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Hey there, I am new to Warhammer games. After loving the universe for years, this is the year I'd like to join the cult of buying tiny plastic men. I am looking to play Kill team, Necromunda, or Warcry.

I realize they are all different games, but I'd like to play them all eventually. I'd love to play a game or two of each and find a regular group to start playing any of them. I haven't yet purchased any mini's until I know I have a group to play the games with.

If anyone is willing to allow me to observe a game or two before deciding that would be sweet. Thanks in advance!

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Hi Michael! Welcome to Ordo. 😀

If you'd like to observe some games being played, then you should come down to the W.OW. clubhouse sometime. We currently have an ongoing Necromunda league (see the Necromunda forum for more details) with players showing up on Tuesday and some Thursday nights. We also have a few Kill Team players who play games on Thursday nights and some Saturdays, although there is no structured league or campaign (for right now). We don't have any Warcry organized play going at the moment, but I know there are clubhouse regulars who play and have warbands, so we might get something going in the future (spring or summer). If you've never heard of the W.O.W. clubhouse before, be sure to check out the thread below. 

Also be aware that the Game Night forum has threads posted every week, detailing what days/nights and times the clubhouse will be open. As a matter of fact, I and some other Kill Team players will be at the clubhouse tomorrow (link below), so feel free to stop by and say Hi! 🙂


Hope to see you at W.O.W. soon, Michael! 

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