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2019 OFCC 40K Team Event - Missions!!!

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As I complete the 40K missions, I will be posting them here for review and play testing (some of you may remember some of my dodgy scoring mechanics from last year). 🙂

You are open to comment and provide feedback whether you are attending OFCC or not.

With that being said, here is the first mission:

2019 OFCC 40K - Mission 1 
Smoke Screen

Pyres and fires and smoke…oh my! Between the smoky battlefield and shifting winds, defeating your opponent may be a challenge.

Vanguard Strike

Special Rules: 
Place 3 Objective Markers on the diagonal centerline, one in the middle and two 24” from each corner

Fires and Smoke: Place two Pyre markers 24” from each short table edge in the center of the table. Each marker leaves a 12” path of smoke blowing in a random direction. Roll a d6 at the beginning of each game turn to determine direction.
(Note: Direction is relevant to the player who takes first turn)

  1. Right - >>
  2. Left - <<
  3. Towards - vv
  4. Away - ^^
  5. Away from each other - <>
  6. Towards each other - ><

Any ranged attack that crosses a single line of smoke is considered Low Visibility and Hit Roles have a -1 penalty. With two lines of smoke, Hit Roles have a -2 penalty.

Primary Scoring:
At the end of the game, each objective marker is worth 2 victory points to the player who controls it. A player controls an objective marker if they have more models within 3"  than their opponent.

Bonus Scoring:
If you killed a non-vehicle model while shooting in Low Visibility – 1 Point
If you destroyed a vehicle while shooting in Low Visibility – 2 Points


2019 OFCC 40K - Mission 2 

It’s time for the annual “gift” exchange on this world. Make sure to leave your “gift” in a place your opponent will be sure to find it.

Dawn of War

Special Rules: 
Each player will receive a Fallout token to be placed in their opponent’s deployment zone prior to deployment. The token must be placed on the table surface or on the lowest level of a terrain feature.

Each token emits radiation for 9” in every direction. For every model that ends its movement phase partially or completely within the radiation bubble, roll a die. On a 4+, that model suffers a mortal wound.

Primary Scoring:
Every 100 points worth of enemy units destroyed by the end of the game (rounded to the nearest 100) is worth 1 Victory Point.

Bonus Scoring:
If your Fallout zone killed at least one enemy model – 1 point
If your Fallout zone kills at least two of your own models – 2 points


2019 OFCC 40K - Mission 3
Maelstrom’s Fate

Your mission is unclear. Do you forge ahead with what you think is right, or let fate decide?

Hammer and Anvil

Special Rules:
At the start of each player turn, the active player will determine their current objective from the list below. Players can either choose from the list, or roll a d6 and let Fate decide.

1.       Advance – None of your unit are in your deployment zone at the end of your turn
2.       Behind Enemy Lines – At least one until completely in the enemy deployment zone at the end of your turn
3.       Hold the Line – At least three units in your deployment zone and no enemy units in your deployment zone at the end of your turn, cannot be earned on the first turn.
4.       Overwhelming Firepower – Destroyed an enemy unit in the shooting phase
5.       Blood and Guts – Destroyed an enemy unit in the fight phase
6.       Area Denial – No enemy models within 6” of the center of the battlefield at the end of your turn

Once an objective has been earned, it is no longer an option. If your Fate roll lands on a completed objective, re-roll the die.

If an objective has not be completed at the end of your turn, you have the option of keeping that current objective for your next turn.

Primary Scoring:
For each chosen objective completed, a player will earn 1 victory point. For each Fate chosen objective completed, a player will earn 2 victory points. Completed Fate chosen objectives carried over for more than one round still count as a Fate chosen objective.

Bonus Scoring:
Completing 3+ objectives – 1 Point
Letting Fate decide every objective – 2 Point


2019 OFCC 40K - Mission 4

With the battle raging, you worry the unstable infrastructure will restrict your ability to upload critical data. Your opponent is committed to make sure it does.

Search and Destroy

Special Rules:
Upload Transmission Locations:

  • At the beginning of the game, each player places 3 Upload Transmission tokens on the battlefield
    • One person will use tokens numbered 1,3,5 and the other will use 2,4,6
    • One token must be placed in your deployment zone, your opponent’s deployment zone and in no-man’s land
    • Alternate deployment and roll off to see who places first

 Power Blink: Roll a d6 at the beginning of each player turn to determine which set of transmission locations are powered (odd or even).

Any opponent can use a Command Point re-roll a Power Blink (active player or opponent). The active player can choose to use a Command Point, if they choose not to then the opponent can choose to use one and force the re-roll.

Primary Scoring:
At the end of the active players turn, they will score 1 point for each powered objective they control.

Bonus Scoring:
Using a Command Point to re-roll a Power Blink – 1 Point
Using a Command Point to re-roll a Power Blink 3+ times – 2 Points

2019 OFCC 40K - Mission 5 
Press your Luck

Play it safe or risk it all, only you can decide…unless your opponent decides for you!
Front-line Assault

Special Rules: 
At the beginning of the game, place 5 objective on the battlefield

  • One in the center, and one in the middle of each table quadrant

At the end of the active players turn, they can choose to Score or Hold each objective they control

  • If the objective was not previously held, it is worth 1 point
  • If the objective was held for 1 turn, on a 2+ it is worth 3 points
  • If the objective was held for 2 turns, on a 3+ it is worth 7 points

If you fail your role when claiming a held objective, it is worth 1 point

If you lose control of a held objective prior to scoring it, the previously held turns do not carry over to future scoring
Primary Scoring: 
Tally the total points scored during each game turn
Bonus Scoring: 
If you held 2+ objectives during the game – 1 Point
If you stopped your opponent from scoring a held objective: – 2 Points

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12 hours ago, Munkie said:

Will pure markers be provided, or are we bringing our own?

In either case, it sounds like we really need 4 markers, not 2. One for each end of both lines.

That is a good question and it has not been decided yet. I know of at least one other mission that will need markers and I do plan to provide those. It may come down to how much time I have to prep things. :) 

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I got a chance to test this mission out with @Gorgosaurusrex today, and I thought it was great! I was worried that moving the smoke every turn might be a lot of book keeping, but it really wasn't. We used two markers for each line of smoke and it was easy to keep track of.

We did encounter one unclear point about the low visibility rule, which is whether or not it affects units that do not require line of sight to shoot (a Whirlwind, in my case). We agreed that the smoke should not impact these units for our game, but you may want to add a sentence to the rules just to clarify whether it does or doesn't. 

Overall, the mission was easy to setup and play, and it added a fun new element that isn't game-breaking. I enjoyed it!

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@apathy ales and I also played this mission on Friday for a few turns. We also used 2 markers for the smoke trail. Most of the first 2 turns @apathy ales's units were -2 to hit(-1 smoke, -1 relic banner)!

My thought would be to increase the points for the objectives(+2 points at the end of the game per objective, or +1 point per battle round if you control more objectives than your opponent maybe), and make the shoot through smoke mechanism +1 point per unit destroyed through smoke. This would change the way I would deploy my screens that are easy to kill. But the mission is fun the way it is too no changes needed! 

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2 hours ago, Munkie said:

RE: mission 2.

Will mortal wounds be allocated to each individual model in the event that a squad of multi-wound models end their movement within radiation range? Or will you roll one die per model, but pile the wounds onto one model until it's dead?

Great question....I know piling on wounds to remove whole models would probably be easier, but I love the idea of tough models getting withered away in the radiation zone...so I'm torn. 🙂 

Let me think about this

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2 hours ago, evil_bryan said:

Great question....I know piling on wounds to remove whole models would probably be easier, but I love the idea of tough models getting withered away in the radiation zone...so I'm torn. 🙂 

Let me think about this

I do like the concept of individual Models fading away, but since nothing else in 8th Ed works like that, it feels like it would end up causing confusion and awkwardness.

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On 6/20/2019 at 7:09 PM, evil_bryan said:

If your Fallout zone kills at least two of your own models – 2 points

"Sir, are you sure the deep strike coordinates are correct? That is a radioactive zone. We will surely perish before we shoot!"

"...Perhaps perish, like a 50/50 chance at best."



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On 7/2/2019 at 12:01 AM, StygianArcanum said:

Speaking of, what is the difference between Primary and Bonus Scoring? Do both count towards determining the victor?

And it looks like I'm going to want to invest in some 12" markers of some sort. The hardest part of that mission sounds like it'd be simply remembering that the smoke is there, heh.

Both Primary and Bonus are added to determine who the winner of the match is

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On 7/12/2019 at 10:11 PM, StygianArcanum said:

If you roll a 3 for Hold The Line on turn 1, can you re-roll? Can you spend a command point to re-roll?

I'm assuming no, but I thought I'd check.

Fate decided what fate decides, she cannot be commanded. 🙂

Also, if you roll a 3 on turn one then fate is screwing with you (she can be fickle.) 🙂 

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19 minutes ago, evil_bryan said:

Fate decided what fate decides, she cannot be commanded. 🙂

Also, if you roll a 3 on turn one then fate is screwing with you (she can be fickle.) 🙂 

And you can hold it over, while still rolling for all your objectives! It just says no selection to count. Love this mission BTW so ready to play it soon.


Played the pyre mission. We worked through it but what if a model has the smoke drifting through it? We played if it was partially obscured the firing player could choose to suffer the penalty to hit for the points or not.


Also we used a scatter die  for the drift more fun!

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