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Week 3 mission for Winter Warzone 2020 escalation league

Dark Trainer

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This missions starts 3/14/2020!

Google doc version for printing: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dUpJeKOF1ftzt1FtAF14b_J3Q5XNY4HU


League week 3, Mission 3, Forgive me


Battle brothers, we have secured our position on this desolate rock. However, dire news has reached our lines. An altar of Chaos has been unearthed by the destruction of this war. We have been ordered to purge its heresy from existence. Prepare the Thunderfire cannons, all of them. But sir, we have friendlies in the area! I know, the Emperor protects and I hope they can forgive me...FIRE!!!


...Sir, they’re firing on our position. We need to retreat NOW! Hold your line soldier, you see those ancient relics near that altar? They are not Chaos, but command doesn’t know that! We must retrieve them at all costs! Sir, our vox is dead, we have no way to request a cease fire. I know, the Emperor protects, right? CHARGE!!!



Each player selects a 1000pt Battle-forged army with no more than 2 detachments.



Create a 4’x4’ (4’x6’, if more than 2 players) table with proper 40k terrain density. Setup one piece of area terrain to represent the altar in the center of the battlefield. The players then roll off and, starting with the winner, alternate placing objective markers until four have been placed within 12” of the center but not within 6” of another marker. 


DEPLOYMENT (one on one, two on two, or four man free for all)


Use Front-Line Assault deployment (pg 217). Players roll off, highest roller picks deployment zone. Their opponent uses the other deployment zone. The players then alternate deploying their units, one at a time, starting with the player who did not pick their deployment zone. A player’s models must be set up within their own deployment zone (unless special rules allow otherwise). Continue setting up units until both sides have set up their army.



The player who finished setting up their army first can choose to take the first or second turn. If they decide to take the first turn, their opponent can roll a dice; on a roll of 6, they manage to seize the initiative, and they get the first turn instead!



  • Chaotic explosions:  Start of each battle round (not player turn) all of the objective markers move 3” from the explosions around them. Alternate who moves a marker first. Starting with the 2nd player, each player may move one objective 3” in any direction they choose until all 4 moved. You may not move an objective already moved in this turn.

  • Friendly fire: Start of each battle round after chaotic explosions, roll a D6 for each objective marker. If a 6 is rolled, a direct hit has happened. The objective marker is removed from play and any units within 3” of it suffer 1 mortal wound. For every unit of yours that suffered a wound this way, score 1 victory point for their sacrifice to Khorne.

At the end of battle round 5, roll a D6. On a 3+, the game continues. At the end of battle round 6, roll a D6. On roll of 4+, the game continues. The battle automatically ends at the end of battle round 7.



At the end of the game, the player who has scored the most victory points is the winner. If both players have the same number of victory points, the game is a draw. Victory points are achieved for the following:

  • Secured: At the end of the game, each objective marker still in play is worth 3 victory points to the player who controls it.

  • Slay the Warlord: If the enemy Warlord has been slain during the battle, you score 1 victory point.

  • First Strike: You score 1 victory point if any units from your opponent’s army were destroyed during the first battle round.




40k Escalation League Scoring Sheet


Player 1 real name: _____________________________________________


Player 1 forum name: _____________________________________________


Player 2 real name: _____________________________________________


Player 2 forum name: _____________________________________________


League week game #: __________


(Win=5, Draw=3, Loss=1) P1 score:  __________ <<>> P2 Score: __________


Painting points - single model (1pt each, max 3pts.) OR unit/monstrous creature/vehicle (5pts, max 5pts])


P1 Painting: __________   <<>> P2 Painting: __________


Sportsmanship points:

  • Update your thread on the Ordo forums tracking your missions & progress (+1pt)

  • Bring food for your league mates or buy opponent a snack/drink? (+1pt)

  • Provide feedback about what you’d like to see in the league via to your league organizer (+1pt)

  • Did you laugh and grin during the match OR crave a rematch? (+1pt for your opponent)

  • Travel to a different location than you usually play OR play an opponent you have ‘never’ played/met before (+1pt)

  • Bring a new person to the league (+1pt)


P1 sports score: __________   <<>> P2 sports score: __________




  • Thanks 1
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