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Friday OFCC Blood Bowl for non-Blood Bowl players!

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Hey all! If you’re not busy on 8/16 and will be at the OFCC, you should join us for some Blood Bowl action! No, not THAT Blood Bowl...not the frustrating one that so many Warhammer players dislike...instead, we’re playing games from the Blood Bowl universe that are quick and fun! 

All of our Friday events features our 2019 OFCC theme, the All Araby Derby. As Nagash’s forces start to invade Araby for a second time, Blood Bowl teams from around the world are there to find a champion. 

Starting at 10am we have our Blitz Bowl tournament, the ACAA Crush Combine. Blitz Bowl is Blood Bowl’s adopted little brother, but doesn’t play like Blood Bowl at all. There are no turnovers, no illegal procedure, and plays in about 45 minutes. Best of all, the event features a tutorial on how to play, and is free! You can get an early idea of how it plays on YouTube.

At 2pm we have Bazaar Bash, a Street Bowl tournament. Street Bowl is a Blood Bowl variant, much smaller scale and brutal. Rules are free online and attached to our link below.

Lastly, we have Nagashizzar Nights, Blood Bowl Sevens at 7pm. Sevens is a quick and popular Blood Bowl format, with incredibly quick games. 

This is a great time to try Blood Bowl for a first time, or dust off that old team you purchased but barely played. Contact @Weav with questions.


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