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Slaanesh is gone?

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Don't care if they are gone! Im making a Slaanesh Warriors of Chaos unit currently (Boobs et al) and will continue with the old school flavor and ignore the changes. They seem to still have covered them in the current AoS ruleset so I'm guessing still good. 

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Because sex gods aren't as family friendly as bloodmurderskulldeath gods.


It's a family company, you see.


You'd almost think they were American, what with their fear of sex and love of violence.

I gotta say, this has always really surprised me regarding GW. They seem to act like violence and daemonic possession are family friendly topics, while the occasional mention of sexual desire, love or any romance seems entirely foreign to their universe.

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But... But... But.... reading the Eldar codex, it even SAYS as much there! If not for She Who Thirsts (when did Slaanesh become a dude? Or was she always a dude? Or a dudette? Or a dude who looks like a lady?), the Fall would never have happened and the Eldar would still be masters of the stars.


So now, with him/her/it out of the way, they can return to their rightful place of dominance!


Personally, I can't wait! D-Shuricats! D-fields! D-hedgetrimmers and D-rubberband guns! And at reduced costs, too!!!!

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Maybe 7th ed eldar sent a bunch of scat bikes and d guard into the eye and took slaanesh out. ;)


That'd explain a lot.


I bet you are an undercover GW writer! And you just leaked how it all really happens!


"D6+6 wounds, BIATCH!"




And then there were three!


But hmmm.... maybe that's where all my scatterbikes and D-weapons went... Hmmmm....

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can we please stop talking about 40k in a fantasy forum... slaanesh is still the best.  if they were wondering why they never sold that many slaanesh models MAYBE they shouldnt have made them terrible [big bad swear word] in fantasy.  fielding slaanesh daemons: you might as well make a drinking game for how fast you pull off your models

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can we please stop talking about 40k in a fantasy forum... slaanesh is still the best.  if they were wondering why they never sold that many slaanesh models MAYBE they shouldnt have made them terrible [big bad swear word] in fantasy.  fielding slaanesh daemons: you might as well make a drinking game for how fast you pull off your models


Ah, my apologies. Indeed, Fantasy forum!


In WHFB/AoS, my rats don't care either way what happens to Slaanesh. :) My feeling through the years has been that Slaanesh was always the least popular of the four, and hence never really had models that were all that 'effective' in the game. I honestly don't remember many people who played Slaanesh armies, to be honest.


But I would hope GW would somehow 're-engineer' Slaanesh to something more acceptable - rather than get rid of them completely....

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