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Maleficium Normal Draft


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These are the players than can be drafted after the 1st round.  Rules on the draft are posted here.

If there is more then 12 coaches for the season.  Then more players will be added. 


I am either going to have the draft.

Tuesday 18th of March

Saturday 22th of March

Please let me know which one is better for you



Dekmar Tannfelder: MA6 ST4 AG4 AV8  Pass, Sure Hands, Nerves of Steel, Shadowing.......200,000         

Hempel Bey: MA6 ST4 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Strip Ball, Leader.......................160,000

Austein Wester: MA6 ST4 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Tackle, Break Tackle.................170,000

Wuder Dassel: MA6 ST4 AG4 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands.........................................160,000

Ramvoldus Hoef: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Dump-Off, Hail Mary Pass.............110,000

Henschel Anders III: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Dodge, Accurate.................120,000

Kristof Hannus: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Hail Mary Pass.............110,000

Ropot II: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Hail Mary Pass..............................90,000

Brocuff Koeriner: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate............................90,000

Zoblaus Garssener: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pass, Sure Hands, Mighty Blow.......................100,000


Dieterich Schlueter: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7

Catch, Dodge, Dirty Player, Sprint, Sure Hands, Kick-Off Return.............................150,000

Mechtfrid: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7
Catch, Dodge, Side Step, Safe Throw, Diving Catch, Diving Tackle.......................150,000

Berthuld: MA8 ST2 AG4 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Diving Catch, Sneaky Git.......................150,000

Eckel: MA8 ST2 AG4 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Diving Catch, Sure Feet...........................150,000

Heinrich: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Leap, Block, Diving Tackle.....................130,000

Gerlach Furtz: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Block, Leap...............................110,000

Hildebart Wester: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet, Jump Up.....................110,000

Walt Pappenheimer: MA9 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Strip Ball............................120,000

Oldric Dorner: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Hail Mary Pass, Pro.......................120,000

Pauwel Kraemer: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Side Step, Fend..........................110,000

Ermelaus Meyer: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Leader, Sneaky Git.......................120,000

Rudlo: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet, Leap...................................120,000

Jekil Schatz: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Multiple Block, Stunty.....................130,000

Ulrichus Zell: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Kick.......................................90,000

Seibot Helembertus: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Thick Skull..........................100,000

Ludolf Bohsen: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Side Step..................................90,000

Eckehart Liphardus: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Diving Catch..........................90,000

Benusch Kraut: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Kick.......................................90,000
Ripertus: MA8 ST2 AG3 AV7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint..........................................90,000


Urban Dunn: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Stand Firm, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow..............170,000

Rudeloff Barwedelmann: MA8 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Mighty Blow, Piling on, Jump up..........190,000

Marx Vonreuter: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Kick, Multiple Block, Mighty Blow, Guard.........170,000

Matzke Heinricus: MA7 ST3 AG4 AV8 Block, Frenzy, Chainsaw, Secret Weapon................180,000

Halpern III: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Strong Arm, Kick, Guard............................150,000

Varl Endal: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Stab, Strong Arm, Juggernaut........................160,000

Willehalm Algir: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Leader, Frenzy, Piling on......................160,000

Seidelman: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV9 Block, Kick-Off Return, Mighty Blow.........................160,000

Mikusch Kelhammer: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Kick-Off Return, Stab, Guard.................160,000

Eodred Heukerner: MA7 ST3 AG4 AV8 Block, Kick..........................................150,000

Gerlach: MA7 ST4 AG4 AV8 Block.........................................................180,000

Waldor Lukas: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Sprint, Strong Arm................................140,000

Hannos Radische: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Juggernaut, Strip Ball.........................130,000

Ermelaus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Strong Arm, Dodge.....................................140,000

Liebrecht Mohr: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow........................130,000

Burgmann Braun II: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut.....................130,000

Endal Ramvoldus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Strong Arm, Stand Firm.........................130,000

Lanric Tubbmann: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Guard, Piling On...............................130,000

Mengot Ramsauer: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Piling On, Stand Firm..........................130,000

Jorgl: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Multiple Block, Strong Arm...............................130,000

Gundel Leonardus Jr: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Multiple Block, Stand Firm.................130,000

Adolphus Liphardus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Sprint......................................120,000

Elmeric Pfeiffer: MA8 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block................................................120,000

Ingwald Vincencius: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Juggernaut..................................110,000

Nimandus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Stand Firm............................................110,000

Reintsch: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Break Tackle..........................................110,000

Waldemarr: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Mighty Blow..........................................110,000

Reikert Haariginer: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Multiple Block..............................110,000

Hannes Libingus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Grab...........................................110,000

Kunemann Ripmann: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Block, Mighty Blow...................................110,000


Hardrat Dreiflussen: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8 Pass Block, Nerves of Steel, Fan Favorite.........170,000

Wiland Aldermann: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing, Guard, Sure Hands, Accurate...............150,000

Reinald: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8 Frenzy, Wrestle, Fend.........................................150,000

Niclawes: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Pro, Kick-Off Return, Sprint.................................120,000

Casimir Gundersen: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Wrestle, Pass Block, Fend...........................110,000

Henricus Konrad: MA7 ST4 AG3 AV8 Kick-Off Return........................................150,000

Heimar: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8 Dump Off, Kick-Off Return.......................................140,000

Faustmann Siffridus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Tackle, Sure Hands................................120,000

Ortlip: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Break Tackle, Fend.............................................130,000

Carolus Tolzen: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing, Hypnotic Gaze...............................100,000

Hanmann Siffridus: MA7 ST3 AG3 AV8 Fend................................................100,000

Gustaf: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Wrestle, Strip Ball.............................................90,000

Adolphus: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Kick-Off Return, Shadowing....................................90,000

Tristram Pfieler: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Strip Ball, Sure Feet................................100,000

Vincencius Eisen: MA6 ST4 AG3 AV8 Frenzy...............................................120,000

Aldfreid: MA7 ST4 AG3 AV8..............................................................130,000

Pauwel Gostahoffer: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Wrestle, Fend.......................................90,000

Ludevicus Dicker: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV9 Fend.................................................100,000

Gotchalcus: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Sure Hands, Block...........................................90,000

Lukas Trautenau: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing, Pro.........................................90,000

Otmar Mikalsdorfer: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Fend, Dirty Player..................................90,000

Viggo: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8..................................................................90,000

Otmar: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing........................................................70,000

Thyrus Dieterich: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Frenzy................................................70,000

Sigmar Kahl: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8............................................................90,000

Rambrecht: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Frenzy.......................................................70,000

Teutoge Lastkahn: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Shadowing.............................................70,000

Claus Kalten: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Dirty Player..............................................70,000

Sigisberht: MA6 ST3 AG3 AV8 Tackle......................................................70,000

Gundel: MA6 ST3 AG4 AV8.................................................................90,000


Dekmar: MA6 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Guard........230,000

Zaggut Gutsplitter: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV10 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Juggernaut, Strong Arm........210,000

Azrag Bloodbather: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Stand Firm, Break Tackle, Juggernaut...............................200,000

Yerek Icecruncher: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Grab, Guard.....................180,000
Tuzrug the Rotund: MA5 ST5 AG3 AV9L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Strong Arm.......................200,000

Yegodd Earbiter: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Stand Firm, Grab..................180,000

Skaren Gorechomp: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Grab, Juggernaut.................180,000

Megret Mawseeker: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Piling On........................160,000

Ragew the Devious: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Strong Arm......................160,000

Muzunn Throatcutter: MA5 ST5 AG2 AV9 L, BH, MB, TS, TTM, Juggernaut....................160,000

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I have moved the draft to Saturday April 12th.  This date is final.  If we have fewer then six coaches the season will not happen.  So if any other coaches want to recruit some new blood.  That would be helpful. Right now I believe I have six coaches.  With Michael having a friend interested that would be seven.


Again if this date doesn't work let me know.  I have already moved it to April due to some coaches needing more time.

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