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Eldar for sale-Cancelled


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 Looking to sell of the Eldar I collected up as an army start.Most all of this listed below is New on Sprue,some even new in shrinkwrapped box.The prices ill list here will be opening bid prices for an ebay listing all of it with free shipping.


 I would unload the whole lot for 300.00 but once it starts to split up then I will have to stick to my posted prices.


 I will run this here for a week or so before I start it up on Ebay so PM me if you see something you want.


  List as follows-


  9x Swooping Hawks,5 Finecast,4 Metal,all built and primed white.I believe I purchased these from a Club member last fall/winter forgot who though. Anyhow asking 30.00


 Guardian Squad,fully assembled with a small magnet on the gun platform to switch out all gun options,doesnt hold real well but guns do sit in the carriage.3 of these models are painted with the Biel-Tan Grey/Green scheme.          20.00


 Wave Serpent,Magnetized for all gun options built and primed the cargo area white prior to assembley.Canopy is installed but can be opened for cockpit detailing.Rest of the model is unpainted.      25.00


Farseer and Warlocks-These are the Finecast warlocks x4 and 2 other Hero`s,one is metal and the other was a plastic,I think its a Farseer,all are built but umpainted     25.00


 Dire Avengers NoS, from the Battleforce box  20.00


 Vyper Jetbike NoS from the Battleforce box 20.00


 Crimson Hunter/Hemlock    NoS        40.00


 Wind Riders,in shrinkwrap box  30.00


 Wraithknight ,NoS  80.00


 Fire Dragons in shrinkwrap box 25.00


 Codex Craftworlds 25.00


 Eldar Datacards  20.00


   I believe the full retail on this stuff would be around 545...and the 25% secondary market value would be around 405.00 so if you want the whole lot for 300.00 be quick about it as its first come first serve:)




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