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Hi Ordo's!


Its been quite a while since I've played WHFB, my last game was at the last LasVegas GT. Almost everyone who I used to play with have given up on 8th edition as a whole. As I look around my GeekCave, I've come to the point where someone else can get better use out of my Orcs.


I have a large amount of Painted and unpainted Orcs&Goblins. As such, I'ld like to get some suggestions on how to sell what I have. Yes, before I put it up on Ebay, I'll put it up here (and for cheaper) in hopes I can give them a known good home.


Question 1, My Black Orcs are about 2 highlights from being fully finished with their new paint job. Will putting the effort in really make a difference in selling a painted unit/army?


Question 2, I have quite alot of older, out of print, and better versions of the models (imho). How do I come up with a fair (and sellable) value?


Question 3, How do I price conversions?


Question 4, Do I sell all of the Painted stuff in 1 lot, and all of the unpainted stuff in a 2nd?


Here (I hope) is a working link to some pictures I took last night to assist you with the above questions. 





Here is a list of the Painted stuff:


Black Orcs: 21 metal, + 3 plastic command, + Special edition Battle Standard (dead dwarf), + Metal Black Orc Boss (2 choppas), + Metal GamesDay GreatWeapon Orc/Black Orc

Old Metal Giant: The Green Giant

Mangler Squigs: 2 Custom conversions

Snotling Pump Wagons: 4

Doom Divers: 2

Warboss on Wyvern: Converted (Squivern)

Goblin Shamans on Charoits: 2 both converted

Orc Boar boyz: 2 units of 6 with musician (all metal)

Bolt Throwers: 2 (includes crew)

Stone thrower: 1 (includes crew)

Spider Riders: 10, includes Champ, and musician

Squigs: 18 metal, 10 Herders (28 total models)

Squig Hoppers: 9 (2 of those need to be rebased)

Orc Shamans: 3 (2 of those are conversions, 1 is stock)

Night Goblin with Spears: 48 older “bigger” goblins, includes standard, musician, 3 nets

Night Goblin with bows: 40 older “bigger” gobins, includes standard, musician (needs last highlight)

Fantaics: 4, 1 metal 3 plastic

Orc Charoits: 2, 1 is normal, other has Boss/Shaman options + unpainted normal crew

Orcs with Choppa/shields: 24, includes full command

Orcs with 2 Choppas: 38 with 2 sets of full commands

Orc “Unit Fillers”: 3, 2 2square “Anomisity” model, 2 6square custom conversions. (both are used to bolster the above units.

Savage Orcs with 2 choppas: 28, includes full command

Savage Orc Shaman on Boar: 1 (was in the unit above)

Orc Warboss on boar: Metal, with Porko’s PigStikka conversion

Orc Battle Standard “Army Deal, Special Edition” model

Night Goblin Heroes:  Plastic NG BigBoss with Squig, Plastic NG Shaman (both from starter kit)
Night Goblin Heroes: Metal NG BigBoss with middle finger (very old)

Night Goblins releasing Fanatic: Metal, but sized for newer smaller versions, limited release.


And the unpainted stuff:

Plastic ArrerBoyz: 60

Metal Black Orcs, great weapons: 1 sealed box of 10, 11 loose, 1 standard, 1 musician
Grimgor (metal)
BlackOrc Boss w/shield, Metal, in blister
Plastic Black Orcs, 7

Warboss on Wyvern, metal, this one is missing the tail piece.

Orc Boss on Boar, metal in blister

Ruglug Armored Orcs: 12 (includes Standard, MU, and Ruglug)

Trolls: 6 new Plastic River trolls (and bitz), 1 Metal River Troll, 2 Metal Stone Trolls, 2 Plastic “Starter kit” Trolls

Skarsnik & Gobbla, new version, metal in box
Goblin Warboss on Gigantic Spider, metal in box
Goblin wolf chariot, metal, in box
Night Goblin Boss on Cave Squig: 2, in blisters

Squigs: 10 metal, 1 hopper, Gobbla (old “smaller” version), 2 herders

Spider Riders


Hi Ordo's!


Its been quite a while since I've played WHFB, my last game was at the last LasVegas GT. Almost everyone who I used to play with have given up on 8th edition as a whole. As I look around my GeekCave, I've come to the point where someone else can get better use out of my Orcs.


I have a large amount of Painted and unpainted Orcs&Goblins. As such, I'ld like to get some suggestions on how to sell what I have. Yes, before I put it up on Ebay, I'll put it up here (and for cheaper) in hopes I can give them a known good home.


Question 1, My Black Orcs are about 2 highlights from being fully finished with their new paint job. Will putting the effort in really make a difference in selling a painted unit/army?


Question 2, I have quite alot of older, out of print, and better versions of the models (imho). How do I come up with a fair (and sellable) value?


Question 3, How do I price conversions?


Question 4, Do I sell all of the Painted stuff in 1 lot, and all of the unpainted stuff in a 2nd?

1) Not really, unless you are a brilliant painter.

2) I just use retail unless there's a known difference in price (diaz daemonettes, etc).

3) I go with the basic model price unless there is a significant additional value added. Generally, conversions, like paint, don't add much value.

4) Do you want more money or less hassle? Less hassle = everything in one lot. More money = individual units


I'd probably be interested in you older unpainted night goblins dude! PM me with a price your after.


Back to your main questions you best bet would be to sell off the painted stuff as an army and they split up the unpainted stuff or eBay it? I did it previously and it worked out quite well.


Last night I spend some quality time doing some math. I've found that I've spent far to much money on Games-Workshop over the years (hahaha)!


The painted stuff adds up to 1640, and the unpainted stuff 1621.


There are a few things that are not in those numbers. The custom Mangler Squigs, Unit Fillers, Bitz alot of bitz) and some extra odds & ends I've picked up over the years.


What is the going discounted rate to apply? Based off some other posts that I've read, most people offer Ordo Members around 50% and put things up on ebay at 2/3rds. Thats pretty much 800$ for each lot here on Ordo and 1000 on Ebay. Granted I would most likely break up Ebay in to smaller chucks on the unpainted stuff.


Okay... Discount percentages. Here's my general rules for individual models/units:

NIB / NOS - 60-70%

Assembled Bare - 50-60%

Assembled Primed - 40-60%

Painted - 20-50%

Plastic Glue may reduce value as may damage, or other nastiness.


All that being said, you're looking at about 800 for each lot if you split them up.


IMO, Big lots generally need to be discounted further to make the sale since people are getting some stuff they don't want, etc so on.


edit: Also, someone more familiar with Fantasy values may be able to speak more specifically. My specialty is 40k.

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