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Posts posted by K_DUB

  1. Well think about it this way....he is an independent tank driver. So instead of riding as a passenger embarked on a transport he has the ability to drive a vehicle with the tank special rule. So he can drive a Rhino (with a full Taq Squad) or a Landraider or a Predator. But he doesnt get a free tank when taken as HQ.

  2. So with the new Kill Team rules making a squad of say Space Marines play as individuals how do grenades work? Normally only one person could throw a grenade per shooting round (or assault) but when they are split and work as an individual can each marine throw a grenade or only one marine throw a grenade? Thoughts?

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  3. So does this mean I can put my DP horizontally with the doors closed? No rules on this.....and then if I were to place them 3-5 across with doors closed.....hmmmmm I like where this is going. Thank you GW for making the rules even more watered down.....yipee!

  4. So the Tank Shock "Crunch" Rule doesnt make 100% sense with what they are saying. The rules are really clear on how models move and their results (Infact Frontline Gaming even did a video on it). The FAQ sort of muddles the water a bit. Not that tank shocking is really Meta right now....but I use it a ton (and get many complaints about it even after the rules are read for the 100th time). 

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