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Posts posted by rtsteele

  1. Ok how early are you getting there? 


    The Bronze Skulls War Host receives a report of a weak poorly defended world ripe for the taking.  Usually the host would prefer to find stronger targets in order to further gain the attention of their god but in a galaxy of weakness "beggers can't be choosers".  It is defended by the inferior race known as the Tau.  Cattle that preach useless propaganda about the greater good and prefer to sit back from a distance instead of relishing the of feel of fresh spilt blood upon ones axe.  There is only one truth...there is only war.  The blood will flow and Khorne will smile upon his throne.

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  2. Id also consider planning your 2500pt list as this seems to be the current level most people are playing. Although I do like 2000pt games, its so 5 years ago. haha. 


    Great first list, Id like to see how you'd bring it up to 2500... Corpse cart, spirit hosts, black knights would be my suggestions. Welcome back!

    It's at 2000 pts right now because it is models that I currently have. To go up to 2500 I would add another 5 wolves, 2 spirit hosts that would be run seperately, and either add 29 GG w/ GW or 10 black Knights and a corpse cart.

  3. Thanks Iraf...that makes sense with the necromancer. I have a Vargheists at 4 because I am expecting 1-2 of them dying before getting into combat. If that's the case then it will still hit units solidly at 2-3 models compared to 1-2.


    Fixxer... Yes this is my first VC army. I got into fantasy with warriors of chaos, but I didn't play too much because I had a lot going on at the time. I had always liked the idea of one though so now that I am getting back into fantasy I wanted a fresh start with a new army. I didn't want to make the same mistakes that I have done in the past where I buy all the cool new GW models and then have nothing to play with. I do like the idea of strong vampires and big Skelton hordes. The zombies I am planning on building up the first couple of turns and try to throw them at somerging. I do understand that the list might change some as I play.

  4. Hey I posted a little while ago about skeletons or zombies. I now have got some models and threw together a list. I am looking to just have a basic list to get right into playing and then do changes as I do play testing and able to get more models. This is what I have so far....I would appreciate any advice about where I can improve it. Also I am not really looking for a stomp all list but one that is not going to be wiped off the table either.


    Vampire lord lv 3: 456 pts


    Ogre Blade, Emchanted Shield, Tailsman of Preservation, aura of dark majesty, beguile, quickblood, lore of vampires


    Vampire lv 2: 209 pts


    Sword of Anti Heroes, Aura of Dark Majesty, Dread Knight, lore of vampires


    Necromancer lv 2: 160


    Master of the dead, dispel scroll, Tailsman of Protection, lore of vampires


    Skelton warriors 230 pts


    34 w/ full command, hw and shield and screaming banner


    Skelton warriors 205 pts


    34 w full command, hw and shield


    Zombies 23: 69 pts


    2x5 Dire Wolves


    4 Vargheists


    6 Hexwraith





    I am planning on running the lord and the necromancer in the skeletons with the screaming banner, the vampire in the other skelly unit. I want to make people have to keep taking leadership tests at lowered leadership. Maybe get things to run away or just really screw with them in CC with reroll inn hits. The wolves will be re-directors and specials will be for back line stuff to get them to come to me. I was thinking spirit hosts but to fit them in?

  5. First off....I'm sorry if this has already been discussed here,


    I am getting back into the hobby after being away from it for a year and a half. I am starting fresh with a vampire counts army. My question is: is the way to go skeletons or zombies as main core units. I really like the idea of the skeletons for the look of the army but for almost the same points you can get twice as many zombies. Zombies seem to go better with the synergie since different tricks will cause opponents be be fighting at low initiative anyway. I guess is it worth the extra points in any way for the skeletons? What do most people go with?

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