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H: NIB Willy Miniatures Blood Bowl Teams W: $

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Hi all, I picked up a large lot of brand new Willy Miniatures teams at a discount, but need some to go. I'd be happy to sell them for $65 each. I'm not sure when I'll be around the Ordo Clubhouse next, but to ship a box would cost about $4 for most teams, or more like $8 for Necro or Khemri because they're metal rather than resin. (For reference, Willy generally retails them for 80 Euros each).


Specifically I'm selling:


Nurgle ("Lords of Corruption", Cthulhu-themed Big Guy)

Khemri/Tomb Kings ("Mythology" team)


Chaos Pact/Renegades (with Kickstarter-exclusive alternate mutated arms for the big guys)


Wood Elves

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