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Posts posted by SchnellerKarl

  1. Welcome, Evan!


    We've been playing 1420pt Late War.  Odds are excellent if you just drop by, but if you want to make sure there's a good Axis/Allies matchup you might want to plan ahead or bring two companies.


    Terrain is ok for up to two tables at Guardian, but in need of some repair.  Also lacking in city and ruins.  Is anyone interested in a terrain building day?  


    As for your panzerfaust-toting Reluctant Veterans, I am also partial to those lists and I can already hear Steve grumbling about "gravel-munchers."

  2. Good News: All Flames stuff is 50% off at Guardian today, including books and non-WW2 - i.e. Great War and Fate of a Nation.  I even got my paints half off, but I'm pretty sure that was a mistake.


    Bad News: Guardian is pissed at Battlefront for chopping them off at the knees with the Tanksgiving online sale and may stop stocking, or at least that's the scuttlebutt that was intentionally put out (Yes, I'm a cynic.)



  3. I will be interested to see the force spread out a bit.  That could help with the overcrowding problem in the single defensive line.  


    That last game against the paratroopers, I would have traded half my force for some barbed wire, so I can see the appeal.


    I'll bring some minefields, but I have no barbed wire handy if you plan to use that.

  4. Those pioneers can take a 3-ton truck or RSO supply vehicle.  Understrength pioneers (6 Rifle/Pzfaust+command) + RSO are 170 points.  


    Each full Schutzen platoon is 170 + 20 for the Panzershreck, however the list has three HQ slots for Panzerschrecks unused.  Easiest thing would be to trade Pioneers for a Schutzen platoon, and take an extra HQ panzershreck, same points.  


    Also worth noting the Shooting Over Stationary Infantry rules (pg 80), which I wasn't using to full effect in the tournament:


    Vehicles and gun teams can fire over friendly infantry that did not move.  Those infantry can still shoot!  So for a static line, its better to layer the infantry right in front of the guns than right behind them as I was doing (which is only useful for a counterassault).  


    Also, infantry can fire over stationary infantry (even if that infantry shoots) when firing at vehicles, so when putting down a tank assault two ranks of panzerfaust-armed infantry is sound, as it keeping the Panzershreck in the rear.

  5. Armored Canucks sound great!


    Here's my tourney list:




    And here's what I would recommend for a 1500pt variation on that:




    This list drops the Pioneers, Flak, Mortars and Anti-tank platoon.  The first three did absolutely nothing in all three games, and the Anti-Tank platoon was only useful in game 1.  With the extra points, I boosted the support Schutzen squad to full strength.  Kampfgruppe to get to 9 platoons, and the Kampfgruppe can include up to 2 Pak50s.  Let me know if you want me to rearrange it some other way.  

  6. I'll be there this Thursday.  


    Would anyone be willing to lend me an allied force for the evening?  I'm feeling a powerful urge to play something not-German.  


    I'll bring my Kriegers anyway, so if anyone wants to borrow some Deutsches Gravel Munchers and try out the Dark Side...

  7. Battle Report, Game #4, German Attack from f9 to Juno Beach on Thursday



                   Attacker: Charlie (SchnellerKarl), Defender: Daniel (Apophis93?)

                   Attacker’s nationality and company type. German Grenadier

                   Defender’s nationality and company type British Armoured Recce Squadron


                   List firestorm units, and if they were destroyed: 

    German - 101 Heavy Tank Bn - Not Destroyed

    German -  2 Panzer Div - Not Destroyed

    British - 31 Tank Brigade - Destroyed in Game (still need to roll?)

    British - 12 Corps AGRA - Not Destroyed (need to roll)


                   Warriors used, and whether they were killed or captured: None


         WHAT:     mission played: Fighting Withdrawal

         WHERE:   Sector the attacker started in: F9

                   Sector that was the target of the attack. Juno Beach

                   terrain type. Open/Farmland


                   Winner; Germans

                   Victory 6-1

                   Sector Taken? Tactically, Yes. Strategically, No.

                   Supply Points destroyed: Need to Roll

                   Victory points? ??

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