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Week 1: Initial Report


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Terror has gripped Deathcap Junction as violence has once again broken out and feuding gangs have been terrorizing neighborhoods.  Reports of citizens being slaughtered in the street, led some heroic squads to take up arms.   Reports conflict however, as the myriad of locals lead to ‘safety’ have not yet returned to their homes.   Possibly folks have simply fled for less dangerous environs.   Local enforcers has issued warnings, urging citizens to only accompany gangers if they are able to recite the litany of the emperor’s wrath, as heretical ne’re-do-wells would be struck down if they attempt it.






great first night, everyone.   Chaos and order are sitting at 2 and 2, so it’ll be up to the matches on Sunday to determine which side is ascendant for week two.


if you’re not going to play games on Sunday, feel free to request that I roll for your income, or plan to do it and on Tuesday, so you can make your purchases before the next round begins.  

I don’t have a trading post list at the moment, but will try to get it together soon.


feel free to post highlights of your game in this thread to earn Arbitrator Brownie Points(tm)

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"What took you guys so long?...Holy throne! What the hades happened? You were just running over Sumpter's Squat for some supplies!"

"Stow it Yvette, Arless got hurt" growled Kirk through gritted teeth.

"I'll be fine" Arliss corrected, "Just a little toasted is all."

""Those Scabs jump you or what?" Yvette prodded.

"Worse, we ran into a bunch of settlers, makin like sump bats away from the town, really shaken up. They were all screaming and carrying on, we managed to push a couple down the right tunnels when one of the corpse-starch guilders rounds the corner and lights us up" explained Arliss. "Never seen anything like it."

""He was all, wrong." interjected Tomas, "I mean those guys aren't normal to begin with, but this guy is coated in blood, running pell-mell at us"

Yvette was skeptical "So?" 

"The blood was fresh, and he was wearing a rope of innards" said Arliss "The Grinders aren't normally that careless,  their stock is usually well past the bleeding stage, and you know as well as I do that dragging around any meat like that is just begging to get dropped by spine-rats or worse"

"I still don't get it.  Why all the fuss about some Starch guilder goin bat-sh1t crazy and going on a murder spree, I'm suprised more don't do it." confided Yvette

That's when Hurst chimed in "You didn't see this guy. It was like he was dragging a red haze behind him."

"Send a runner the long way to Sumpter's Squat to check it out, no contact" ordered Arliss

"I'll let Danique do it, she's been pestering me for something to do" offered Yvette.

Arliss looked at Yvette "Bring her in, and the new guy from uphive, what's his name"


"Yeah, we'll need to get ready.  Something's coming, and I don't like it"

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*Intercepted message:  unknown recipient/unknown source*

“Report 114-20A...

My men have failed me. It appears that they have lost their discipline…this will soon be remedied

Red Mike was sent to retrieve some worthy tributes for our friend, The Shadow, and he failed.

His task was simple. He was to capture some locals and a warrior to offer to The Shadow. Instead he led my men on a slaughter campaign, killing everything he came across. What’s worse his madness lost us control of the Manufactorum Level, this is just a minor set back.

On that note, It seems we underestimated these gangers and the vile machine they brought to bear. The 'Ambot' ripped through my men sending 2 to recovery and when Arotha arrived on scene to put the men back on task, she too was nearly killed by that ponderous metal beast… maybe I should look into finding one of those.

To top off last night’s failures there are rumors that the inquisitor has a man in the area… this is vexing to say the least.

Tonight is the first ritual, the beast want’s his tribute of blood and he will have it. Red Mike is a strong warrior, I only hope that his failure does not taint his sacrifice.

With all of these trials my resolve on our path is still strong. For only when your destiny is true does fate seek to challenge you so strongly.

 The Shadow will be appeased and our plans go forward.

Zero ”


In short Thomas's Orlock gangers kicked the S*&% out of me, kicked me like a rented mule 😉


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Participant Report, AZ-432-H459%!dek, Imperial year XXXMLXXMLXL "May His Golden Light Shine Forever as it Dribbles Down the Sewage Pipe""

"So there we wuz down in level 347-J sub FK-21. Ya know, that place with the big tower and promethium pipes all around it? The Shift Boss heard there was some walking meat down there. What? Are you for real? OK. Fine. HUMONS living down there. So he decides that we need some more workers for that new shaft we opened up over in the Ash Plain mountains. So me and the boys get all ready when the boss gives us a bit of a surprise: SHE was going to be comin' wit us. Huh? You don't know? That crazy b***h with the chainsword and xeno mask? We was about to promote a new Shift Boss, if you know what I mean, when he says Archie is coming. We still ain't happy, even with Archie Murder Bot going with us, so he says fine, she won't bring the mask. We grumble about it for show and all, and then we head on down.

Whens we get there, there is this gang already down there. Never seen 'em before, but the Shift Boss ain't too worried, so we ain't either. We start grabin' the walking me... I mean, humons promisin' em a great live, three squares a day, etc. etc. These humons must'ta been in some sad shape, 'cuz they came a runnin to us. Me and Jonesy start roundin' them up when that other gang starts screaming 'bout sacrifice and "Chaos is the way!" or some such, and then they start shootin'. Woo wee! Suddenly, things started to get interestin. Well, that crazy b***h with the chainsword gutted one of 'em right away, then ran screaming at another one. She must'a tripped or something, cuz next thing I know, she's on the floor. Then there was some crazy, spooky lights and this guy in robes... ya, I know. Everyone wears robes, but these ones was different! He had a big stick too, and some kinda critter with 'em. Well, Bob over there lights 'em up with his flame thrower, and we all giggle thinkin' those robes are gonna make a pretty fire, when the flames went all funny or something, and the guy just walks through the fire. All a sudden, the Shift Boss is down, and so's Bob. Me and Jonesy, we be thinkin' it's time to be going. That's when we heard "Archie, online. Archie protect Samantha," in that weird, electronic voice o hiz. Well, Archie shuffles on over to that robed guy who's speakin' in some weird tongues thing and making gestures and such at Archie, but Archie don't seem no bothered 'cuz he picked up that robed guy and squeezed. I swear I saw his eyeballz pop out right before his head popped clean off! It wasn't all peaches and cream though. One of them bastards took a shot at Archie and managed to dent him up. Then one of them crazy dudes with tatoos all over his face charged Archie. Heh. Even the dumbest dummy down in the mines knows better then that! Archie grabbed 'em, then started pulin'. Haven't heard no sounds like that since, well, never really to my reckonin'. Someone's gonna have to clean up Archie, and it ain't gonna be me. Well, bout this time, Jonesy's got the last walking meat... sorry. Humon rounded up, so wes decided to leave. "

Great game against Brian's Chaos Cultests, though I forgot to use a bunch of skills on my Champions and Leader. I'll try and remember next time. I just couldn't roll worth a darn in the early to mid game on the wound dice. I was really thinking Brian had me when his Sorcerer guy showed up and totally ignored my flame thrower, not to mention up to this point, every time I shot, I'd roll an Out of Ammo and promptly fail my ammo check. At least I had the card that allowed me during the end phase to make an ammo check for all my guys. I lost my leader to some bad save rolls on my part, and an awesome wound dice roll on Brian's part. He's only out for a game, though it means I'm playing my next game leaderless. The star of the game was Archie the AMBOT. On paper, he doesn't look like much, but I forget this isn't 40K, and everyone has a T3, 6+, 1 wound. Suddenly, his S5 and 4's across the board make him a bad mofo! Post game treated me very well, and now I need to get to paintin'.


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Final results are in, and Chaos will be in ascendency for week 2.


Trading Post access will be fairly restricted, d3 items are available to each player, with normal rules for Post Battle Actions (which I’ll attempt to have laid out in a decent sheet this week).  

Scenarios will be random, rolled on either the Book of Judgement Table or on the Dark Uprising Table. (Which I do have some playsheets for).


if you didn’t roll your week 2 income after your game last week, plan to roll it before your game, and make purchases as you like.  

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