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Fluger's Orky Adventures!


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yeah i accidentally dropped 150 points from my Grey Knight army once because I misunderstood that he wanted to play 2K.  OOPS.  The whole game "felt" wrong somehow but I never really made the connection until days afterwards.  These things happen.


Remember the big hullabaloo they made out of the guy being one point over who won the big tourney...  Who was that?  Was that Kopach that did that?  It was a search light or some dumb thing.

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Things I learned in this game:


1.  Wall of Martyrs Bunker is easier to kill than I expect.  It hasn't survived a single game since I put it on the table.  I'm not giving up on it, but I need to not think of it as being very tough to kill.  I'm starting to think that an aegis line might be the best choice.  


2.  Lack of shooting is actually kinda sucky.  I think I might want to work rokkits back into the mobz.  I keep finding myself in situations where I want to shoot things up a bit and having them as an option would be nice.  It's only 45 pts to add 9 rokkits.  I wonder what I'd cut...


3.  That 15 pt mek has been ace.  Love him.  That bonus to Ld really makes a difference.  


4.  MOVE artillery that is out of range of things.  Better to get up the field with better LOS, they aren't immobile!  

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They didn't strip his title or anything, the people he beat all agreed that the 3 pts didn't matter.  Mike Brandt (the NOVA TO) made sure everyone was OK with the situation and they were.  Tony then went out and won the thing again and Adepticon and a ton of other tournaments.  Dude is skilled, 3 pts means nothing.  

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I would have forfeited if I made that error.  On principle.  I actually DID forfeit my only Warhammer Fantasy tournament win over something really small (and it was REALLY small).  I got a medal for Honorable mention for doing it though which was unexpected!  I'm not saying that Kopachs win wasnt legit.  Mine was too, and his fellow players were cool with it.  I have no problem with the outcome.


But I would always know that it was a win with an asterisk next to it and that people years later would still be talking about it on ordo.  Integrity is doing the hard thing WHEN it's hard to do so that they remember THAT about you, instead of the time you got away with a minor violation.  Gamers seem to have memories that are waaaaaay too long.  =)

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  • 3 months later...
In light of the new ITC ruling...


Big Mek:  100

KFF, Da Fixer Upper


30 Boyz: 220

Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole


30 Boyz: 220

Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole


30 Boyz: 220

Nob, Power Klaw, Boss Pole


10 Gretchin and 1 Runtherd: 35


3 MegaArmor Nobz: 125 + 35

Boss Pole

Trukk: Reinforced Ram


3 MegaArmor Nobz: 125 + 35

Boss Pole

Trukk: Reinforced Ram


2 Trakta Kannons: 63

1 Ammo Runt


8 Lootas: 112


Big Mek Buzzgob:  550

  Stompa Upgrade, Belly Gun, and Deff Kannon



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