-to-gw-miniatures-revealed.html
  17. really good stuff here: https://bitsofwar.com/ My next army i want to build is- orkdeptus mechanicus... heck ya
  18. Let me know if rumors start swirling. I am just building away on my list and would love to know of any new cool shiny bits coming.
  19. And my sweet blight hauler. I really love the flesh here- looks so real.
  20. Right.. here is a couple more of the troops. See post of west rider below 🙂
  21. hmm can't seem to upload to much here- any suggestions of where i can upload to share photos?
  22. Starting a log of my progress on my putrid choir. These 3 guys where my start back into painting after a long break. I am going for a putrid choir look (lighter green with blue rusty highlights). I color in layers- base, highlight, wash, highlight and pick out the fiddly bits. I felt pretty good how these came out but there is more i can learn as i go.
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