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The reasons that I play games


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 With all of the recent discussion revolving around 40k's 6th edition, the places and ways that we game and even the armies and specific units that we game with I decided to take a step back the other night and spend some time deciding what my hobby means to me. I’ve decided that I’ve been neglecting the balance in my gaming. There simply aren’t enough free hours in the day to try every cool new thing that comes your way but there is a decided art to finding one’s personal equilibrium between hobby, tabletop, boardgame, console and …what’s that other thing…. Oh yeah, Real Life.


 I game because it's fun. I don't care if I win or loose. Sure, I like to win, but loosing does not bother me even though winning can be fun. You know what else is fun? Playing games! Just playing them; not focusing on the outcome or the level of fairness (to a degree…see Section103.2(f) “How to hang cheaters up by their toes”). Playing for the sheer love of playing.  The way I see it, if I’m not having fun then I’ve done something wrong or there is a bug somewhere in the process and it needs to be addressed. Lately I’ve been giving less of a [big bad swear word] about what GW is doing and focusing on how to leverage the current rule set in a theoretical tournament environment. I've been spending less time on random 40k forums (while not abandoning such august institutions such as this one). I’ve been:



Assembling models






Attempting to mimic conversions


...playing games with friends, Catching up on my fluff, playing a massive amount of boardgames etc.


I guess what I am trying to say is that, to me, gaming is about fun. Pure, unmitigated childlike joy....as you attempt to crush, help or destroy your opponent or in other cases teammate.  Let the GW thing ride for awhile. Let the blood pressure recede. Put on some tunes and paint some figs, review a 3rd edition codex for a garage game at DTG and remember to smile - because all is well. We have games to play and friends to play them with.

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True I agree but playing for fun to you may in and of itself be fun, however maybe playing competitive games may be others versions of fun. It may seem competitive, uptight and abrasive but my own fun comes from nail biting high stress games of tactical genius. Keep in mind just because one isn't high fiving and giggling doesn't me they aren't having fun.

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True I agree but playing for fun to you may in and of itself be fun, however maybe playing competitive games may be others versions of fun. It may seem competitive, uptight and abrasive but my own fun comes from nail biting high stress games of tactical genius. Keep in mind just because one isn't high fiving and giggling doesn't me they aren't having fun.

Don't get me wrong Shae. I still think power-listing tiny bugs into submission until their cricket shrieks fill the air is good fun. I really do like competitive play. I want to play in comps one day. I just wanted to take a step back from the frustration and focus on the fun...like squishing purple things (kidding) ((nope))

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