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W: Renegades/Chaos stuff to convert + lasguns. H: SM Chaos Orks Misc

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Expanding my Chaos Renegades army. Need more basic dudes.


Priority Order of Wants:


-Decently converted Renegade/Chaos Guard

-Steel Legion or 3rd party gas mask dudes

-Mantic Zombie Marines


-Chaos Cultists

-Chaos Marauders


This list is not all inclusive. I'm open to other usable dudes also.


I also need Lasguns. Lots of Lasguns to arm/convert guys.


$$$ = Always Welcome!


I Have:




50 or so warbikers, 20ish pro painted.


Retro grots/gretchin

20 pro painted grots

Converted Battlewagon/Gunwagon

30ish Deffkoptas

Tons of bits (several beloved PKs)




6 Metal Flamers (some missing arms)


Dark Eldar:

Warriors and Wyches



Bikes and bits

Csm Terminator weapons

Hellstorm flamer bits

4 incinerators

8 stormbolter arms

Landraider (was gonna convert to a battlewagon)

Pro painted obliterators

Pro painted havocs

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