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Posts posted by dashneeb

  1. So I saw Civil War and while I've read the print edition, I didn't expect it to follow the print edition at all, I figured that they'd simply make this an internal rift between Cap and Tony, just like they've shown with the trailers.  Obviously because the New Warriors weren't anywhere to be seen :).  I think if you're going to make any big issue with any of the movie was that the villain that they were trailing in the beginning was rather wasted.


    I think it's probably the most solid Marvel movie since wave 1.  Winter Soldier was an incredible movie until the third act when it got super lazy writing all of a sudden.


    I'd agree that putting Spiderman in the movie is... well, silly.  And it stinks of Marvel hubris but it's not an issue in my opinion because he's there for fan service.  While he played a big part in the print civil war, so did Danny Rand (as Daredevil) and you didn't see them doing anything with Daredevil.  


    But, I felt it was an enjoyable movie, and much better than most recent Marvel offerings, and at least someone finally said "You know, we've never really addressed the end of Iron Man 3, might as well pay it some slight lip service. 

    • Like 2
  2. Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice:  I'd give it a solid 8/10.  I thought that the dream sequences were a touch sloppy and you could tell that they wanted the movie to be longer.  I think Luthor was kind of a millennial's take on a corporate executive, but he definitely seemed more like the "original" Lex Luthor from way back when he was first introduced as more of a mad scientist and had red hair.  Or it could be his son, that took over LexCorp after he died from Kryptonite poisoning.  Regardless, he was no Gene Hackman but to be honest, Gene's take wouldn't have worked here either.  However, I thought Ben Affleck was spot on as Batman, and I thought that Wonder Woman kind of stole the show towards the end.  I am really looking forward to the unedited Directors Cut when it's released.

  3. The Sniper is awesome, especially depending on how you build them.  I have one Sharpshooter who is just a freaking death machine.  Rangers are amazing and completely able to tear apart squads easy enough.  But they're also my favorite class, especially back when they were assault in X-Com 1.


    Not that you'd know... :)

  4. Well, my concern is usually big ships.  I was playing against a Han ship yesterday that was basically re-rolling dice left and right.  At some point, the measly 3 evade dice and the one evade token dice I have just don't seem to make much difference.  Autothrusters are great at range, but since a TIE wants to be close, seems difficult to make them something that makes a four health ship worthy.


    Like I said, am going to try it out.  The really tight turn does look nice.

  5. I haven't been blown away by the Inquisitor TIE.  I think that it's simply too spendy, a common problem with Imperial ships. And you're paying probably an extra third as many points as you would for a Z-95.  I will have to try it out for certain, because I want the guidance chips, but I can't see me playing a 4 hull ship that is that expensive.


    I think it looks super cool though.  Super excited for Imperial Veterans.  Makes the TIE defender almost not too spendy.

  6. Spectre - 6.5/10:  Not my favorite Bond movie. Easily not my favorite of the Craig Bonds. It's odd, but I didn't mind the Quantum of Solace, and this one seems like just such a weird attempt at a movie after Skyfall.  Of course, I still think Casino Royale was by far his best of the series so far. 


    Fantastic Four - 4/10:  Would have been higher if it weren't for that horrific Doom. The story wasn't awful and I actually give them props for doing something different.  


    Episode Seven - 5/10:  To call this anything less than plagiarism is to not be honest with yourself. I had a good time, but Disney decided to do something safe, unoriginal, and unimaginative. The 'shock' I saw coming when the cast was announced, and overall they seem to have written/filmed the movie to have a checklist of all the things that made A New Hope fun, with worse pacing and some big leaps.  A die-hard Star Wars Fan who hated the prequels with disdain because they weren't remakes of the originals will have a great time.  For someone looking for something new in the Star Wars Universe, who might actually have questions of why things are going on in this film, you will have some popcorn munching time but will probably come away thinking it's probably lining up as number 4 in your list of favorites.


    Deadpool Christmas Trailer - 8/10:  That thing was hysterical.  I have no doubt that Fox will somehow screw up the movie.  But what they've shown so far is pretty dang funny.

  7. And that's perfectly valid.  


    And it's not that I have no joy in life.  I have plenty.  I just notice, not being a super huge fan of anything that Marvel has put out in years, that there are fans that are literally not something sane, they simply love something because it's Marvel and all they touch is good and great. Again, don't like DC and how they write?  Fine.  The Man of Steel made $668 million dollars worldwide.  It isn't Avengers, but it's obvious there's people out there who like it.

  8. I'm not saying he isn't, but really, there's TONS of boring villains who made it into movies.  Need I bring up Guardians of the Galaxy?  Best paper thin villain in the Marvel movies hands down.  


    I often find it is how the villain is written.  Superman has a lot of pretty good villains, but they probably require a bit more setup than Doomsday.  Obviously, Darkseid comes to mind, as does Brainiac/Vril Dox, etc.  I think that you have a hard time introducing cosmic villains right off the bat, and you'll note that they didn't do it until Avengers in the MCU.  


    However, I'd say that the first Avengers was fun and I geeked out, but it really starts to tumble with repeated viewings for me.  I can still watch it, and have fun with that time, but the whole "I'm always angry" thing is so terrible.  Not to mention that Hawkeye and Black Widow are really big question marks for me since they don't have powers or super suits and are constantly issues because of their being just human and all.  The second one at the end I felt that they were going to show them saving every... last... person in that city.  Not to mention you're higher than Everest and no one is freezing or having problems breathing.  But hey, comic book movie! :)


    I'm just happy that I get more than the occasional comic movie that come years apart.  It's pretty neat to see how it comes down and no matter what, outside of Disney and WB, all geeks are winners. :)

  9. Well, Elektra isn't technical Marvel Studios.


    I heard some griping about Ultron's origins, but nothing like what I've heard about Doomsday.


    Doomsdays Origin was basically that Kal-El's dad created him by torturing a life form over and over, would have it die, bring it back and start the process over again.  It's not the first time Superman has been hurt or even stopped with punches.  Lobo even drew blood in their fight, but Superman hit him so hard Lobo didn't remember the encounter later.  And he didn't kill him, just put him in a coma.  And it was probably the most successful issue DC had in quite some time, people bought that issue so much, thinking that it would be worth tons of money.  Maybe in 100 years.

  10. Case in point with current topic vs. others.  I've heard gripes from people talking about how they think it's awful that Doomsday is supposedly a modified Zod, but no one seemed to care that Ultron was made by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner instead of Hank Pym.

    • Like 1
  11. For the record, I will see it.  Trailer didn't do anything to me one way or another.  



    I however, thought Man of Steel was a decent movie, and in no way making Superman into a "Dark Knight" character.  I don't see that with this one either, and in fact, it seems that so much of Batman's reasoning is because he believes he is more like say, a Dark Knight when he's not.


    But, I don't really care if there's plot holes in these movies or not.  They're comic book movies.  I'd rather they don't get sloppy and lazy.  Captain America 2 was by far the best movie out of Marvel since Iron Man, and the third act was just horribly lazy and full of comic cliche which they seemed to not do in quite a few movies they have done.  


    Still watched it.  Still liked the first 2/3rds where I'd recommend the movie.  

    • Like 1
  12. i didn't see where I said Marvel movies don't...they do as well.  They are just forgiveable as they haven't taken themselves near as seriously.  If  the Marvel movies were all serious and no laughs, yeah, they would get the same dislike from me.  But at least their movies have been a lot of fun (for the most part).


    I can't see how making something light-hearted and funny makes up for crappy writing.


    Don't get me wrong, Wave 1 Marvel movies were great.  Even Thor, which I thought was very borderline to begin with.  Then there's the Wave 2 shenanigans.  It has been lazy writing and bad dialogue, horribly bland villains who continually make horrible decisions.


    It's not to say that DC doesn't have it's issues.  But again, there's always the hypocrisy of "Marvel's universe is light and fluffy I love it!  DC is so dark and brooding, don't like it!  Daredevil was so dark and brooding, love it!"


    I personally prefer the DC TV universe much better, but I feel that it's better done in a TV series anyways.  


    Both have taken license with their super heroes, and done things which don't follow the comics.  Some people don't like DC's writing, and that's fine.  Again, they don't have as big a fan base, and haven't in a long time.  The big thing is that one cannot say "gosh, they were great way back when" when basically they were not serious story telling and just generally PSA's.  I mean, the ACA launched a crusade against Batman because they thought he was gay and Robin was his lover for goodness sakes.  In fact, Batman was largely considered a joke until The Dark Knight Returns, which, for the record, was pretty dark.

  13. I always smile and giggle when I hear Marvel fans talk about how they hate how the DC movies have plot holes.  You guys haven't really paid a great deal of attention to the problems in the Marvel movies.  


    They're movies.  Like them, don't like them, that's fine.  However, it's silly to bash one you don't like and say that they should be like the ones you do like.  DC has never really been about doing what Marvel does, and Marvel has been more popular since the sixties and has more fans, which is why their movies do better.

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