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Should probably start this... We are in early planning but the same four guys from 2018 are riding again. One revamped returning army, two different armies and one possibly different army. 

Using the OFCC to force painting is a time honored tradition right? 

I'll be updating things here as we go! 

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Well I Corey have decided on a list, or possibly rather time decided for me... I'll be running codex Marines using salamanders rules. This thing is rocking it old school single source and just one detachment.

It is a brigade consisting of

HQs: Captain, Terminator Librarian and a Techmarine.

Troops: five different 6 man tactical squads (2 plasma gun Combi plasma, 2 storm bolter multi melta, 1 storm bolter heavy bolter) and a 5 man scout squad (heavy bolter).

Elites are dreads who do you think I am? Venerable with multi melta close combat storm bolter, standard with twin lascannon missile launcher, and an Iron clad with hurricane bolter heavy flamer seismic hammer.😁 

Fast attack: single multi melta attack bike and two 5 man assault squads (lightning claw plasma pistol Sarge with 2 plasma pistol specialists each)

Heavy support: 3 man centurion devestators (6 heavy bolters, 2 chest missiles, hurricane bolter), 6 man devestator squad (2 missile launchers, 1 lascannon), and a thunder fire cannon.

Then for points and to make those assault Marines useful a dedicated transport DROP POD! Yeah that's right finally cheap enough.

All in all surprised at how much bling I was able to afford for this many Marines.

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Hi, my name is Kevin. I've been attending the OFCC since 2011 (mostly 40k, sometimes Fantasy). I've been collecting Dark Eldar since 5th ed.

The theme here is speed, pure, unadulterated speed. Kabal obsession: +3 movement for vehicles (and ignore cover); Wych Cult obsession: may advance and charge, re-roll charges; Harlequin masque form: may advance and fire assault weapons with no -1 penalty; Craftworld attribute: re-roll charges, bikers may move and fire heavy weapons with no penalty.


for initial list see further in thread, as lists become more final it'll be here...

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From Harlequin Codex, p22:

"The Soaring Spite is frequently seen in the company of Saim-Hann Asuryani, with whom it's players share a spiritual bond. Its performances are also wildly popular within the arenas of the Commorrite Wych Cults. Here, the Masque's Skyweavers swoop and soar, shedding very real blood as they engage in ritual dances and duels with the best challengers the Wych Cults have to offer. Since the Great Rift opened, the Soaring Spite have called upon the Drukhari and Asuryani alike to aid them in their battles, forming lethal airborne hosts that fall on the foe like a storm."

Hi, my name is Kevin. I've been attending the OFCC since 2011 (mostly 40k, sometimes Fantasy). I've been collecting Dark Eldar since 5th ed. My homebrew Kabal is the Labrynth Serpent. The endless scheming and betrayals in Cammorragh, combined with the thrill of adventure and soul harvesting lead this Kabal to depart the Dark City for good. They instead committed themselves to exploring the darkest depths of the Webway, seeking to learn its secrets and master its many pathways. 

Since the Great Rift, this Kabal has been well equipped to hunt down the myriad demons infesting and terrorizing the Labrynth Dimension, and in their warring, they've found they share a common goal with the Soaring Spite and their unification efforts...

Here's the list I'm looking at:

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [42 PL, 799pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment Attribute: Kabal of the Flayed Skull

+ HQ +

Archon [4 PL, 86pts]: Blast Pistol, , Huskblade, Warlord: Hatred Eternal

Archon [4 PL, 72pts]: Splinter pistol, Venom Blade

+ Troops +

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

+ Heavy Support +

Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon

+ Flyer +

Razorwing Jetfighter [8 PL, 145pts]: Twin splinter rifle
. 2 Dark Lances: 2x Dark Lance

+ Dedicated Transport +

Raider [5 PL, 80pts]: Disintegrator cannon

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [23 PL, 393pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Craftworld Attribute: Saim-Hann: Wild Host

+ HQ +

Autarch Skyrunner [6 PL, 105pts]: Laser Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

+ Fast Attack +

Warp Spiders [9 PL, 150pts]
. 8x Warp Spider: 8x Death Spinner
. Warp Spider Exarch: Two Death Spinners

Windriders [4 PL, 69pts]
. 3x Windrider - Scatter Laser: 3x Scatter Laser

Windriders [4 PL, 69pts]
. 3x Windrider - Scatter Laser: 3x Scatter Laser

++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Harlequins) [16 PL, 390pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Masque Form: The Soaring Spite: Serpent's Blood

+ HQ +

Troupe Master [4 PL, 84pts]: Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Kiss

+ Fast Attack +

Skyweavers [4 PL, 102pts]
. Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive
. Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

Skyweavers [4 PL, 102pts]
. Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive
. Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

Skyweavers [4 PL, 102pts]
. Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive
. Skyweaver: Haywire Cannon, Zephyrglaive

++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [20 PL, 418pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment Attribute: Cult of the Red Grief

+ HQ +

Succubus [4 PL, 60pts]: Archite Glaive, Blast Pistol

+ Fast Attack +

Hellions [10 PL, 210pts]
. Helliarch: Hellglaive
. 14x Hellion

Reavers [3 PL, 74pts]
. Arena Champion
. Reaver
. Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models): Blaster

Reavers [3 PL, 74pts]
. Arena Champion
. Reaver
. Reaver with special weapon (up to 1 for 3 models): Blaster

++ Total: [101 PL, 2000pts] ++

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The theme here is speed, pure, unadulterated speed. Kabal obsession: +3 movement for vehicles (and ignore cover); Wych Cult obsession: may advance and charge, re-roll charges; Harlequin masque form: may advance and fire assault weapons with no -1 penalty; Craftworld attribute: re-roll charges, bikers may move and fire heavy weapons with no penalty.

List critiques, random thoughts, and general [big bad swear word]-talking welcome.

*Edit* Belay all that! New plan to be posted below.

Edited by Munkie
Change of direction
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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, I scratched out most of my above post because the army concept has changed significantly. 

First of all, I was becoming concerned that it could be annoying to determine matchups. It had so much haywire from the bikes that no knight player would willingly walk into that matchup. On top of that, the list is so fast that matches could end up being really lopsided. Either they've got the range and or speed to blow my fragile stuff up from afar, or they'll spend the entire game desperately trying and failing to chase me down while getting shot to pieces.

Next, I looked at taking triple battalions as a lark. The Raiding Force (3 patrols for 4 CPs) is a laughably bad "formation" for Drukhari. One more HQ than a battalion for 1 fewer CP, yay! To mock how bad it is, I wanted to see what I could do with a jumped up version. It was actually pretty good, but I wasn't totally thrilled by the painting opportunities. With 9 troops choices and 6 HQs, it would start to get bland.

Then the new Ynnari happened.

I was mildly curious about Ynnari before, but I wasn't going to touch the double activation nonsense with a 10 foot pole. That's NPE in a can, and I wouldn't sully the OFCC with it.

New Ynnari has me really excited. It's not top tier competitive, but it's fun, it's interesting, and it breathes new life into list construction. I like the niche they fill of assault focused eldar.

Hoping to get the Old School achievement (AKA the "Congrats on owning Astra Millitarum" achievement), I thought I'd try out a Brigade. Building brigades in standard Drukhari is pretty much impossible. Wych Cults can't even do it--they have no access to heavy supports. Kabals can, but they have access to only 1 HQ, 1 troops choice, 1 fast attack, and 1 heavy support. The ONLY choice is what mix of the 2 elites you want to use. Very spammy. Very Boring.

With Ynnari, I can mix kabals and wych Cults together, just like old school Dark Eldar. So silly achievement be damned, this feels like a very old school list!

++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [107 PL, 2,000pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment Attribute
. Ynnari

+ HQ +

Archon [4 PL, 76pts]: Huskblade, Splinter pistol

Succubus [4 PL, 50pts]: Archite Glaive, Splinter pistol

The Yncarne [17 PL, 337pts]

+ Troops +

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Wyches [2 PL, 49pts]
. Hekatrix: Power sword, Splinter pistol
. 3x Wych
. Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler

Wyches [2 PL, 49pts]
. Hekatrix: Agoniser, Splinter pistol
. 3x Wych
. Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler

Wyches [4 PL, 65pts]
. Hekatrix: Agoniser, Splinter pistol
. 5x Wych
. Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler

+ Elites +

Beastmaster [2 PL, 36pts]: Beastmaster's scourge

Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
. 4x Incubi
. Klaivex: Klaive

Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
. 4x Incubi
. Klaivex: Klaive

+ Fast Attack +

Razorwing Flocks [2 PL, 24pts]
. 2x Razorwing flock

Razorwing Flocks [2 PL, 24pts]
. 2x Razorwing flock

Reavers [3 PL, 60pts]: Grav-Talon
. Arena Champion
. 2x Reaver

Reavers [3 PL, 60pts]: Grav-Talon
. Arena Champion
. 2x Reaver

Scourges [5 PL, 92pts]
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Solarite: Shardcarbine

+ Heavy Support +

Ravager [7 PL, 140pts]: Dark Lance, Dark Lance, Dark Lance

Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon

Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon

+ Dedicated Transport +

Raider [5 PL, 81pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Shock Prow

Raider [5 PL, 81pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Shock Prow

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

++ Total: [107 PL, 2,000pts] ++

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I've only got a couple practices games in at this point, but I'll be trying it at an ITC tournament at the end of the month. So far, I really like it.

The Yncarne is an absolute blast, teleporting all around, causing mayhem, and making opponents make really difficult decisions. It's a hoot!

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I'll see posting lists as they were submitted over the weekend


Corey's official submitted list...

++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [147 PL, 2,000pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

**Chapter Selection**: Salamanders

+ HQ +

Captain [5 PL, 93pts]: Relic Blade, Storm shield

Librarian in Terminator Armor [9 PL, 123pts]: 1) Veil of Time, 2) Might of Heroes, Combi-plasma, Force axe, Iron Resolve, Warlord

Techmarine [5 PL, 61pts]: Boltgun, Power axe, The Primarch's Wrath
. Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter, 2x servo arms

+ Troops +

Scout Squad [10 PL, 76pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun
. Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 102pts]
. 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Storm bolter
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 102pts]
. 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Storm bolter
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 100pts]
. 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 100pts]
. 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun

Tactical Squad [9 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Storm bolter
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter

+ Elites +

Dreadnought [7 PL, 120pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon

Ironclad Dreadnought [8 PL, 139pts]: Heavy flamer, Hurricane bolter, Ironclad Assault Launchers, Seismic hammer

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 134pts]: Multi-melta
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter

+ Fast Attack +

Assault Squad [5 PL, 88pts]
. 2x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Lightning Claw, Plasma pistol
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon
. . Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon
. . Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol

Assault Squad [5 PL, 84pts]
. 2x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Plasma pistol, Power sword
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon
. . Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol
. Space Marine w/Special Weapon
. . Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol

Attack Bike Squad [3 PL, 49pts]
. Attack Bike: Multi-melta, Twin boltgun

+ Heavy Support +

Centurion Devastator Squad [19 PL, 240pts]
. Centurion: Centurion missile launcher, Two Heavy Bolters
. Centurion: Centurion missile launcher, Two Heavy Bolters
. Centurion Sergeant: Hurricane bolter, Two Heavy Bolters

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 135pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher

Thunderfire Cannon [6 PL, 92pts]
. Techmarine Gunner
. . Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter

+ Dedicated Transport +

Rhino [4 PL, 72pts]: Storm bolter

++ Total: [147 PL, 2,000pts] ++

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This isn't so bad!

Kevin's official list

++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [107 PL, -3CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Detachment Attribute
. Ynnari

Exalted of Ynnead [-1CP]

Fixed Combat Drug Selections

Shrine of the Whispering God [-2CP]

+ HQ +

Archon [4 PL, 76pts]: Huskblade, Splinter pistol, Walker of Many Paths, Ynnari Warlord
. Hungering Blade

Succubus [4 PL, 50pts]: Archite Glaive, Serpentin (Combat Drug), Splinter pistol, Warden of Souls

The Yncarne [17 PL, 337pts]

+ Troops +

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Kabalite Warriors [2 PL, 47pts]
. 3x Kabalite Warrior
. Kabalite Warrior with special weapon: Blaster
. Sybarite: Splinter Rifle

Wyches [2 PL, 49pts]: Grave Lotus (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix: Power sword, Splinter pistol
. 3x Wych
. Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler

Wyches [2 PL, 49pts]: Hypex (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix: Agoniser, Splinter pistol
. 3x Wych
. Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler

Wyches [4 PL, 65pts]: Painbringer (Combat Drug)
. Hekatrix: Agoniser, Splinter pistol
. 5x Wych
. Wych with Wych Weapon: Shardnet and impaler

+ Elites +

Beastmaster [2 PL, 36pts]: Beastmaster's scourge, Splintermind (Combat Drug)

Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
. 4x Incubi
. Klaivex: Klaive

Incubi [4 PL, 80pts]
. 4x Incubi
. Klaivex: Klaive

+ Fast Attack +

Razorwing Flocks [2 PL, 24pts]
. 2x Razorwing flock

Razorwing Flocks [2 PL, 24pts]
. 2x Razorwing flock

Reavers [3 PL, 60pts]: Adrenalight (Combat Drug), Grav-Talon
. Arena Champion
. 2x Reaver

Reavers [3 PL, 60pts]: Adrenalight (Combat Drug), Grav-Talon
. Arena Champion
. 2x Reaver

Scourges [5 PL, 92pts]
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon: Haywire blaster
. Solarite: Shardcarbine

+ Heavy Support +

Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon

Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon, Disintegrator cannon

Ravager [7 PL, 140pts]: Dark Lance, Dark Lance, Dark Lance

+ Dedicated Transport +

Raider [5 PL, 81pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Shock Prow

Raider [5 PL, 81pts]: Disintegrator cannon, Shock Prow

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon

++ Total: [107 PL, -3CP, 2,000pts] ++

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Better late than never?

Brendan's official list

++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Space Wolves) [120 PL, 2,000pts] ++

+ HQ +

Iron Priest [5 PL, 70pts]: Helfrost pistol, Thunder hammer

Primaris Battle Leader [4 PL, 75pts]: The Armour of Russ
. Power axe and bolt carbine: Power axe

Wolf Lord [5 PL, 81pts]: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword, Saga of Majesty, Warlord

+ Troops +

Grey Hunters [6 PL, 95pts]: 4x Chainsword
. Grey Hunter Pack Leader
. 3x Grey Hunter w/Bolt Pistol
. Grey Hunter w/Plasma Pistol: Plasma pistol
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Grey Hunters [6 PL, 101pts]: 4x Chainsword
. Grey Hunter Pack Leader
. 3x Grey Hunter w/Bolt Pistol
. Grey Hunter with Special Weapon: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Grey Hunters [6 PL, 101pts]: 4x Chainsword
. Grey Hunter Pack Leader
. 3x Grey Hunter w/Bolt Pistol
. Grey Hunter with Special Weapon: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun
. Wolf Guard Pack Leader: Bolt pistol, Power fist

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle
. 4x Intercessor
. Intercessor Pack Leader: Chainsword

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle
. 4x Intercessor
. Intercessor Pack Leader: Chainsword

Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle
. 4x Intercessor
. Intercessor Pack Leader: Chainsword

+ Elites +

Dreadnought [7 PL, 114pts]: Assault cannon
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter

Redemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 162pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Icarus Rocket Pod, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Onslaught Gatling Cannon

Venerable Dreadnought [9 PL, 145pts]
. Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield: Blizzard shield, Fenrisian great axe

+ Fast Attack +

Inceptor Squad [10 PL, 135pts]: Assault Bolter, 2x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant

Land Speeders [6 PL, 98pts]
. Land Speeder: Heavy bolter, Typhoon missile launcher

Land Speeders [6 PL, 98pts]
. Land Speeder: Heavy bolter, Typhoon missile launcher

+ Heavy Support +

Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma Incinerator
. 4x Hellblaster
. Hellblaster Pack Leader: Bolt pistol

Predator [9 PL, 180pts]: Predator autocannon
. Two Lascannons: 2x Lascannon

Vindicator [8 PL, 125pts]

++ Total: [120 PL, 2,000pts] ++

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So much red to finish it off!


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Daemons) [107 PL, 1,993pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Chaos Allegiance: Khorne

+ HQ +

Bloodmaster [3 PL, 56pts]: Rage Incarnate, The Crimson Crown, Warlord

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage [17 PL, 260pts]

Skarbrand [18 PL, 330pts]

+ Troops +

Bloodletters [12 PL, 235pts]: 29x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos

Bloodletters [8 PL, 165pts]: 19x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos

Bloodletters [4 PL, 70pts]: 9x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper

+ Elites +

Bloodcrushers [22 PL, 448pts]: 8x Bloodcrusher, Bloodhunter, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos

+ Fast Attack +

Flesh Hounds [4 PL, 84pts]: 4x Flesh Hound, Gorehound

Flesh Hounds [4 PL, 75pts]: 5x Flesh Hound

+ Heavy Support +

Skull Cannon [5 PL, 90pts]

Skull Cannon [5 PL, 90pts]

Skull Cannon [5 PL, 90pts]

++ Total: [107 PL, 1,993pts] ++

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