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OFCC 2019 - Friday TAG Deathmatch

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Hey there!  Welcome to the thread for the 2019 OFCC Friday TAG Arena Deathmatch!

I've got a question for you.  Do you like Big, Stompy Robots? Do you have a fond memory of 90's First Person Shooters, with teleporters, spawn beacons and weapon pickups?  If so, this may be the event made JUST for you!

TAG Deathmatch was originally brought to you by Beasts of War through their original Infinity Boot Camp event back in 2015.  We will be tweaking these rules in the lead up to the event, but the following will be certain: Each player will bring one fully painted S7 TAG (or a TAG mounted on an S7 Base for you Stingray and Gecko fans out there); players will be organized on tables of up to 8 participants, and there will be mayhem.

To accommodate for travel and other needs, Friday's Tag Deathmatch will run from 3:00PM until 5:00PM.

Blastic Studios, run by Ordo's very own @Jay has graciously agreed to paint up a S7 TAG to be revealed later as a prize for the event, and our Ordo Infinity Grand Championship sponsor, Fate and Fury Games form the core of our prize support for the event, which will include awards for Deathmatch Champion, Best Painted, and Best Sportsman.  Players who participate in the event will also receive early access to their personal Achievement list for the Ordo Infinity Grand Championship. 


Following the event, head out to enjoy the Vancouver restaurant and brewery scene, stick around for Open gaming in the hall, or check out the Speed Painting Tournament being put on by Mindtaker Miniatures at 6PM.


Please follow up here if you have any questions, or PM me via our in-board system.


Pete H


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