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Posts posted by Darthweasel

  1. Weird question here. Through the years I have played 40k long enough ago that I remember one-shotting my poor brothers' Imperial Guard tank with a handful of dice including several that were not 6-siders...took a bunch of years off, came back and there were all sorts of new armies like Tau, Tyranids, Dark Eldar and what have you, amassed a collection but then we started a remodel and the edition changed.


    Getting set to start back up but it will be very casual play...I will be supplying armies for any and all who play, the games will be in my living room or music room and be based on models I have. Over the years I have picked up:

    a decent number of Space Marines Smurf Blue

    Space Wolves

    enough whichever Angel army is Green and Bone White



    Chaos Space Marines


    to have decent size armies, and smaller amounts of randomly colored marines, Necrons, Orks that they could play small games.

    When it comes to the fluff, really don't care all that much, I am not as enamored of it as the truly hardcore. At the risk of losing all credibility, I just like the game system and playing with toy soldiers and vastly prefer this to any of the alternatives I have played.

    So with the background out of the way, here is the question:

    Knowing the games will be casual, rare enough we will probably spend time looking up rules too often, is it worthwhile to get the codexes as they come out or is something like this best done by just getting the "total reset" books they released?

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  2. I have a NIB unopened Sunshark Bomber, NIB but opened Hammerhead, NIB unopened crisis team, NIB uonopened riptide, NIP unopened Cadre Fireblade and a variety of painted other stuff (4 Hammerheads in a green and brown camo pattern (painted by someone else, pretty well painted in my opinion), 27 fire warriors in 3 color patterns, dubious quality painted by me, and the book of course. Somewhere. If there is the seed of a deal there I would be interested. I can text pictures of the painted stuff if you want. No worries either way




  3. Looking for a casual gaming -partner in Beaverton area for preferably some of the ECG/LCG/Deckbuilding games out there. I own some of all mentioned above and obviously am not against trying some others.


    Played maybe 20-30 games of Doomtown, 20-30 of LoTR, zero of Conquest, a handful of Star Wars...


    I tend much more toward the casual. If you are looking to hone your deck for a tournament I am probably not your preferred opponent. If you want to try a bunch of different decks, play a different deck every game or even rotate games, crush some pizza, just relax and play for the fun of playing, I'm your huckleberry. I have enough Doomtown to supply all the decks if need be, just the starter for Conquest and Star Wars, a couple expansions for LoTr...hit me up if interested

  4. So a buddy took on the DoC as a painting project to try out some strategies before painting his "real" army, the High Elfs. As a result, he is keeping his DoC army small and we have been playing a series of 750 point games. Beings as how I despise the hobby aspects of the game...the only thing worse than building a list is assembling the models. Painting is drudgery but I get it done...anyway, I tend to Battlescribe my lists and, since I don't spend hours in the books, I seldom remember what the magic items do.


    As a result, in something like 6 games I have taken 1 magic item...an Ogre Blade. And I am thinking I should change that.


    His typical list is a Herald, Lvl 1, in a block of daemonettes giving them ASF, a skillcannon and 3 Skullcrushers (Bloodcrushers? I play WoC and always mix up the names). Occasionally he mixes in Bloodletters. When we play 1250 points he mixes in a D-Prince.


    So far I have used WoC, Brets, Goblins only, Orcs only, and beastmen. As you may gather, I like to rotate who I play...I will be bringing Dwarf and High Elf armies in the near future. I like a variety of playstyles so mix it up.


    A combination of things have led to some weird results: unit of 5 Chaos Knights whiffed 70% of their attacks, got whittled down and his Herald + 1 daemonette ran off my last 2 knights...or having his 'Nettes pinned down with Knights of the Realm, getting the flank charge with Grail Knights and having a combined zero hits in the two rounds of combat before all my guys ran off the table...that was awesome...or almost the entire the goblin army running off the table after his first shot of the game. It was pretty funny.


    Anyway, seeings as how it is highly unlikely I will spend more than 5 minutes building a list for games at this points level, and with the understanding I will only be playing 8th edition rules (we rejected the end times character percentage increase, the extra lore abilities, etc), are there any items that should be considered staples for the following:





    High Elves



    for a small game? Typical lists:



    small block of Warriors, block of Knights, exalted to lead them.



    Block of savage orcs and boar riders, maybe goblins with fanatic(s), Mangler Squig, doom diver catapult, occasionally squig hoppers (varies more than any other list)



    Gor, Minotaurs


    High Elf

    Have not built one yet but I tend more towards swordmasters than White Lions. Big proponent of putting out large numbers of attacks.



    Work in progress; the Knights of the Realm, Knights Errant, Grail KNight, Paladin on Pegasus combo did a combined 8 wounds while getting tabled. Admittedly, he rolled better (it was turn 3 before he failed to hit on a single attack, I had zero hits in 2 rounds from my Grail Knights...). Not a big fan of Men at Arms, particularly WS2 v WS5 ASF...does not end well...


    Appreciate your thougts

  5. Hmmmm should a Professional really compete against amateurs...hhmmmm? Just kidding unlike some professions there is no real set standards to qualify as professional. So you could be a professional painter and still suck.

     I am thinking of going with a pro-painted Gorger army for the next tournament. I practically have it in the bag. For an early look at my pro-painted soon to be best-painted army award win, have a look at the current "It Still Cracks me Up" thread. Writhe in jealousy, mere mortals. When I have that in hand, for you to win a painting competition will be amazing, for me it will be Tuesday

    • Like 2
  6. Recently picked up the core, shortly thereafter Kharad Dum and Hunt for Gollum. Showed it to the Starving Crazed Weasels today and they loved it, hoping to expand the collection inexpensively...or trade for it. Let me know what you have and what you are looking for



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  7. I... I have no words for this.



    sadder yet...it is repost. In a previous effort he referred to it as "pro painted" and discussed the level of detail in the gore...I might gently argue when he says "pro" his definition differs slightly from mine. Perhaps he meant "I am pro painting all models, anti playing with primed models, even if the painted models look worse than unprimed models stomped on by a toddler."

  8. as an outsider with very little of value to contribute, I would say this; threads like this, which seem to pop up every year, do serve as somewhat as a disincentive to those of us who have never attended one to attend.


    On the one side when it is first over people crow about how every game was awesomesauce, the coolest people they have ever met, the type of people they want their daughters to marry. Then a month or two later it feels like there is a lengthy thread about all the travesties of justice that occurred, how unfun/antifun/against the spirit it was, etc.


    Again, this is as a disinterested, casual observer. I am not big on tournaments at this stage in my life, really dislike tournament settings with any sort of comp* and am not a target audience for the OFCC. However, the promise of a casual, laid back tournament is intriguing enough to make me consider it. But then I read these threads and I get the sense the much-promised "spirit of the OFCC" and the reality are vastly different. 


    I am not saying it IS that way. I have never been. I am saying that the impression given off by these threads to a casual observer with no axe to grind, they can be interpreted that way. Hope it is helpful.




    * especially hypocritical in light of my current preferred 40k style game: small points, single codex, no allies and no forge world...but I would want to play all those things in a tournament, which is much different than wanting to learn the game well enough to play in a tournament should I so desire. I differentiate between what I CURRENTLY want in a casual game and what I want when either I know the game better or play a tournament

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  9. if they would drop those three books and if 9th has the changes rumored (including the 50% lord nonsense and everyone having lore of undeath, etc) I would not care...because with those 3 books we would have a complete edition I really love and me and my group can keep playing while ignoring the retrograde release. not wrong...you are 99.9% right



    (cause there are some people out there liking these changes and books. And even though they are wrong they have the right to enjoy being wrong :-) )

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  10. The only thing i haven't liked so far is the addition of a 4-d6 magic phase from the latest book.  I don't think anyone felt that magic was underpowered, and I can't see any reason for increasing it.


    I have found it massively underpowered. My desire for magic to play a real role is doubtless part of it...but so too is the experience I have had where in the dozens of games played, there has not been one time it had a game deciding impact. Closest it came was in a 5500 point WoC v Skaven game where he dreaded 13th'd my Chaos Warriors with sorcerer and exalted off the table, replacing them with his rats who my extra units of knights instantly rampaged through...cost me a few points, making it only a 2000 point victory instead of a 3400 point...so not really any meaningful impact.


    so yeah, probably the only person in the history of Warhammer 8th to say this, but in games ranging from 500 points to 5500 points with most in the 2500-3000 range...magic is stupidly underpowered. Your experience probably will vary but someone has to be the exception

  11. Although I live close enough to Portland to get games, my actual local area (Saint Helens, Oregon) has a 40K scene similar to yours. The few players that did exist have abandonned 40K and/or have their own precious metagame that's more important to them than playing real 40K.

    If that's what you have to work with, see if you can play using their meta, or something new like Kill Team or Inquisimunda that they aren't sour on.

    In a college town there will undoubtedly be 40K players who have no gaming contacts in their new environment, including people who play "real" 40K but didn't bring an army to college. There should be some way to make contact with those gamers.

    My brothers live in St Helens, we and a couple friends primarily play fantasy, but I roll out there few times a month and would be willing to play smaller 40k games. I vastly prefer single codex, small game type stuff so may not be your cup of tea but the thought is out there

  12. I was just starting to play 40k and the new Space Wolf codex dropped. I had been building my list around Logan and Terminators as troops...it was not and would not be competitive, but it was legal. New codex landed...and now I have to buy a SECOND codex to play the same list. I have not played a game since. If they did something like the bundled codex I would be all over it. As it stands, I ignore the fluff, don't look at the pictures...all that content they are so proud of is just wasted space to me. And needing to buy 2 codexes to play the army I have built, plus numerous dataslates, extra codexes for every other army just to know what the other guy can or cannot do? Eh, until End Times is the way everyone plays I still have Warhammer. After that, I still have Doomtown...

  13. Lemme know when you come up to Seattle.   :smile:

    you laugh...but the better half really wants to hit the Great Wolf Lodge and I smurfing near did come up there to see the Cowboy game...we hit Seattle a few times a year, and I think are planning to come up there when the Last Comis Standing peeps are at some casino or other up there, so I may hit you up depending on what part of the metropolis you are in

  14. I think, as the majority if the internet community seems to view the End Times as a campaign that will lend it's history to the 9E and not an army book per se, the point is moot.


    Until then I say no way, as it says TK army and the ET:N replaces army wide rules. Doesn't seem right to me to be cherry picking rules. There's some saying about having your cake and eating it too that may apply here.



    Warhammer Forum (English site and scarily slanted towards A) tournaments and B) ETC tournaments, so take it with a salt-shaker...but it is a sizable community with a stout U.S. representation) came to the opposite conclusion, that these are current official rules....not saying I agree, I don't, just pointing out there is a very sizable minority that sees it differently. From my meanderings I would say the split is closer to 55-45 or 51-49 on whether it is the new rules or just an optional supplement...

  15. Based on there being only two people in the thread, I am guessing not a ton of interest...but anyone interested in meeting up at FLGS in Beaverton to play some Doomtown? Not high-level play...I have 2 cores and 7 decks built, have not even put the second set of jokers in any deck yet, so not highly tuned decks obviously...I just love rotating decks, playing a different deck every game. Looking for like-minded opponent who just wants to play some "fun" Doomtown as opposed to "tournament level, I tuned this deck, took out every card that did not meet my draw structure and destroy you"...I had my days of playing that way in card games, enjoyed them, now am much more mellow.


    I have played maybe 20 games so far and enjoyed them throughly, even including the TWO times I have had 8-11 card hands and been beaten by the guy with a 5 card hand, 1 redraw who drew 5 of a kinds...those things just make the game even better. Unless I am in a tournament...

  16. Having renamed mine Deathnarok, I have had it tear massive holes in tough opposing units...and get 1-shotted by pedestrian units that got a little lucky with their rolls. Like any other large target...offer target opportunities because if they focus on it, skinks will take it down easily...but when it goes on a rampage it is tremendous fun.

  17. they have changed it up a lot...no events any longer, etc...I have heard some people have ripped out the events and used the new rules but the balance was....questionable, lets say. New version pretty well balanced, though 4th Ring (whateleys sort of) is a hair weaker in the first pulse.

  18. Ya'll are missing out. Had 5 last night, only got in about 5 hours of play but much pizza was crushed. Furthermore, very fun game with rules that are pretty tight. We had maybe 8 questions come up...and after perusing the rules they were all answered fairly clearly. With one exception every game was close including the epic final game that saw Fullur miss that if he passed he would win, made one more play...his opponent then came back to keep him from winning, they ended up with 2 consecutive turns that went to the third tie-breaker still tied, and in the final shootout one guy self-removed his last dude to give himself a winning hand and win the game.


    I highly recommend Doomtown Reloaded

  19. Hopefully this is the right forum for this...



    So back in the 90s/early 2000s my brothers and several friends were playing several CCGs quite heavily. Oh, never the BIG" ones...no Magic, Versus, L5R, YuGiOh, Pokemon...we played the daylights out of Ultimate Combat, Battletech (please someone resurrect this as an LCG/ECG/whatever euphemism someone wants to use), raw Deal, Doomtown...


    Of course Doomtown was harrowed far too early but we all kept some of the cards and talked non-stop about bringing it back as an occasional play. Well, AEG resurrected it (or as one wag commented, Doomtown finally made its Harrowed pull...funny to anyone who played the game and probably been told by a lot of people) and we learned this a few months ago. 


    As soon as we learned the release date, we put our heads together and figured out the first available day to play was Friday the 12th. We blocked it out on our calendars. I turned down free golf, no less...canceled a dentist appointment...we are going to play. 


    Called my preferred LGS, ordered a box. Went in physically a week later to pre-order second box. Then the store changed who was running it. I went in personally, talked to the new guy to make sure it was still on order. Two boxes. He assure me it was. I haunted the AEG forums, the Gomorrah Gazette...even with no new info coming out. Love this game, excited for this game. 


    Tuesday, release day. Called to make sure it was in, was going to actually take a lunch, something I do about once every three months, to pick up the cards. They had not ordered it. Crestfallen, I called my secondary backup gamestore. They had gotten it in...and sold out. Might be getting more in. Called a third. They had not gotten it in yet. Called a fourth...they had not even heard of it.


    We are talking major crisis here. This is unacceptable. 


    Fortunately my back-up game store DID get some in Wednesday, I headed straight there after work, bought the last two boxes. They tried to lure me in to coming to play with their Monday night group, but I play racquetball pretty much every Monday and don't want to be the stereotypical stenchy card guy...which I would be after racquetball...plus get there late...


    But tomorrow 4 of us have pizza, chips, soda, and a crap ton of Doomtown.


    Anyone else even remotely as excited about this game as I am?


    Also, is there anyone in the Beaverton area (think 217) interested in playing?

  20. Played 6k, WoC v Ogres and loved every minute of it...of course, part of that was for the very OPPOSITE reasons stated above. I WANT to use all those expensive models I bought and labored for hours assembling, painting, etc. Throwing out a shaggoth, the dragon ogres, multiple knights units...it was fantastic. At the same time, it did take longer than the more typical 2800 points.


    Upshot is, the "have to make tough choices" part, for those of us who HATE building lists, is a real strike AGAINST the smaller games.



    Further note; if we go back to the hero-hammer from back in the day when a Bret army could be lord on dragon, grail knights...and steamroll everything, then my favorite points level goes to...I don't know, zero?

  21. I am really torn. Doernbechers is a cause I love so much. My youngest brother was born with clubfoot and they said he would never walk. My dad was a preacher in a very small church and we had no money at all. Doernbechers, without ever charging us a nickel, did such a great job that he was able to play indoor soccer for a few years and walks just fine. They will always hold a special place in my heart and I had, have and will have nothing but good things to say about them.


    Unfortunately, I do not know the Warhammer 40k fluff at all. I have tried to read it and just...can't. So I have no way of knowing if I could build fluffy list. So I wonder if there is someone out there who wants to play in this but cannot afford it. I would sponsor you for it. Hit me up if interested. 

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  22. So the better half and I are choosing an LCG to pick up. It will almost certainly also see group play with the larger Starving Crazed Weasels group, but first and foremost it will be her and me playing it.


    I watched the "Watch it Played" guy run through Legendary and watched some Canadian outfit...Covenant maybe? do the Star Wars and wanted some local, live input on which would be better for our nefarious purposes.


    The wife is at best a casual gamer. She was interested in Magic "as long as I can just keep the same deck all the time and don't have to build a new one". I, on the other hand, for a game called Raw Deal at one time had over 100 decks built...so there is at least a passing possibility that is a consideration.


    The SCW are a much more diverse group where the level of play and strategy will go much deeper, but that is less heavily considered. There are 4 in the core group and another 6-7 less frequent participants (in Pathfinder we have never had more than 5 in a session but there are fully 11 different characters in the campaign...)


    She will of course be less skilled at whatever game we pick up. I can enjoy a game like Yahtzee where there is a heavy, heavy element of luck but skill will still determine the outcome more often but cannot stand a game like pass the dice or Zynga poker (all in preflop regardless of cards and see what happens) where there is absolutely no luck, skill or strategy.


    So ideally we would like a game where luck played some part and the occasional upset may occur, but where the play actually matters in determining the outcome of the game.


    With that in mind, has anyone played both Legendary and Star Wars?


    From watching, it looked to me like Legendary may be 90% luck in what you draw, but that may have been a result of WiP guys being...sub-optimal at the game, lets say. However, being mostly a co-op game that may not be a huge consideration. How much effect do the playing choices have on the outcome?


     Conversely, Star Wars looked like it might too heavily favor the person who actively thinks about the game and might have a heavier pre-game deck building component. It seemed a much more in-depth game with some deeper play.



    So which game is better (and what other game might be considered) for

    1) game involving a casual gamer AND one who wants to impact the outcome

    2) replayability

    3) multiple players



    Appreciate the input



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