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H: WHFB Orcs and Night Goblins w:$$


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 Clearing space in the closet. I haven't played in years sadly. Large unpainted WHFB Orc and Goblin army. I went for a night goblin theme, so I have most of that stuff. Looking to get $150 for the lot. 


42- Night Goblins with spears unpainted on bases


77- Night Goblin Bodies

47 - spear arms

67- shield arms

42 - archer arms


10 fanatics on bases unpainted


42 - cave squigs 

 8- herders


1 great cave squig


1 mangler squig still in box


22- squig hoppers


10 spider riders on blisters

10 spider riders unpainted


1 goblin spear chuka in package


1 goblin wolf chariot in box


1 doom diver in box


1 orc shaman on boar in box


1 giant in box but 2 arrows missing from blister




20- Black orcs unopened in boxes

15- black orcs on bases unpainted

 5-  black orcs on blister


Metal black orc boss, musician, and standard 


19- orc warrior regiment in box

37 - orc warriors on blister

39 - orc archers on blister





games workshop grass gaming matt.

 BFSP dwarfs

 goblin bits, snotlings, i got tired of counting it all haha


black orcs




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