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D&D: difference between 3rd and 3.5?


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Got a few of the 3rd ed books and am thinking about running something. We'll see if this becomes more than a pipe dream. Books are pretty discounted, so that helps even if this becomes a failed project. 

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13 minutes ago, Brother Glacius said:

There is no reason to go 3rd as opposed to 3.5. Although if you find a 3rd PHB, you might get the cool free character builder disk that came with it.

Is 3.5 better? Can you describe the difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally picked up the books for third. Really liking 3rd rules.

Don't have 3.5, but between 3rd and Pathfinder, some pretty big changes.

For starters, just about every lengthy Pathfinder rules debate is resolved with RAW in the 3rd Ed books. Very well written rules.

One big change is that third isn't really well designed to run on a grid. Pathfinder does everything in 5ft squares, 3rd does not.

Another big change is that spell casters can only cast 0-level spells once per day, while in Pathfinder they have unlimited uses. On the other hand, the 0-level spells are more impressive in 3rd.

And just about all of the classes have less abilities in 3rd. 

A lot more skill choices in 3rd too. Like hiding and moving silently are two separate skills in 3rd, while they are the same skill in Pathfinder. Personally, I like the separation.

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