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Adeptus Titanicus Open Play at Warhammer Hillsboro every 2nd Sunday from 1pm to 4pm

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A group of us are planning on going to this on a regular basis, first one is this Sunday 11/14/21. It will be every second Sunday from 1pm to 4pm. The hours of play may potentially be a bit more flexible since the stores hours on Sunday's are as follows 11am to 5pm. For this first session we are bringing 1500 points. I will have 2 full 1500 points lists and a 4'x4' mat and terrain for a table, for all of those interested in checking out the game and re-learning (or learning for the first time) the rules again. Hope to see you Princeps out.

WH Calendar.jpg

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I just confirmed I can come out to the next one on December 12th. I will plan on coming out and staying until they close again so from 11am to 5pm. Also planning on bringing 2 full forces to play with at 1500 points. We had 2 games going with a few other onlookers as well.

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