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been looking over my epic stuff and started to do some research....I didn't even know there was a 4h edition book released. I know there is net Epic...and then I saw in an old thread something called net epic gold...but I haven't found that set yet. The 3D printing world has really brought some of these older games alive again and very impressed with some of the work out there. makes me hope I can play again.

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I think https://www.net-armageddon.org is probably the most current "living rulebook" based on the last edition (4th) of Epic Armageddon. Although some folks like the early editions with cards and the little chips ... and I think they refer to the Net Epic GOLD edition I think.

Anyhow, I would love to see the game picked up again locally - its been awhile but I have several armies and terrain ready to go lol




yeah, I didn't get into epic until 3rd edition. I was looking at that Gold edition but that seems to be based off of 2nd ed. I think I would be more comfortable using the Armageddon version as that is closer to 3rd. So your links are perfect. Thank you very much Torg. I'm quickly realizing how much I love the smaller scale games. Epic, Flames of War, Team Yankee, Planetfall....the games really seem more epic to me (forgive the pun). I actually have a line on getting an eldar army...just hope I can afford it. 🙂

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I've got a decent space marine force, and a really good orc army. Not sure why I want eldar other than they are one of my favorite armies. The only eldar I own right now are two of the ugly phantom titans...wow those things are not pretty...but they are NIB. Hopefully I will be able to get a starter eldar force and then can start looking at IG. 😄


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ahhhhhhhh! I may have traded away my space marine army! I was looking where most of my epic stuff is and all I found were orks. Something in the back of my head is telling me I did, but then again I can't imagine selling or trading the collection I had. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*************


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DAMN - went down a rabbit hole pulling out my Epic stuff - I painted a full Steel Legion last year or was it 2 years ago?  Anyhow, now this thread has spurred me into getting another one of my factions painted - probably try to bang out the Space Marines first - then either nids or Eldar.

I would really like to get involved in re-kindling an Epic Armageddon scene locally.




Well apparently 8 years ago I had a moment  of clarity or stupidity and most likely got rid of my marine collection. What I now have are just orks. However, I've been bitten by the Epic bug and want to build my collection up. Oh this is going to be expensive.


after digging through my collected epic forces last night... I started working out points using E:A lists. I saw that the "Toss Yer Cabers" (BC Canada org)was using 3000pts for their tourney but was wondering what others were thinking is a typical battle size. I think I had initially thought about building 5k forces just to have room to mix and match for games. But now I am wondering what I should really plan on having vs the typical game size so I can offload some of my collection. My thinking is that I could help others build forces so the local area would have more viable opportunities for opponents lol.

-Using 3k as a possible match size - I am thinking 5k-6k in my army collection is probably enough stuff collecting dust.

- Another thought is that there are plenty of STL files out there for 3d printed armies - especially if I find that I want to fill army gaps in the future.




Also, as to the various rules, it seems to be that the popularity is as follows:

1) Epic Armageddon/NetEpicArmageddon/ 4th edition
2) Space Marine/NetEpic Gold/ 2nd edition
3) Epic 40,000/ 3rd edition

I really like what I saw for EA. The rules were clean, streamlined and the play looked very fun.

I then started reading Epic 40K and noted some pretty big differences. That being said, it really turns the play of the game on its head and requires a completely different thought process for planning and tactics. A very interesting take.

I have yet to dive into the rules for 2nd edition. I'm no experience there and it seems to have a lot more going on. I will probably learn it though since it seems to be the 2nd most popular way to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chiming in with my featherweight opinion: I grew up on 2nd edition, so for nostalgia sake, that would be fun. But if we're looking to standardize, 4th edition makes the most sense and gives the most options. I've just briefly skimmed the codexes and ruleset, but my general consensus is good. 

  • 3 weeks later...

The only printed rules I own are the 3rd edition (Epic 40K). There is currently a fan supported rework of these called Epic Remastered. They have the main rules and an army builder link, but no army rule documentation exactly. 

In my various research, I have realized a few things. Years ago, when I was trying to get back into Epic, that is when Armageddon was the latest ruleset. It is the edition that had me sell my marines because they went from a very fluid army building scheme (3rd ed), to a very strict building rules (tanks suddenly came in units of 4 only for example). Most of the stuff I had from 3rd came in 3's.

Part of me wants to stick with 3rd ed because I have those books and I like the army building rules better. That being said, the actual gameplay of 4th seems to be more interesting. That one has alternating units between the sides instead of "my army goes, now your army goes". I've made some decent, albeit expensive, progress in expanding my armies. Now I gotta start assembling and figuring out how many points I have.

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