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Warhammer World Warlords Tournament


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 The 5 round tourney was held this last weekend,I watched the stream from the first round already,still need to dl the others.


 The winning list is here http://warhammerworld.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/Rob-Sedgemans-list.pdf


  Bonesplitterz with Arrow boy spam,70 to be exact.Not surprised as they are very point efficient with 2 ranged attacks each at 18",hitting on 5,s and wounding on 4,s,plus they get an additional attack if there is 20 or more in the unit,,,thats a fkton of shooting spam all behind 2 wound models with a 6+ save and can get the 6+ mort save from an allegiance ability I think.


  And these guys only run 100 pts for 10 models,,thats 100 points for 20 wounds worth...per wound they are cheaper than Zombies.


 Another thing I read on the fb is that the moderators did discuss during the stream that the reason why the points are not on the warscrolls and will only appear in the GH is that GW plans to update the point values on a fairly regular basis,,once per year or so and that we could expect a new GH from time to time.Im sure units like those above will see an "adjustment" at some time in the future.


 Either way its great to see Orruks kickin some arse!,,im probably going destro once im done with my Flesh Eaters,,though im probably going to try a mix of Beast Claw Raiders and Iron Jaws or maybe Moonclan.

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