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Warhammer Fantasy bitz and figures. Anyone?


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Hello there,


I recently bought a huge pile o' bitz and have sorted through I'd say 75% of them.


There's a lot of Warhammer fantasy bitz and figures, especially Dwarves and Orks, along with some older 2nd edition orks/gretchin/marines.  So far almost a one-gallon Ziploc bag full of stuff.


Just wanted to know if any local gamers need any of this stuff, be happy to help locals out.


Stay safe,




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If you'd like when I finish all the sorting I can just pull out all the undead stuff I can see and put it in a separate bag for you, just let me know.


Caveat:  "undead" to me is anything skeletal, zombie-like or icky and smelly that's old and/or Victorian-looking and pale.


Stay safe,



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Hello there,


I'm going to actually go the easy route...


I'm going to drop off the entire bitz bag at DTG.  I'll put a post-it note inside that reads "ALMER BITZ  Have at 'em!" and just take what you want.  Then please just leave the bag where the 'hamsters can get to it.  Maybe the back room?


I'll be in Bham running errands today (Monday) and will drop it off today.




Stay safe,



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Okey doke... there should be some decent cultist stuff in there.  Lots of Fantasy empire dudes, if I recall.  Can scuff them dudes up.  The bitz are for everyone and anyone that can use 'em.  Sorry it's just a big @$$ Ziploc bag and not sorted better.


Yeah, I'm hoping to 40k more.  Got my shift assignment for 2016 so looks like the calendar part is done.


Stay safe,



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