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James Beadle

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Posts posted by James Beadle

  1. So I am looking for an affordable way to put some terrain on my home gaming table. I don't need a ton of it, just enough to be able to play my 28mm games. I primarily play Warmachine/Hordes, but also AoS and 40K, so idea pieces are suitable for all three games (huts, farmhouses, field pieces, modest ruins, towers, ponds, etc). I currently have all the forest pieces I need. I prefer painted, but am a capable painter so can do it myself if needed. The hitch is that it would have to be shipped to Ft. Wayne Indiana. I don't mind paying you up front if you can give me a couple of references of folks who have been around a while, Bryon, Burk, Eben, Shawn, etc and who will vouch for you. 





  2. My habit is just to make an ass of myself. I am unfortunately very practiced at it. 


    I didn't really ever play 8th Ed much, just a handful of games. I always wanted to, but I didn't really have time to hobby and play. So I focused on WM/H and just make noise about playing WHFB.


    I don't know if AoS would really appeal to boardgamers. The rules are very simple, however the units each have their own rules which adds some small amount of complexity to the mix.

    Movement is still very critical, so are proper screens and Setting up reliable charges. Certain units preform well in combos with other units, etc. etc. However the game is much simplified and you have to find a way to balance it. We have been using http://www.scrollbuilder.com/ which has been creating well balanced games so far.

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  3. I've not posted in an age. I collected a number of armies, kept making promises to play, and simply never made the time to do it. This was all during my undergrad program which ended last Dec. I am now in Indiana in my masters program and am actually finally playing the game. AoS sucked me into finally palming plastic and pushing it about on the table. Its a fantastic game. Balance was an issue at first, however we found a warcroll builder site that really seems to provide balanced play lists. 



    I still do not have a lot of time to game, however now I am actually playing with my fantasy model collections and having a good time. The game runs fast, still has some depth to it, and folks seem to not take it so seriously, which in my book is a win win win.

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  4. I've not ever played competatively (been in one 40K tournament my whole life). The game isn't really designed for a tournament scene and GW is actually backing up its claim now that it doesn't cater to that type of game. They are about the collector and the casual gamer. The huge increase in models/rules suits me just fine. They are cool models, and why the heck do you need to keep up with what is being produced? Just buy what you can afford and have fun with what you own. If you are only playing once a month, don't worry about the win, just have fun with it. I love all the new models. I was pretty concerned about the new D weapons the Eldar are sporting, but as a friend of mine recently said, the game is self balancing with regards to play. If you come across someone in a meta who hammers everyone, he wont get folks to play him. A recent phone call to GW about the use of FW products in 40K resulted in customer service telling us that there is no longer any separation between FW products and standard plastic relase models. All is fair game. 


    The game hasn't ever been balanced guys. But now we are getting TONS of new cool toys to play with, and really, who cares if you are keeping up with Mr. Jones? My Ork infantry horde works just as well now as it ever has. (Which is to say they need to fire me as their warlord and find one who can lead them better!)


    If you want balanced and competative play Warmachine, that game is fine tuned for tournaments. Play 40K for the spectacle.

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  5. D weapons are the new fact of life for the game. You can dislike it all you want, but that doesn't change the reality. I was taken aback by it as well, however the game isn't going to implode and folks will adapt. I think it might cause some fits for the tournament scene, but again, it will be adapted to.

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