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Posts posted by Ezekill

  1. 2 hours ago, Ish said:

    Any chance of a tutorial on that basing technique? It looks amazing.

    I have 3 more to do so I will take some pictures during the process and see what I can put together for you. But it was pretty easy the worst part was waiting for it to dry.

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  2. I decided to go with a desert wasteland theme for the army's bases so in between glueing the guys together I got out my crackle paint and molding paste with some baking soda and worked on one of the chariot bases. 

    In other news "Dave" is still missing I think my parrot may have taken him and hidden him. She likes to "help" me with things that I'm working on.


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  3. Fanatics are Night Goblins (moonclan) I wanted to keep this army with only one kind of goblins. It's fluffier that way and I already have an all night goblin army so I wanted to try something different.


    The 2 goblin units with bows get 60 shots each hitting  units they outnumber on 2's and wounding them on 5's(4 if they outnumber them 2 to 1) The skulkers hide in units of "gitmob grots" with 5 or more models so they could go with the chariots or the goblins and the chariots are super fast with the destruction move +12 inch base move and the ability to run and shoot and charge not to mention rerolls to run and charge rolls.

    I was thinking using them to flank and grab objectives and having the goblins wear other units down with numbers. 

    • Like 3
  4. I have decided to attempt to build and paint an all goblin (gitmob grots) army for OFCC. Any feedback on the list would be appreciated. Also wanted to post updates on progress in order to keep myself in track cause otherwise I tend to get distracted with other projects. I have about 90% of the models with 10% built and 0% painted so I have a long way to go since the army has a model count of 191. I have no idea if I will be able to get it done by OFCC but I will give it my best shot. Anyway the list is as follows


    Great Gitmob battalion 100pts

    60 goblins with bows 300pts

    60 goblins with bows 300pts

    20 goblins with spears 100pts

    6 wolf chariots 240pts

    12 nasty skulkers 160pts

    12 nasty skulkers 160pts

    12 nasty skulkers 160pts

    1 goblin shaman 80pts

    1 goblin boss on wolf with battle brew 60pts

    Non battalion units

    1 goblin boss 60 pts

    General with bellowing tyrant, talisman of protection

    1 goblin shaman 80pts

    5 wolf chariots of 10 wolf riders 200 pts

    Still trying to decide on the last one. I have the wolf riders but I like the wolf chariots more. If I can get a good deal on eBay for the chariots I will go with them.


    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


    • Like 2
  5. Does anyone have any normal goblins or bits for them that they would be interested in selling? I am in the process of building an all Gitmob list that I would like to have completed for ofcc and I still need about 80 of them. Gw's site is out of stock and eBay hasn't had any (except the really old ones that look terrible)



  6. 17 minutes ago, Threejacks said:

     Good question:)

      Sideboards allow players to switch out warscrolls and or reserve points only,individual models or  wargear options would need to be swapped out using a warscroll with the desired options equiped.


    So would I need an entire unit painted up in the sideboard to swap command or would I be able to just pay the points for a unit but only have the command models?

  7. On 2/11/2017 at 8:55 PM, AgentP said:

    Meaning a unit can only have one banner person, one musician, etc.  You can't have three banner carriers in a unit.

    For a unit that has multiple banner options would I be able to take a different banner in the sideboard and just swap it or would I need to have another entire unit of them in the sideboard?

  8. should really let us pick that way I feel like I'm making my own character and not just rolling on the chart. That's one of the things I hate about 40k is having to reroof my traits and spells every game useless .

    That's exactly how I feel. Customizeing your hero is awesome. I also have plans for conversions to show what artifacts they have. Although I would be ok with rolling for the second one too

    • Like 1
  9. How would randomized artifacts work with multiple hero's? Would it be on a random hero as well because that could totally mess with my army since I'm running 5 hero's and it would suck to get a battle brew on my goblin shaman. Doesn't it say in the GH that you can choose your artifacts OR randomly roll them? Part of the fun is building an army with synergy, making units that by themselves wouldn't be considered strong better by supporting them with other units or abilities. If we randomize the artifacts or abliites it takes some of that away from us.

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  10. Thanks for the reply.


    Just one more question. If I charge with a unit of grots into combat then revealed the nasty skulkers The skulkers would attack first because of their rule. Would I then be able to nominate the next unit to attack since its my turn or would it be my opponents choice of who gets to attack?

  11. Just wanted to get some other opinions on a rule for the gitmob nasty skulkers. The rule says

    "At the sart of any combat phase you can reveal the Nasty Skulkers: set up the Nasty Skulkers within 1" of the unit that is hiding them. The Nasty Skulkers can then pile in and attack, even if it is your opponent’s turn to select a unit to attack with first"


    Does this mean they are outside the normal combat order on the turn they appear? So it I revealed them on my combat phase they would attack and then I would get to nominate a unit to attack? Also what if I revealed 2 units in the same combat phase?



    I was just wondering if anyone else has run into this and how they are playing it?

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