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is a challenge soaker worth it? one that won't just jump the sword.

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So, I'm working on getting my night goblins into a fighting shape. While I love the little blighters I'm not the biggest fan of tons of units. I'm working on a solid anvil that can actually dish damage. Skarsnik, Gobbla, bsb, and nine big bosses with great weapons. Course there will be plenty of hand weapon shield bodies for ranks and nets. 


My question is could this unit use a character that is intended not only to chump challenges but to avoid giving tons of over kill? I was thinking a night gobo warlord with the fencers blades (5 attacks at WS 10 str 4), glittering scales (-1 to hit),& a 5+ ward. He is 145 points which I don't have allot else to do with...


Discuss pros and cons, I've been out of fantasy long time.

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That sounds like a pretty good idea to me, tho 145 points is a lot. Its amazing how deadly a night goblin block becomes with even a few characters. I ran 4 characters side by side in my horde, which meant a lot of my opponents attacks had to be directed against particular characters. I also made them a bit more defensible than the typical naked ng with great weapon. Armor of silvered steel is another great bet. One ng with that, one with glittering scales, and one with fencers blades would probably work better than one at 145 points. With all that gear on one, it seems like you might be trying to actually win e challenge, and with a goblin I think thats maybe a waste of effort.

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Just test it out.  Roll some dice on your own against different builds  you can come up with for other armies and see how it holds up.  Then test it in some games.  The worst thing that happens is you need to come up with a different "chump" build.


Personally, I'd just sacrifice my night gobo champ to the first challenge and see how much combat res I come up with from all the characters.  Then just toss him a cheap gobo hero.

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This is actually a Lord, a third one but a Lord all the same. I will have 9 big bosses to crump faces with the great weapons. I've been out of the game so long don't know what a good build is for anybody, I'm just thinking getting hit on no better than fives (most of the time?) and quite possibly driving that down to sixes to hit with magics seems good added the save cuz didn't want ten more gobos for the block...


I just don't want to give up three to four res in the challenge any more.

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Not for gobos depending on game turn... This is my bunker unit so the wizard is here too... Lvl 4. I find that I have a number of good spells and with the mushrooms it is pretty easy to cast 3 spells a turn and the dispelled ones are the better ones... But even getting hit only on 5s then being tough 4 (effective 5, nets) with a five plus ward seems decently stout. I don't want him to win challenges just stand there enough not to give up 4-6 points of res... He might go for points for a squig herd but more units only go so far when they get in each others way...


I'll post my whole list soon...in a new topic. Thank you for the thoughts!

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I've had troubles knowing when to use the potions beginning of turn makes it really hard. I like the cheaper option, I'll keep it in mind.


Part of the reason I went this route is that I have a nifty little gobo with chain mail on he totally deserves glittering scales, then bumping his weapon skill was an easy choice I was trying to keep my comp in check so it was that or another fanatic and night gobos...


Back in the day greenskins couldn't wear heavy armor (except black orcs) cuz it was to itchy. Just a random thoughts had.

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