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So changing this up. I'm looking for all stuff epic other than ork. The big thing is, I'd really love to trade for it as I need to make room for more models. I have 40K out the wazzu as well as fairly massive collections of warhammer fantasy and other systems (flames of war, bolt action, dystopian wars & legions, firestorm armada). So if your epic stuff is gathering dust, now is your chance to swap it out. 🙂

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  • Brother Glacius changed the title to W: Epic armies (other than ork) H: Lots

I will have to work up some lists of the armies for epic I have to see what I may have extra for ya. Hopefully I can go through that tonight - I have all my epic stuff pilled out on my benches because of the rabbit hole your topics have sent me down lol.






Thanks. I sat there re-reading the rules for Epic: Armageddon and really like them. I'd love to start painting up my orks and getting to playing. I've just discovered that if I have more than one army, then I can invite someone over who can just show up to roll dice. 🙂


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  • 2 weeks later...

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