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A new league


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Warning:  Do not and I mean do not F*****g read on if you are unable to commit to finishing a blood bowl league. Don't post, don't give ideas and don't be a p***y.    


It is time to start a new season. I will be the commissioner.  It will be an all human league with some slight changes to Dan's Imperial rule set here.  I am hoping to start this by the last full week of March.  Please post any ideas you might have and your interest.  I have contacted Dan so i can get some help and or changes with the rules.


Some of the things I am thinking:


-There will be a draft


-No Blocker position 0-2 MA4 ST4 AG2 AV9


-A different dwarf school special play card other then Chainsaw. Replaced with Dogged Defense or Wake Up Call


-A $10 entry fee. All the money collected would then be split 50% 1st place and then 50% to the Champion.(I will spend the collect money before either happens due to the inevitable)


-10 weeks only for regular season.  If people can commit to a longer season then maybe longer.


-Players with more then 3 skills will incur a fee on your income.  Due to drafted players starting with more then 1 skill. If your unable to pay the fee the player will sit out a game.  If you cannot pay the after that game he will leave and be able to be picked up by another team. I am just trying to offset any OP rosters that might arise from draft. Whats the fee? I haven't decided yet.


-It will happen and most likely we need to prepare for it.  A douche bag will not finish the league or not play his weekly game.  There are no excuses for this in my opinion.  This has happened way to often not to setup some way to fix this.  The week that is not played will be a conceded by the coach that didn't give the time to play.  All rules that apply for conceding will be enforced. If it happens the next week by the same coach. One of the remaining coaches that is interested will sit in and play the roster.  I will not force a coach to play that doesn't want to play two teams a week. The coach will change every week. So there isn't any commitment to the missing coaches team if yours is not doing well. I will make a forum post with coaches scheduling their games.  If one of the coaches does not show up for the scheduled game. The coach that was available posts that it didn't happen. I will follow up with a pm to the no show coach. If he doesn't reply by the new week. I will apply these rules.


Coaches please post any ideas you might have. 

Also post that you are interested in finishing a league with a champion. So i can get a head count.

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The link to the rules isn't working. 

I'm potentially in if I can check that out, though.  :biggrin:

The rules are posted in a section of the forums (Event Planning) that members have to request access to. Once Frosty nails down the plan I am sure he will post here, or at least I hope he will.

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