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Imperial Fist Bumps Team Page

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*Holds out fist in greeting*

Hi all. We're the Imperial Fist Bumps. We have been coming to OFCC since 2014, and have been there most years since.


This thread is to post our army lists & photos.

Members/Armies for 2019:

Karl (Captain): Admech (with allies)

Justin: Space Marines, Orks, or Ynnari

Jesse: Raven Guard

Matt: Red Corsairs

We'll post more as we get closer.

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Karl's List (so far)

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [54 PL, 1,071pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Forge World Choice

  • Forge World: Stygies VIII

+ HQ +

Tech-Priest Enginseer [3 PL, 30pts]

Tech-Priest Enginseer [3 PL, 30pts]

+ Troops +

Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]

  • Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle
  • 2x Skitarii Ranger
  • 2x Skitarii Ranger (Transuranic Arquebus): 2x Transuranic Arquebus

Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]

  • Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle
  • 2x Skitarii Ranger
  • 2x Skitarii Ranger (Transuranic Arquebus): 2x Transuranic Arquebus

Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 65pts]

  • Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle
  • 2x Skitarii Ranger
  • 2x Skitarii Ranger (Transuranic Arquebus): 2x Transuranic Arquebus

+ Fast Attack +

Sydonian Dragoons [18 PL, 408pts]

  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance

Sydonian Dragoons [18 PL, 408pts]

  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance
  • Sydonian Dragoon: Taser Lance

++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [33 PL, 1CP, 439pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

*Chapter Selection*: Raven Guard

Detachment CP [1CP]

+ HQ +

Captain on Bike [6 PL, 121pts]: Storm shield, Thunder hammer, Twin boltgun

+ Fast Attack +

Bike Squad [9 PL, 106pts]

  • Biker Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Twin boltgun
  • 2x Space Marine Biker w/Bolt Pistol: 2x Twin boltgun
  • Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun, Twin boltgun

Bike Squad [9 PL, 106pts]

  • Biker Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Twin boltgun
  • 2x Space Marine Biker w/Bolt Pistol: 2x Twin boltgun
  • Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun, Twin boltgun

Bike Squad [9 PL, 106pts]

  • Biker Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Twin boltgun
  • 2x Space Marine Biker w/Bolt Pistol: 2x Twin boltgun
  • Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun, Twin boltgun

++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [27 PL, 480pts] ++

+ HQ +

Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 160pts]: Hurricane Bolter, Superior Creation, Warlord

  • Auric Aquilis

Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 160pts]: Hurricane Bolter

Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 160pts]: Hurricane Bolter

++ Total: [114 PL, 1CP, 1,990pts] ++

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My list as it stands:

Battalion Detachment - Imperium - Space Marines

HQ: 270 points

Kayvaan Shrike 

Librarian w/Force Staff & Jump Pack

TROOPS: 399 points

3x Scout Squads

  • Sergeant w/polt pistol & bolter
  • Scouts w/Boltgun

3x Scout Squads

  • Sergeant w/camo cloak & boltgun
  • Scouts w/camo cloaks & sniper rifles

ELITES: 330 points
Dreadnought w/2 TL Autocannons

2x Vanguard Veteran Squads

  • 2 Veterans w/Power axe & Storm Shield
  • 2 Veterans w/Bolt Pistol & Chainsword
  • Veteran w/Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield

Battalion Detachment - Imperium - Space Marines (Raven Guard)

HQ: 196 points

Captain w/Jump Pack, Raven's Fury, Silent Stalker, Thunder Hammer, & Storm Shield 


TROOPS: 165 points

3x Scout Squads

  • Sergeant w/polt pistol & bolter
  • Scouts w/Boltgun

Battalion Detachment - Imperium - Space Marines (Salamanders)

HQ: 60 points

Lieutenant w/Chainsword

ELITES: 63 points

Company Ancient w/Boltgun & Standard of the Emperor Ascendant

HEAVY SUPPORT: 515 points
2x Devastator Squads

  • Sergeant w/Boltgun
  • 2 Space Marines w/Lascannons
  • Space Marine w/Missile Launcher
  • Space Marine w/Heavy Bolter
  • 2 Space marines w/bolter

Devastator Squad

  • Sergeant w/Boltgun
  • 2 Space Marines w/Lascannons
  • Space Marine w/Missile Launcher
  • Space Marine w/Heavy Bolter
  • Space marines w/bolter

TOTAL: 1998 Points, 142 PL

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2 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

That dude on the left in the warhamster shirt is a jerk! You should cut him out of the picture so people don't think you associate with seedy, drunken, hooligans. 

If I cut every seedy drunken hooligan out of my pictures I'd have no pictures left.

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Matt, our newest member is going with a Red Corsairs army.

+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [104 PL, 12CP, 2,000pts] +++

+ No Force Org Slot [1 PL, 11CP, 10pts] +

Battle-forged CP [3CP]
. Categories: No Force Org Slot

Dark Disciples [1 PL, 10pts]: 2x Dark Disciple [10pts]
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Legion>, Infantry, No Force Org Slot

Detachment CP [5CP]
. Categories: No Force Org Slot

Legion [3CP]: Red Corsairs [3CP]
. Categories: No Force Org Slot

+ HQ [16 PL, 1CP, 280pts] +

Dark Apostle [5 PL, 100pts]: No Chaos Mark, Reaver Lord Artefact, Soultearer Portent, The Black Mace
. Categories: HQ, Faction: Chaos, Character, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Dark Apostle, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>

Exalted Champion [5 PL, 75pts]: Axe of Blind Fury, Bolt pistol, Mark of Khorne, Power axe [5pts]
. Categories: Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Chaos, HQ, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Character, Exalted Champion, Faction: Khorne

Huron Blackheart [6 PL, 1CP, 105pts]: Reaver Lord, Warlord [1CP], Warptime
. Categories: HQ, Faction: Chaos, Chaos Lord, Character, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Psyker, Faction: Red Corsairs, Warlord

+ Troops [53 PL, 1,040pts] +

Chaos Cultists [9 PL, 150pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Categories: Troops, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: Chaos, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: <Legion>
. 15x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun [75pts]
. 14x Chaos Cultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon [70pts]
. Cultist Champion [5pts]: Brutal assault weapon and Autopistol

Chaos Space Marines [14 PL, 282pts]: Icon of Wrath [10pts], Mark of Khorne
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Khorne
. Aspiring Champion [13pts]: 2x Chainsword
. 17x Marine w/ Chainsword [221pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [19pts]: Flamer [6pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [19pts]: Flamer [6pts]

Chaos Space Marines [14 PL, 282pts]: Icon of Wrath [10pts], Mark of Khorne
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Khorne
. Aspiring Champion [13pts]: 2x Chainsword
. 17x Marine w/ Chainsword [221pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [19pts]: Flamer [6pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [19pts]: Flamer [6pts]

Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 163pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion [24pts]: Chainsword, Combi-plasma [11pts]
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun [91pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [24pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [24pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]

Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 163pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Troops, Chaos Space Marines, Faction: Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion [24pts]: Chainsword, Combi-plasma [11pts]
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun [91pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [24pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]
. Marine w/ special weapon [24pts]: Plasma gun [11pts]

+ Elites [16 PL, 305pts] +

Chaos Terminators [10 PL, 205pts]: No Chaos Mark
. Categories: Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: Chaos, Elites, Infantry, Terminator
. Chaos Terminator Champion [41pts]: Combi-plasma [11pts], Power sword [4pts]
. Terminator [41pts]: Combi-plasma [11pts], Power sword [4pts]
. Terminator [41pts]: Combi-plasma [11pts], Power sword [4pts]
. Terminator [41pts]: Combi-plasma [11pts], Power sword [4pts]
. Terminator [41pts]: Combi-plasma [11pts], Power sword [4pts]

Helbrute [6 PL, 100pts]: Helbrute fist [20pts], Helbrute fist [20pts], No Chaos Mark
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Elites, Vehicle, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>, Faction: <Legion>, Helbrute

+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 50pts] +

Chaos Spawn [4 PL, 50pts]: 2x Chaos Spawn [4 PL, 50pts], No Chaos Mark
. Categories: Fast Attack, Beast, Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: <Mark of Chaos>

+ Heavy Support [14 PL, 315pts] +

Havocs [7 PL, 150pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Heavy Support, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion [14pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword
. 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon [136pts]: 4x Reaper chaincannon [80pts]

Havocs [7 PL, 165pts]: Mark of Slaanesh
. Categories: Faction: Chaos, Faction: Heretic Astartes, Infantry, Heavy Support, Faction: <Legion>, Faction: Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion [14pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword
. 3x Havoc w/ lascannon [117pts]: 3x Lascannon [75pts]
. Havoc w/ missile launcher [34pts]: Missile launcher [20pts]

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  • 1 month later...

Last, but not least, Justin is bringing Imperial Fists:

++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [36 PL, 571pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

*Chapter Selection*: Imperial Fists

+ HQ +

Captain [5 PL, 86pts]: Architect of War, Master-crafted boltgun, Power fist, Warlord
Captain [5 PL, 81pts]: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword
Captain [5 PL, 81pts]: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword

Lieutenants [8 PL, 134pts]
. Lieutenant: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword
. Lieutenant: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword

Techmarine [5 PL, 66pts]: Plasma pistol, Power axe
. Servo-harness: Flamer, Plasma cutter

+ Elites +

Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]
+ Dedicated Transport +

Drop Pod [5 PL, 68pts]: Deathwind launcher

++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [37 PL, 651pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

*Chapter Selection*: Imperial Fists

+ HQ +

Captain in Terminator Armor [7 PL, 126pts]: Storm shield, The Shield Eternal, Thunder hammer
Captain in Terminator Armor [7 PL, 126pts]: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
Captain in Terminator Armor [7 PL, 126pts]: Storm shield, Thunder hammer
Captain Lysander [8 PL, 130pts]

+ Elites +

Ironclad Dreadnought [8 PL, 143pts]: Ironclad Assault Launchers, Meltagun, Seismic hammer
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Heavy Flamer: Heavy flamer

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [53 PL, 778pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

*Chapter Selection*: Imperial Fists

+ HQ +

Librarian [6 PL, 103pts]: Force axe, Plasma pistol

Lieutenants [8 PL, 134pts]
. Lieutenant: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword
. Lieutenant: Master-crafted boltgun, Power sword

+ Troops +

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun

Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun
. 4x Scout w/Boltgun

+ Elites +

Company Veterans [3 PL, 28pts]
. Space Marine Veteran
. . Boltgun/Chainsword
. Veteran Sergeant
. . Boltgun/Chainsword

+ Flyer +

Stormtalon Gunship [9 PL, 174pts]: Twin assault cannon, Two Heavy Bolters

Stormtalon Gunship [9 PL, 174pts]: Twin assault cannon, Two Heavy Bolters

++ Total: [126 PL, 2,000pts] ++


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A few photos of Matt's Red Corsairs army. I'm particularly fond of the Imperial Fists.

According to Matt: "Hey, when you get caught in a warp storm just before the Horus Heresy only to emerge in some sort of emperor-worshiping nightmare world, the only sane thing to do is smear yourself in Eldar blood and dedicate yourself to Slaneesh."587501000_RedCorsairs1.thumb.jpg.220a2876d2ff23cd78ae0b62238dd84e.jpg

Red Corsairs2.jpgRed Corsairs3.jpgRed Corsairs4.jpgRed Corsairs5.jpg


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