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First Game with the New Dark Angels


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Not really a BatRep, as I was kind of out of it by the end, just sort of a first impressions post.


I used a Lion's Blade Strike Force:

Chaplain, Jump Pack

2x5 Tacs, Plasma/Combi-Plasma

5 Tacs, Flamer

10 Assault Marines, Jump Packs, 2 Flamers, Vet w/PowerFist

5 Devs, 2 Lascannon

Dread w/TLAC, Fist


Librarian, Lvl2


Terminator Master, Relic Blade, Relic Stormbolter

2x5 DW Termies, Assault Cannon, ChainFist


1500 Points


My opponent asked if I was rolling with a competitive list or something fluffier, and after I said it was more on the fluffy end, he pulled out an Ultramarines Demi-Company that was pretty well matched, with full Squads mostly meched up and a tooled up Command Squad in a Razorback instead of the additional options I took to fill out the Lion's Blade.


- Being forced to start the Terminators in Reserves can be kind of awkward. I was really on the back foot because I had nothing starting on the table that could counter that Command Squad, and he was able to get really solid board control from that.

- That said, the combo of Twin-Linked on the drop and being able to Run and Shoot on the drop Turn is pretty nice. Still pretty overpriced even with that taken into account, tho.

- Duelling Demi-Companies are kind of hilarious when going for Objectives, since basically everything on the table had ObSec. Just completely canceled out, except for one time when he was able to snag an Objective out from under my Termies.

- A Strike Force is kind of awkward to build at 1500 if you want to get much out of the Auxiliary Formations. Probably better at this Points Level to either just go with the cheapo Scout Auxiliary or run a minmaxed Battle Company and try to ride on the points advantage from the free Transports.

- However, for DA, the full Strike Force is pretty good. Full BS Overwatch is awesome. I basically got a couple of extra Shooting Phases with my Terminators out of that.

- The fact that you keep the unique DA Tactical Objectives hidden until you score them is a pretty cool little touch. Didn't end up really mattering here, but it was still cool.

- The Librarian was totally fail. Got a couple of cool powers, but never had a good chance to use the Rage one, and Trephination just highlighted the weakness of (especially Focused) Witchfire powers. Managed to actually get the three Successes that I needed to snipe out his Captain, but then rolled a 2 to Hit with it :P


It ended up being a pretty solid victory margin, but that was basically just because I managed to pull a huge swing in the last Turn. We had a couple of Tac Squads slap-fighting over an Objective that had three active Tactical Objectives for it in play (it was the Mission where either Player can score those cards), and I pulled off a long Charge with another handful of Marines that got enough extra Attacks in there to break his Squad, and then they got away from the pursuit and Fell Back off the Objective. On top of that, I grabbed two Points in that Turn for Warlord and destroying a Unit in the Shooting Phase when I gunned down his Captain and last dude from his Command Squad. He would have had it by one Point without that Combat going just the way I needed it.


Still need to try some RavenWing. None of my Bikes are painted up at all, so I didn't want to bring them down to the store. Playing at someone's house, I'm OK with it, but when I'm at a store, I like to have it all painted, so no RavenWing this time. Need to get some more black primer, too :)

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I used a Lion's Blade Strike Force:

Chaplain, Jump Pack

2x5 Tacs, Plasma/Combi-Plasma

5 Tacs, Flamer

10 Assault Marines, Jump Packs, 2 Flamers, Vet w/PowerFist

5 Devs, 2 Lascannon

Dread w/TLAC, Fist


Librarian, Lvl2


Terminator Master, Relic Blade, Relic Stormbolter

2x5 DW Termies, Assault Cannon, ChainFist


1500 Points)

Weird list. I get the format, just seems an odd way to do it. Still, thanks for the battle report-like thing.


For list questions:


Why the extra libby? Why the Dread. Other bits are required units, but those two were 0-1.

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Much of the list was driven by what I had painted, the need to wedge the Redemption Force into 1500, and various things I wanted to put on the table, just for fun.


Librarian was because I wanted to try out their new Discipline. Unfortunately, I don't have my Biker Librarian painted yet, or I would have used him instead in a heartbeat.


Dread was because I like them a lot now that they've got 4 Attacks, and they're one of the few places to get Autocannon in a Marine list. He did pretty well for me, Immobilized the Command Squad's Razorback (which took a significant amount of pressure off and stopped me getting completely overrun), bailed out the Librarian when he was about to get dragged down by the remnants of the UM Assault Squad, and then kept a Melta Tac Squad distracted from wiping out one of my own for a Turn, which was crucial in that last Turn swing. He was probably my runner-up for MVP, after the Termie Squad that didn't get shot to bits on arrival.

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Librarian was because I wanted to try out their new Discipline. Unfortunately, I don't have my Biker Librarian painted yet, or I would have used him instead in a heartbeat.

You have a painted TDA libby? It's one of the DWRF choices instead of that master.


Could still field the master as part of the Demi-company, instead of the chappy.


Just thoughts.

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All my Librarians are just PA on foot at the moment. I've got a Biker and a Termie in progress, but neither is even primed yet.

That's fine, was just thinking that your list could probably benefit from 1 HQ less, just so you have some points to kick around.

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Yeah, definitely kind of heavy on the HQs. Like I said at the end there, a lot of the oddities are driven by what I have painted up, since my DA have kind of been languishing for almost a decade.

Well, if you field it again before you get them painted, I'd drop the libby and maybe the dread. Could also do a higher point game.

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Not dropping the Dread. Like I said, he was awesome. If anything, I'm doubling down and adding a second to the Squadron, with dual TLAC. Probably drop the Termie Master and put the Librarian in Terminator Armour to pay for it.


Honestly, I doubt I'll run a close variation on this again. I rarely run the same list twice, and usually change things up substantially. My next go with DA will probably involve RavenWing, once I get some more black primer.


I also want to build up a cheap PA Master to use in the Demi-Company. I'm thinking Jump Pack, Shroud of Heroes, Meltabombs, and maybe a Power Weapon or Combi-Melta or something. But basically his job is just to be a cheap, fast, small, reasonably durable ObSec Unit to jump around and grab Objectives, maybe blow up a Tank now and then.

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Yeah, it was definitely too small to make that work. I've actually spent the last week or so really wishing I could switch my OFCC Army to DA at the last minute, get some fun 2K Games in with them. Almost certainly going to be my Army for next year, they're one of the few I have 2K for that I've never brought.

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