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Posts posted by Fixxer2

  1. Well, I’m playing it that they can because that’s how the rules stack up without explicitly saying it. 

    Chargers are declared first, that’s absolutely correct, but you still have to react to charges, roll to determine distance, then move charging units.

    This is the immediately and free moment to perform the redress ranks maneuver. This is because you can declare charges in a marching column but not move the unit until it’s in a proper formation to do so. 

    Nothing in the rules states certain maneuvers can only be taken in the remaining moves subphase. The charge move section starts with a caveat of “unless otherwise stated, a unit cannot take any maneuver besides a wheel. “ 

    I know Warhammer Ancient Battles is a different game but that’s how the rule works in that game and I cannot fathom it being different because it doesn’t specify during a charge move. 

    Everything else written around the interaction points to Drilled working the same way as WHAB. And it’s only on the most elite troops and most of the time you’re paying 1pt for model. 




  2. Manoeuvring During A Charge
    Unless stated otherwise, a charging unit cannot perform a
    turn, move backwards, move sideways, redress the ranks or
    reform manoeuvre during its charge move.

    Drilled is the UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE part. This would support the word immediately. 

    As Drilled says IMMEDIATLY before a move. A charge is still considered a move 1.3 of the phase.

    Some regiments spend endless hours training to perform
    complex manoeuvres.
    Unless it is fleeing, a Drilled unit may perform a free redress
    the ranks manoeuvre immediately before moving. Once this
    manoeuvre is complete, the unit moves as normal. In addition,
    a Drilled unit can march whilst within 8" of an enemy unit
    without first having to make a Leadership test.

    To me, its clear that drilled units can charge from a marching column with an immediate/free redress of ranks. 


  3. I don’t need 2 HH armies! Lol. 

    the heavy weapons box is missing meltas so…. 10 plasma and 10 H Flamers.

    +a sprue with some extra DA shoulder pads. 

    also one if the commanders from the starter set. 

    I also will include the Forge World Dark Angels Decal sheet. 
    *pic in second post. 

    and all in this below pic. Nos 

    LF. $250 obo. 


    • Thanks 1
  4. They come from the UK, mine are currently through customs and in CA now. Headed up to me here in WA soon, I should have them by the end of the week. I did order them about three weeks ago, just FYI.  Once they come in, I'll review their quality, but the guy seems to be good at what he does and was ahead of the game knowing that 30mms would be sought after with the release of TOW. Prices are reasonable, all things considered. 




    • Thanks 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Dark Trainer said:

    Dunno, haven't priced it (just lazy and it's sitting there). That said it's Dark elves, about 2500pts painted, and I think another 500pts of various stuff.

    • 2 hydras, 2 bolt throwers, lots of various troops, cauldron of blood, and lots more.


    One of these days i'll put it up on Rogue trader, just been lazy about posting it. 😁

    Well, I'd be interested if you dont mind PMing me whenever you're ready to sell. 

    Thank you. 

  6. Its been far too long.

    I am definitely getting my WoC and my Skaven ready for this. Just gonna make new movement trays for the bigger base sizes and get to raiding my enemies. 
    I've been scouring the internet on the rules and the army lists and am frankly impressed at what this game has become. They did a great job bringing back WHFB and I am excited to get models on the table and start trying out lists. 

    My focus will be on WoC to start, but I have a feeling the legacy armies will be widely accepted at tournaments etc... so Skaven will eventually make an appearance. Heck, if the game system does well, we could see these legacy armies getting full releases in the next couple of years, who knows.

    I hope we can get a semblance of our old WHFB group together again, that was the golden age of gaming, IME. 

    Miss Y'all!!! 

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  7. For whatever reason I cant get in my original account now. 😄 Oh well. I'll just be Fixxer2. Its been a long time since I've been on here because nobody plays Faux. Its constant GW or infinity with the Ordo crew. I mean, you post in Malifaux section about Malifaux... and we're talking Kill Team.... Nice. Really awesome stuff. It never fails. Felt like I was beating a dead horse. Its been months since I've even visited this site. 

    Here is our QR code to get into the PNW Malifaux discord. You will find players there for either IRL or Vassal matches. I hope you're still interested. 😄 




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