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Posts posted by EntrepeNinja

  1. We don't usually do master spotlights- it seems more a BwB or S&S thing. We're more like talk radio. Are you the guy I was chatting with at the end of the day? Cause it sounded like you were having a good time with her (Pandora).



    Allow me to play both sides of an imaginary conversation so you can get the skinny on Malifaux at OFCC this year!


    Alright, sure, but how would that work?

    See? You're (I'm) getting the hang of it already! Great!


    Wait, Malifaux? There's going to be Malifaux at OFCC? That's that one with the Zombie Hookers, right?


    Yup! We're going to Faux it up for reals. I'll be your Head of Games Rudy.


    You're an OFCC Guy?


    ... Kinda. I wasn't, really, but I heard that Faux wasn't gonna have a presence, and I said, "NOT ON MY WATCH!"


    Oh. Well thanks for that then.


    You're welcome. Okay, let's start with schedule....


    Schedule for what...?


    FINE! Let's start with a brief synopsis. We're going to be doing five rounds of faux over two days, saturday and sunday. I'll be modifying the Wyrd Gaining Grounds tournament pack a bit, but for the most part it'll be run kinda like that. Depending on how many folks sign up, we're likely to have a 4 round GG style tournament with a round 0 Warm up and Grudge match. Players will be ranked in the following categories and fashion:



    There will be a trophy for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, as well as a "Wooden Spoon". Placement will be based on TP/Differential/VP.



    There will be a player vote for best painted- between round three and final round on day two (during a break) there will be a chance to leave your best example out and try and get votes.


    Best Team

    If the spread allows us to have a team event, there will be an award for best team as well.


    Best Sportsman (Aka, the Wil Wheaton Award)

    Best sports will be awarded by player vote based on favorite opponent of the tournie.



    Prize support will also be raffled away, in true Malifaux Fashion, but card assignment and card draw.



    Okay, cool. NOW hit us with the schedule...




    10:00 Sign in, Sign up, register, Tournament Pack Handout and request grudges.

    10:30 Round Zero Pairings and Table Assignments.

    10:45 First Flip for Round Zero

    12:30 End Round Zero

    12:30-1:30 Lunch Break

    1:30 Round 1 Pairings and Table Assignments

    1:45 Round One First Flip

    3:30 End Round One

    3:45 Round Two Pairings and Table Assignments

    4:00 Round Two First Flip

    5:45 End Round Two

    6:00 Standings posted, and open play. (Depending on interest, there may be enforcer brawls and things here. It would be a good time to play games for achievement league.)



    10:00 Check in, wake up, get caffeine.

    10:30 Round 3 Pairings and Table Assignments

    10:45 Round 3 First Flip

    12:30 End Round Three

    12:30 - 1:30 Lunch

    1:30 Final Round Pairings and Table Assignments

    1:45 Final Round First Flip

    3:30 End of Final Round

    3:45 Awards and Raffle


    Sounds Pretty Boss. What were those words you shouted about up there...?


    Grudge Match


    First come first serve. If you're first to ask for a grudge, you'll get it. If someone's grudged you before you can ask for one, you're dance card is all full, huckleberry.


    Round Zero

    Depending on attendance, round zero may end up being round one. We would have to get pretty huge to pull that kind of number, but presume it will act as Round Zero Grudge/Warmup. If the first round counts towards placing, you will know before table pairings.



    There's an awesome little farmer's market that was going on across the way last year. If it's still going its a great place to score some cheap lunch. 


    Achievement League

    That's RIGHT! There will be a Gaslight Achievement League. In addition to being a blast, and rewarding ridiculous things, it will also be a chance at netting some extra prizes.



    I didn't say anything about teams up there, but. BUT. OFCC has the words "Club Challenge" Baked right into the name! What kind of H.o.G. would I be if I didn't promote club unity and challenges. This will go down one of two ways:


    Triangle (Or trapezoid?) of Doom- 

    If we're able to get a number of people that would allow an even, multiple of three, we can do the triangle of doom format, where teams are pitted against each other, and pair themselves off based solely on faction knowledge. (Teams wouldn't have to be all the same faction, but each respective player would have to stick to their declared factions). Teams would be ranked the normal way- TP/Differential/VP, and it would be accumulated by the whole team.


    (This could also work with a "doubles" setup, where you're just tied to one other.)

    (Format would depend on the specific number of folks signed up and showing up.)


    Wow. You said a lot of stuff in there. And yet, here I am still reading this post! I must be excited. You got anything else for me?


    Sure do! Because the event will be following the Gaining Grounds 2016 format (even if loosely...), I can tell you what the Strategy and Deployments will be!


    Round Zero: Guard the Stash; Corner Deployment

    Round One: Turf War; Standard Deployment

    Round Two: Head Hunter; Flank Deployment

    Round Three: Reckoning; Standard Deployment

    Round Four: Extraction; Close Deployment


    All games will be played at 50 soulstones.


    Kay, anything else I should know?


    Yup! But I think this is it for now. All models must be painted to a three color standard, and be based. I unlike a normal GG tourney, will be allowing Proxies/Conversions, but (and I'm putting my serious TO face on right now) they must accurately represent the model they are standing in for. I should be able to look at a model from across the table, hear what faction I'm playing against and say, "Oh, yeah... That's a such and such. Sure."


    I'll probably end up flipping the schemes closer to the date, and I do intend to post them online before the event. This is for two reasons: One, I hope it will speed up crew selection/creation. Two, As a tourney that's more about the fun and sportsmanship of it all, I like the idea that a player can do some homework on it, and get some of the confusing ones on the table to get used to them.


    ALRIGHT. That's it. If you have any questions, leave 'em here. I'll do my best to check in here frequently. Buy your tickets! Make me have to do a five rounder! Tell all your friends to come! Tell them "not owning a crew, or having anything painted, or knowing how to play Malifaux" isn't a valid excuse! Well.... maybe that last one...


    Rudy "EntrepeNinja" Schuepbach

    Head of Games: Malifaux

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  3. Just as a heads up, I intend on rocking the Gaining Grounds document for tournament stuff. We'll likely be doing the new GG2016 new schemes, and the strats will be a mix of Original and 2015. I'll be doing pairings as TP/Diff/VP. There'll be a sports and paint a #1-3, and likely a wooden spoon. 


    How do you guys come about award support? Any advice or help there would be excellent. 



    • Like 1
  4. Getting a temp on who plays what in what region. Not for any particular reason besides curiosity, and getting to know the local metas-


    Who is your daddy, and what does he- I mean...

    What are your factions, and who are your masters?


    I will give you an example:


    I'm Rudy, I play in Portland, I have lots of masters because Malifaux is my only Minis game, and I had "ooh shiny" syndrome bad. That being said:



    I own all the masters but Lucius, but I mostly like Hoffman, McMourning, and McCabe. I enjoy Lady J as well, but it's more corner case for me- If it's all death I may go for her. Dita and Sonnia just don't sing when I play them.



    Much like guild, I own everyone but Marcus (I've proxied Ironsides... can't wait for that box!). My tops are Colette, Ironsides, and Kaeris, with Raspy and/or Mei coming out some times for a curve ball. 



    My first (of many) Dabble Faction. I started with Tara and McMourning- mostly because I was playing McMourning in guild, so I already had the nurses and McMourning painted. So I picked up some random stuff (Necropunks, Flesh Constructs, Dogs, etc) to run him in Ressurs. I think the first time was so I could play him in a doubles tourney with my friend who's a Seamus player. Then a friend was selling a Kirai lot for a rediculous price... So I picked up a full set of that too. I don't play them often, but enjoy it when I do. I also have molly, though I'm missing most of the models for her Horror list... Harder sell. Why play spirit Molly when I could just as easily play Kirai?



    My first faction in 1.5- I loved the Vikis- and I grabbed the VonSchill box to add him and the librarians to the cause. They transitioned into 2.5 without a lot of their important models (until wave 2) so I sort of stopped playing them- it didn't help that every meta I was in between then and now had a dedicated outcast player who loved Viks. So I still play them sometimes. Tara, if I play her, usually gets played here as well.



    This is a faction I have an interesting history with. I bought Lilith because I loved the alt sculpt, and I loved the look of the new Nephilim- So I started out as just a nephilim player. Then when the Viks plastics came out, I traded my metals to a friend for a Collodi crew he wasn't playing any more, and bought the Plastics. Collodi quickly became a favorite. Again, I don't play the Neverfilth often, but I have a good time when I do.



    My dabbliest of factions. I only have Ophelia. And I love her. The games have been so frenetic and fun that I'm quickly falling for the gremlin mystique. I'm looking at Brewmaster when he comes out- I've played a proxy game with him and it was a lot of fun- sort of blue deck if that makes sense. And Som'er Teeth is also looking might appealing, but not from the Summon-Machine standpoint. He looks like a lot of fun in the Midfield bully, big man with a shotgun kind of standpoint.


    10 thunders

    I don't really have 10 thunders masters, besides owning them. I have Mei Feng and McCabe, but I don't ever run them in T.T. I don't have many (any?) of the Thunders models to make it any different. The only benefit would be getting to play Mei or Lucas and have the variety of that. This may change after I pick up Brewie.



    I'm maining Arcanist and Guild, and dabble in basically everything else.

  5. This saturday, We'll be having a Gaining Ground tournament at Guardian games. There will likely be 3 rounds (depending on turnout), with prizes going to 1-3rd, best painted, and a special "wooden spoon" style prize to our "best sportsman". There is an event page up on the "Malifaux PDX" page, Link Here:




    If you'd like to attend, please RSVP there so I can get a decent head count, and ask for more tables/revise the timeline if I need to.



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