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Posts posted by Malaclypse

  1. Truthfully, I'm the same. Probably the reason I've sat on these so long is because I didn't want to deal with figure out the value and listing them and haggling with strangers about them. There is also the issue that one man's treasure is another's trash, which makes putting a pricetag on something seriously hard. When I ran into DasBox at Red Castle last Saturday he seemed super excited about some of what I had and suggested I look here if I wanted to part with my stash.

    I'll consider putting prices on stuff though.

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  2. Seems at least 3 people are interested in the land raider. I'm not sure how you guys usually handle sales like this. Is it okay for me to track bids in this thread, or should everything be kept private? Can I post the bids publicly but keeping the bidders private? Feedback as to the value of this stuff would be invaluable. I'm not interested in ripping anyone off, nor do I want to get ripped off.

  3. I have a bunch of old warhammer and 40k stuff in storage - I haven't played in a couple decades and have no time or interest in getting back into the hobby. Apparently some of the stuff I have is hard to get now so it was suggested to me I see if anyone local was interested in buying it.

    Links to what I have available:

    Open but still on sprews IG Chimera, unopened chaos space marines, unopened fantasy skeleton regiment:


    Landraider, Chaos space marines, custom rhino, custom predators, csm bike, daemon engine of khorne:


    Imperial guard: Cadians and Tallarn Desert Raiders, commissars, mostly still in blisters:


    Daemons, including painted greater daemon of tzeetch:


    Tzeetch sorcerer on disc, painted


    (got to go  - I'll post skaven later today)

    edit: skaven including some nicely painted ones. Also a few beastmen.


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