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Reading rules and stuff for fantasy


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Partly just putting this here so I don't completely forget about these my own self. While reading up on some of the rules and faqs I ran across a few things I'd been doing wrong or whatnots.


Dwarven ring of Thori breath weapon and AP from Runesmith, rulebook faq


"Q: Do Breath Weapons
benefit from any other special rules,
equipment or magic items? Or vice versa? (p67)
A: No to both questions."
"Q: Do special rules that can inflict hits in close combat, such as
Stomp and Breath Weapons
, count as close combat attacks?
A: No they count as an unusual attack and will be distributed

as a shooting attack"


Q: DoStomps or Thunderstomps

benefit from any other special
rules, equipment or magic items? Or vice versa? (p76)

A: No to both questions



Reforming in combat, pg55 brb


If your unit loses the combat, but does not flee, it can still attempt a combat reform.
In this case, your unit must pass a Leadership test to muster the necessary discipline to alter its formation. Note that this Leadership test is subject to any modifiers from having lost the fight, just like a Break test. If your unit is steadfast (or has the Unbreakable special rule — see page 78) the test is taken on the unit's unmodified Leadership. If the test is failed, your unit cannot make a combat reform. If the test is passed, the combat reform can be carried out as described above."

Moving characters in units, rulebook faq


Q: Can characters change position inside a unit as part of a normal
A: Yes, as long as they end up in the rank closest to the front
of the unit that has a space in. It is also worth remembering
that even if only the character moves the whole unit will count
as moving that turn. Having a belligerent officer barge his way
through the unit is not conducive to a good round of shooting!
I also always forget about flaming attacks causing Fear in Calvary and rerolling wounds against targets in buildings. Anything else that I or other people that are new to fantasy or getting back into fantasy might be missing?


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