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Posts posted by Malindle

  1. So.


    I must be the odd man out. Day 1, I ended up with 3 perfect draws, Day 2 was a loss and a win.


    Maybe it's just the Malifaux player in me, but working those short-term objectives was easy enough to keep in mind. The only problem I had was day two when I just couldn't hold objectives to draw cards.


    And inversely, that's what I like about Maelstrom. Those big killy turns where stuff fell over like crazy because of some gunline or deathstar shenanigans? Didn't really matter much, in the end. Quite often I went "wait, I don't actually get anything for killing this tank over here this turn, annoying as it is. I need to be making progress for that side of the board instead."

    • Like 2
  2. Well now. That's quite the bit of interesting info. I'd be unhappy about my Paladins, but now Draigo can go toe to toe with Abaddon again, which pleases me. And, hell. They're still scoring. I'll just go Unbound.


    The Psycannon options are very nice. Kind of sad I got rid of my NDK's. And if plain-jane terminators/Apothecaries got cheaper, I'll be happy.


    Pity about the Psybolts/Psyflemen, though.

  3. I actually think both the blood tide and draigo are appropriate.


    Blood tide is an example of the lengths the GK will go to to succeed. Since at least index astartea there has been mention in GK fluff that they use their knowledge of the dark arts to defeat them. This can include rites that would turn the stomach of any normal human. What price though is a handful of the faithful compared to the untold destruction unleashed by a successful daemonic invasion like the blood tide?


    Draigo is basically a parable for the inevitability of our loss against chaos. Even the most badass GK to ever live, who injured a daemon primarch and lived is powerless to effect meaningful change. His entire existence is to defeat daemon after daemon, throw down daemonic citadels, destroy all the works of the chaos gods only to see everything he has done reversed the next day. This is the curse of the GK and, to a larger extent, humanity. No matter how badass out protectors, how vigilant our guards, chaos waits to devour us all and undue all out good works.


    That's why I like the Bloodtide, even though I play sisters, and I understand draigo even though I approve of the retcon on his fight with mortar ion (later changed so it wasn't single handed). Because they make sense in the greater universe.


    And I completely agree with you on new vs old crons.


    I'm really of two minds about Draigo, actually. On the one hand (mind?) I can see why people dislike an invincible super-duper-space marine so badass he just does what he pleases in the Realms of Chaos without any repercussion or chaotic taint. That's...pretty excessive, right there.


    On the other hand, I actually really like the idea, that while Primarchs are legendary and special and super-duper awesome...there are characters hardcore enough in the current 40K milieu to reach that level. Guys like Calgar, Lysander, Abaddon, Mephiston, and Draigo. Not just heroes of the imperium, but titans of the age that really do live up to all the fluff said about them. Dante solo'ing a bloodthirster, etc. 


    On the THIRD mind...This. (Youtube link)



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  4. Honestly? Ward got more hate than he deserved. Yes, Grey Knights bathing in Sister-blood was ridiculous. And Kaldor Draigo is something of a ridiculous character concept, though I'm fond of mine. However, the Necron Codex fluff was a VAST improvement over the extremely boring omnicidal robot army of the initial book (and they were my first army!). 

    • Like 1
  5. Summer is ending, and with it, the great scouring of my garage. This has revealed a number of things that I really don't want anymore, which I thought I'd offer here before putting up elsewhere. I can ship if you'll pay for it, but I'm in Vancouver, so a meet-up here or in Portland is preferable. PM me if interested. Prices or trades negotiable, unless I've listed a firm cost. Pic's available on request.





    2x Soulgrindgers, basecoat painted green and blue (respectively).

    1x Exalted Flamer on Chariot of Tzeentch, assembled (unpainted).

    2x old metal flamers, assembled.

    1x Custom Herald of Tzeentch on Chariot.

    1x Herald of Tzeentch on foot (birdface), assembled.

    1x Herald of Tzeentch on foot (moonface), assembled.

    1x finecast resin Herald of Tzeentch (w/ disc) on foot, assembled.

    2x old metal Screamers of Tzeentch, assembled, low paint job.

    6x new plastic Screamers of Tzeentch, assembled and primed white.

    4x old Nurglings, tabletop paint job.

    1x Chaos Sorceror on foot, tabletop paint job.

    1x metal Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut, good quality paint job.

    34x plastic Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, tabletop quality paint job.

    4x plastic Pink Horrors of Tzeentch with Instruments, basecoat pink.

    1x plastic Pink Horrors of Tzeentch with Banner, basecoat pink.



    - Guild Guards (opened blister of 2 guys)

    - Miss Terious LE Deathmarshal (unopened)

    - Torch and the blade (Sonia's new plastic box, unopened): 30$

    - Perdita box set (old, opened) = 18$

    - Molly Squiddpidge (unopened) = 15$

    - Dead Justice LE set (open and assembled, unprimered)= 65$



    I've a "Raging Heroes Toughest Girls in the Galaxy" Drusilla Lepic LE mini. Kickstarter only, Jetpack Rocketeer-type character. 20$

    Also, I've got an old ZGames gaming table that I don't need anymore. 50$ and it's yours if you'll come pick it up. If I have to drive it somewhere local (only option), 80$.




    Cash! Or Paypal, I guess.


    Alternatively, there's a few things that I'm looking for in trade:


    - The new Victoria's plastic Malifaux box set.

    - The Johanna alternate sculpt Malifaux model.

    - 2nd Edition Malifaux Rulebook, small or standard sized.


    I would consider other plastic Malifaux, depending on what you have.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm honestly rather surprised this is happening. I mean, sure, eventually, but suspected Blood Angels next.


    As to the content. Eh. I'm not even remotely upset about the Inquisition. Running into Coteaz and his four hundred clones got real old, these last few editions (poor Inquisitor Valeria!). Fewer options sucks, but so it goes.


    The Grey Knights themselves...Hm. I'm going to have to wait and see. The loss of the squad-focused abilities hurts, and I REALLY hope we don't get a cut-and-paste "GK Discipline" where I have to roll for freakin' Warp Quake. I always loved my Draigo-Paladin army, though. I haven't had the chance to play it for a bit, and I'm kind of psyched by the though of a pure paladin and focused-Sanctic Daemonology list being viable.

  7. So thousand sons get two useless powers! OH THE POSSIBILITIES!

    Y'know, of all the various factions to get "smite the enemy with dark magic," you think that it would be Chaos. But taken as a whole, those powers are so completely lackluster...

  8. Ok Ok wait did you just say basically " I going to practice this power I don't have to use it in my army, But I won't feel good using it" lol Just kidding ya really see Smiley face :0)


    Steel Angel, I probably should have thrown a smiley in, but I admit to feeling a little annoyed. My troop/Herald heavy mono-Tzeentch fluff list I've been working on for 9 months just changed radically. No, I doubt I'll be running the Agressively Hegemonizing Daemonic Swarm with them, but I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do with my troops, aside from just squat on objectives. 

  9. Hm, every Daemon Psyker gets access to Daemonology. Pink Horrors summoning more Pink Horrors is confirmed as a Thing. I need to get a few games in, but this actually does not please me. I went from "my Troop units have a gun" to "my Troop units are an ever-increasing viral infection that will swamp my opponent and the gameboard--to hell with actually fighting."


    Grey Knights looking cooler though. Uh, unless you liked the unique powers like Astral Aim and whatnot.

    • Like 1
  10. Hm. From what I'm seeing, it seems that Heralds + a Unit of Daemons can still only cast 1 power once.


    Which makes sense for a Rune Priest in with his buddies. But a Herald of Tzeentch in with his Pink Horrors can only attempt a single Flickering Fire, for ex.


    Can anyone confirm if you reserve your warp charge dice to use as dispel in your opponents psyker phase?

  11. Tim,


    I can't seem to send you any PM's.


    Hey, I'm interested in the discontinued metal daemonettes you mention that you're looking to get rid of. Can you link me to a pic somewhere of the ones you're talking about, just so I know which ones these are?
    I'll dig through my boxes when I get home later, but I do have some Slaanesh seeker chariots (the new thresher thingies) that I'd be willing to potentially trade.
  12. Now there's an interesting thought. Potentially zot something in the Psyker phase, then charge my Tzeentch daemons into something else.


    You might actually want something other than Locus of Conjuration, for once.


    Edit: conjuration!

  13. Thanks for the posts, Pretre!


    Hmm. Sanctic Daemonology is pretty awesome.


    Pyrokinesis still a mixed bag.


    Telekinesis a little better.


    Telepathy not bad, though Puppet Master is gone.


    Malefic Daemonology. "Yo Dawg. I heard you like daemons, so I..."


    Biomancy is just flat modifiers now, which is nice.


    Divination got the expected tweaks.


    Force is amusing. :-)


    Dunno. Some big changes in some places, not so much in others. They really want to play up the "Psykers are gateways for daemons" with the new Malefic rules. WHich is cool, don't get me wrong, but if I've already got a horde army of the things, do I really want to track more? Though I guess allying in some Chaos could help there...


    Ugh. So many "Str 4 ap5" powers though. When have those ever been cool or attractive?


    I'm really curious now though to see what happens to the Codex-specific powers, like Daemons, Chaos, and Eldar.

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